How does a society defend itself against mass migrations? It seems that, as early as the times of Sumerians and Akkadians, if a large less civilised population decides to mass migrate into your land, you're getting screwed sooner or later. Iranics and Turkics breaking into the Middle East, Slavs spreading into the Balkans and wider EE, Germanics into Britain, etc. It seems like border control never does the trick.
How does a society defend itself against mass migrations? It seems that...
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With soldiers. All former large migrations were extremely destructive for the original people, starting from neanderthals.
This. It won’t be long before Europe falls because Merkel is letting in a bunch of mudslime sandniggers to rape and outbreed the native Europeans. I give it 10 years before Germany is 0% white 100% nigger
Reading what happened to pre-IE Europe or Roman Empire I'm becoming less and less pro-immigration. It's a complete nonsense that the original population can't be replaced, most of it definitely can be replaced.
It's time for another replacement. R1b were the masters of Western Europe for too long.
It's going to take more than 10 years, but less than 100 certainly. If it makes you feel better the majority of young people in America aren't white either. It's interesting to note, I don't think any other civilizations in history have ever willingly replaced themselves.
I've never understood why people make the argument we need positive population growth, for one thing one of the reasons we can't mechanize and automate so many jobs is because people need the source of income, and for another so many people are unemployed anyway. Seems silly to want workers for jobs that don't need to be done by humans at all, and of which there are too few.
Well, Indo-Europeans created an advanced civilization some 3000 years after their initial invasion. Look at the bright side.
in the old days there was no "immigration" only invasion.
Are you German? Swedish perhaps? Normal countries have borders that are actually patrolled and guarded.
Make sure your culture is strong and civilized enough to attain the label of high culture make those migrating nignogs ashamed of their native culture and acculturate.
t. Imperial China
A lot of migrating peoples actually had permission to settle from the local ruler.
From the examples that come to mind it was less about wiping out or denying a migration and more mitigating or controlling it. The one major success story I can think of is Caesar catching the Helvetii or whoever it was that migrated in, beating them, telling them to go back to settle on the Swiss frontier.
Other times migration was welcome insofar as you could assert control because of population being far less of a guarantee - Egypt levied forced migration of Canaanites during the New Kingdom into Egypt to help bolster population, Assyria's population transfers were as much to curtail rebellion as to help bolster population in population low areas.
Don't take me for being an apologist, I think Merkel is a monster and Europe is on the path to a century of bloodshed and suffering. We're looking at a Syria civil war style scenario in Germany before 2099 AD.
It's amazing because never before has a civilization been more capable of driving off foreign migration, literally all we have to do is shoot them. Yet we lack the will.
>drive them off
>local populous still refuses to have children
>social fabric breaks down as you're unable to fill basic roles of society
>everyone dies
>foreigners come and claim what remains
solid plan
They survived the black plague, I think they'll be able to survive a slight dip in the birthrate without utterly collapsing and dying off just fine.
killing the jews
Because the elites wants you to be dependent on them (see welfare). You can't have a welfare state unless you have new people paying into it since it is a ponzi scheme, therefore they make the argument that in order to keep up welfareyou need to take in unskilled muslims that will never work a day in their life in order to pay for your pension.
>I don't think any other civilizations in history have ever willingly replaced themselves.
the Brazilian natives were pretty accepting of the Portuguese, doe they weren't a civilization
This is too depressing. Can someone give an optimistic, yet realistic, prediction for the future of whites?
>slight dip in the birthrate
more like a fucking crash
>look mom i did it again!
This, the Chinese equivalent of the migrations into the Roman Empire actively assimilated into Chinese identity even when they became the ruling classes of northern China.
You cant force to ''aculturate'' a 60 IQ Nigger.
I think it will take more than 10 years.
realistically it will probably be in the next 200 years, which is extremely fast all things considered.
200 years to have 0 ethnic Germans living within what used to be Germany.
The chinese are trying to remove "black brothers" because they do not integrate.
How many levels of detachment of reality are you on? You REALLY think Europe will fall because of the mudslimes and Europeans demographics will fall until near total repalcement?
How old are you Better yet how is this Veeky Forums?
Every population projection supports the consensus whites are going the way of the dodo.
Europe probably won't fall because it has a very strong infrastructure but it won't be Europe anymore, it will change and for the worst
You mean hunted by sailors?
No that type of demographic transition you autists sperg about is literally impossible. The only times it did happened in the past wasn't even remotely close to the "scenario" in Europe.
Not him but it happened in Kosovo.
>is literally impossible
the US? Western Europe is still in an early stage but it'll get there, London is already minority Ethnic English, don't see why you think it's so hard
>all these statistics cited
slow down guys, i can only read so fast
>USA in 1950 - 90% white
>USA in 2018 - 56% white and getting lower
>USA in 1950 - 90% of mutts claim to be white
>USA in 2018 - 44% of mutts admit what they are, and the levels of honesty keep rising
they had fallen to almost 70% white and had to let in a Europeans which birthed the Irish Mob and the Mafia
>No that type of demographic transition you autists sperg about is literally impossible.
The overwhelming majority of white people have few or no children. This wasn't the case historically. Combined this with the fact other groups have many children AND that white people are a minority in America, and Germany among the young population and you're set for a severe demographic shift in only 1 or 2 generations that is only going to get more severe as time goes on.
It's ironic really, everyone complains about boomers ruining the world but once they finally die not only will a huge chunk of the white "majority" vanish overnight they're also the only ones who voted in their own interests. The leftist victory is going to hit so hard and so fast they won't have time to realize how badly they fucked up.
>Sense of shame
Have you seen their culture m8?
It boils down to mathematically triangulating the exact position of dignity, turning 360 degrees and moonwalking in the opposite direction.
>The invention of birth control and women's lib was more deleterious to the population of Europe than the Bubonic fucking Plague.
Really activated my almonds with your implied implications there.
>London is already minority Ethnic English
London always was minority English due to its status as the capital alongside the hyper conversational prevalent in the UK.
>The overwhelming majority of white people have few or no children.
The still have them though.
>that white people are a minority in America
No that's pretty wrong.
>Combined this with the fact other groups have many children
Compositely varies by group user and in developed countries their families drop in fertility rate past the first gen. That has been documented nearly everywhere.
"Whites" were never the majority in the world just as a heads up.
it only happened few times in history.
>what is automation.
There is literally no problem with current european birthrates.
Bringing in hordes of unskilled workers now is just horrifyingly short sighted.
>London always was minority English
Even in the 17th century?
Who the fuck was living there?
The other guy is just a retard who is making up stuff so he doesn't have to face the problems. Even if his daughter was raped by immigrants in front of him he would refuse to acknowledge that there is indeed a problem
stop pretending to be retarded
>No that's pretty wrong.
What's wrong is your reading comprehension, white people are a minority in America among the youth is what you're replying to, in a disingenuous selective retarded way - - and it's a fact easily confirmed with 2 seconds on Google.
And those babies are going to grow up, and's exponential you see.
>weren't a civilization
Some were.
You're forgetting many nonwhites will mix with whites and already mixing with whites. Everyone will be mixed there will be less 'whites' but also less 'blacks', 'latinos' etc.
One must first defeat the Jews.
Comrade Zuma !=Comrade Otgonbayar
Why is it so hard for you /leftypol/fags to just be honest? We all know you want whites genocied, we all know it’s happening. Stop trying to pretend otherwise and just own up to it. You’re not fooling anybody.
>go ahead and ban me you commie scum janitors
>women's liberation
Literal koolaid sold to them for the same reason they promote mass immigration, it was just a way to get more drones into the ponzi scheme.
>"measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men."
>local populous still refuses to have children
What if we don't need? Natural process. Niggers are absolutely useless in the whole scheme.
Because The Scottish, Irish, Welsh (British) among other European immigrant groups existed in London.
There were more Welsh, Irish and Scottish than English in London in the 1600s? Stick to spreading your shit back on /leftypol/.
There's no such thing as white genocide. It's literally just them choosing to have less kids. Is there a Japanese genocide too?
Why should I give a damn what kind of people mixed together and live in a world hundreds of years in the future?
Japanese are over 95% of Japan. The percentage of English, French, German and most other Western European ethnicities are dropping rapidly in their native homelands. And America has gone from over 95% white to 55% in less than a hundred years. Stop denying what’s right in front of everyone’s eyes. You are not fooling anybody except maybe your own deluded mind. This is what communists have wanted and been working towards all their lives and now that it’s here you have the gall to deny it. You disgust me.
How is that genocide?
Those peoples are made up of immigrants to. What do you think this thread was supposed to be about
Open borders is a human right. No one has objective claim to any piece of dirt over anyone else.
White people are overrated. There I said it.
Ok I will respect your opinion if you can admit, that based on your criteria for 'genocide', you will admit native americans were also genocided.
payback for colonization bitch. I love your tears
>Ill take things leftists say for 500 Alex
Wrong actually since they died of diseases due to their weak immune system. Their problem not ours.
Not talking about disease, what occurred afterwards. Also the 'their problem not ours' also applies to white's having less children. So by your own criteria your disproved white genocide.
culteral marxists from the frankfurt school are the ones who brainwashed people into having less children.
>Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part ; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
Sorry my ancestors gave your ancestors indoor plumbing, education and medicine.
So same as now
la creatura..
Population growth creates more consumers