Is Protestantism more true to scripture?

it would seem that Protestantism is more true to scripture as it allows you to make your own interpretation of the word and allow you decide how to implement it in your life and thus make you the ultimate arbiter of your soul instead of depending on some worldly order or interpretation. Also, the Catholic worship of their saints seems pagan and reminiscent of the golden calf that god smited for being false. By all means prove me wrong if I am

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Yes it is more true to scripture, but keep in mind that the Catholics and the Orthodox don't even care about that kind of thing, they have Tradition so in their eyes deviating from scripture is okay as long as it follows the Tradition.

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We don't make our own interpretations, the Bible interprets itself. The Holy Spirit guides you when you read the scripture and God reveals things that you've never realized before, even after 30 years of studying scripture.

And yes, Roman Catholicism is just a revival of the ancient crypto-pagan Babylonian religion. All the Reformers knew this.

No wonder they banned the Bible - if people started reading scripture for themselves they'd realize that the Papacy is the Antichrist.

that makes no sense as religion

Thank you, it also seems the Catholics actually reflect the Pharisees in that they are all about image and prestige with the popess gold guilded cathedrals and arbitrary rituals that add nothing to one's spiritual relationship with God, and their strict emphasis on traditions being upheld.Like I would think Jesus would be displeased with how they conduct themselves, and this isn't to say that the megachurch protestant pastures don't do this but they are a minority in the Protestant religion.

They often like to post this meme, which is a pretty big giveaway of the faults of their religion. What should be as simple as repenting, being baptized, and loving God is instead turned into this giant labyrinth, and (quite conveniently for them) the only people capable of guiding you through that maze is an ordained priest. It's no wonder that as soon as people could read the Bible for themselves they called bullshit on that.

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Thanks, i love this community. living in Hicksville, Canada there aren't a lot of people I could talk with about these things

That's how you got over 9000 denominations.

The 9000 denominations happened soon after the printing press came into being. The only way the Catholic Church was able to retain its dominance for so long was by withholding the access to the Bible from the people and killing off anyone who disagreed with their teachings, and even then they couldn't stop the Orthodox split from them.

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But how does a movement that claims guidance from the Holy Spirit get so fragmented and contradictory?

Only our special church is guided. Everyone else out there is a heretic. The same thing the Catholics say.

We're still only people, and people make mistakes.

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> we're guided by the holy spirit except when we aren't

No one is guided by the Holy Spirit 100% of the time.

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Because you don't understand what a 'Church' with a capital C is.

Church is the invisible Body of Christ - it makes up all true believers. church with a lower 'c' is just a building, a local place where believers commune with each other.

The Church encompasses many denominations, I'm sure there are plenty of genuine Catholic believers who really are saved. But they are saved by Grace, not by their traditions or rituals.

Likewise, you making a big deal out of 9000 Protestant denoms. means nothing when they all agree on the fundamental doctrines (virgin birth, resurrection, Jesus is God, grace by faith, etc).
The differences between these congregations are minor. Your salvation doesn't depend on whether you believe in post-trib or pre-trib, or whether you believe in biblical creation or theistic evolution.

Why does that one with the book look female?

No version of Christainity is true to Scripture. If it was, they wouldn't be Christian, what with the whole "Messiah is not God" thing written into the Old Testament to be completely thrown out by the New.

>the whole "Messiah is not God" thing written into the Old Testament


For theistic evolution to work, you have to reject bible literalism, and if you start doubting Adam and Eve and the Flood, what's going to stop you from questioning the virgin birth or the resurrection?

Unless you are Joseph >.>

>you have to reject bible literalism
How so?

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>Your salvation doesn't depend on whether you believe in post-trib or pre-trib
Pre-trib is a blatant heresy. Dispensationalism implies God fucked up by not foreseeing the Jews' rejection of Jesus, so he ass-pulled a different plan for Israel and the church. How can a real Christian honestly believe in that and be saved?

>it would seem that muh feels is more true to math as it allows you to make your own interpretation of the calculations and allow you decide how to calculate in your life and thus make you the ultimate arbiter of your derivations instead of depending on some math instruction or mathematician

Truth is truth. What you want it to be is irrelevant.

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