Can we a Korean thread?
History of Korea
Not going to post much, but behold. The greatest hero of Korea.
>got cucked by the court at every turn and still kept on trucking
It's funny how our national hero is so greatly venerated for his managing to overcome the single greatest threat to Koreans: other Koreans. Sure, you could argue that the Japanese or Chinese or Yanks or any other regional power of the century is the reason for our being relegated to history's appendix, but the main reason those other riceniggers/burgerniggers/steppeniggers/etc. always managed to catch us with our pants down is because we've always got our pants down, and that's because we're always fucking ourselves or finding new and dreary ways to fuck ourselves.
Korean history, along with Mexican history funny enough, is a great primer on what not to do to ensure national stability. Lesson #1 and the foundation for every subsequent lesson: don't trust the elite and slap their shit at full throttle when they try to chimp out, which will be often.
His legacy would have been greater if the corrupt Korean bureaucracy didn't fuck it up. He was the only one who could use the turtle ships properly in battle yet some political assholes keep trying to get him executed for "Treason"
Why are Koreans so autistic about Confucianism?
To be fair this is verbatim Russian history as well
Autism and a desperate need to outdo the chinese.
Fun fact - when Korea first became buddhist the king of Kogeuryo "discovered" some buddhist ruins that "proved" that Korea had actually been buddhist centuries before china
>"discovered" some buddhist ruins that "proved" that Korea had actually been buddhist centuries before china
Lel who knew that Koreans outdoing the Chinese was an ancient custom of the Korean peoples
Are the Korean wewuzzing memes true?
They've spent their entire history being owned by a far more powerful nation, then taking credit for their accomplishments after the next nation rolls over them.
Korea failed to modernised because of how large the joseon's grip on society that intellectuals were killed
>ywn see a timeline where Japan and Korea tag teams in taking China
>Japan and Korea tag teams in taking China
That already happened before, and they still failed.
as in
Yi-Yamato Tag Team
East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere got memed too hard for it to happen. Maybe if China's Five Races worked then we'd see something similar, but as it stands this timeline's too botched for the Yayoi-Yamato brotherhood meme. Who knows though, if Japan can successfully change the name of the JSDF to the Japanese Army or something and/or America stops being a relevant influence/power-broker in the region, Korea and Japan could very well form a bloc. Lord knows we're already some of the biggest weebs on the mainland, I visit Japan every summer and many of my friends speak fluent Japanese. Much more likely though is that China will relax its traditional stance on regional affairs and Asia goes back to everyone dicking around in their own countries and officially leaving each other alone while all of the young people tour around and be young people.
>change the name of the JSDF to the Japanese Army
Japan has had one of the strongest militaries in Asia since like the 80s, and the 2nd strongest Navy in Asia behind America. It doesn't matter what it calls itself. Israel's military is call the Defense Force.
And Korea is too autistic for any alliance with Japan. Korea still has laws against Japanese language on TV or radio, and outlaws any media that shows Japanese culture in a positive light, American movies have to change the subs/dubs if there is a Japanese character when they go to Korea. And until the 90s Japanese good were outlawed in Korea, so Korean companies bought the rights to Japanese good in Korea, and now you have Koreans screaming Japan stole their snacks, manga, or game ideas. Almost every Korean person I've talked to says they don't care about the money (which Korea got) but they just want an apology (which Japan has done tons of times, but the Korean media never reports, because why should they).
All of this has left a bad taste in Koreans mouth and has halted in real mending in relationships between the two countries. Despite them being defacto allies, and partners by way of the US. Their enemies and are the same. Japan and Korea even hold military drills occasionally, but I think its because of the US.
You still seem to don't understand nowadays the "burden" of unified East Asia(aka Nu East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, aka Co-Prosperity Sinosphere) is still laid on the shoulder of CHINA, just like back then, not Japan, certainly not Korea, your balls are still firmly held by America.
Also "WE"(as China, Korea and Japan...mainly) ALL need to start breeding, otherwise we're all fucked in the future anyway.
It's time to blanda upp.
populations are declining in the first world, because of the pressures of modern societies. The West is trying to import blacks and third worlders.
Just let the population rise or decline naturally. After a generation there will be more land, more opportunities and people will fuck again, like they always do when the pop goes down.
>uniting under China
>muh muh America
oh noes, full autonomy and self determination with a military base at your door step in case someone tries to invade.
Yeah totally fuck that, join up with the benevolent Chinese, because muh yellow pride or whatever. Dumbest mistake they could make.
Any Asian alliance would be formed to safe guard themselves against China.
Damn, just like the Mormons.
Well, Taiwan will end up joining mainland China anyway,
>t. armchair stratagest
Korea has for nearly it's entire history been in China's sphere. Only one that's ever tried to be independent has been Japan (and Vietnam)
your posts are incredibly inaccurate. korea has always remained independent from china and china had relied on korea far more during the imjin wars and again during mao's revolution. china was even owned by the japanese in ww2. china has an entire history of being a paper tiger with little to show for their relatively large land mass and resources when it comes to the east asian sphere
>asian battle meme numbers
>an argument
read the post. without korea, china would've been long gone during the imjin war. the reason the war even took place was because an envoy of incompetent chinese pissed off hideyoshi by asking him for tribute. hideyoshi wanted a route to beijing which korea refused
>thats a nice 300k stack u got there
>be a shame if i totally destroy this dam holding back all this water
the absolute madman
[Citations needed]
Koreans truly are delusional,even your primary sources thank the Ming Emperor for saving the Joseon dynasty from the brink of disaster.
Korean standing armies of that time period were utterly useless when compared to their Ming or Japanese counterparts.
put down the opium, yang. every crucial battle in the imjin war was won by korea. the ming took bribes and retreated at every possible turn. chinese warships weren't even on par to japanese warships at the time, nevermind korean warships which were far superior to both. it's pretty well known that korea had better technology and craftsmenship. china didn't even have cannons
Just like the US relied on the powerful South Korean army (which can btfo the US military if it wanted) to keep its power in asia ever since the 50s, right?
My 9th grade Korean American classmate told me that in his language arts class presentation so it must be accurate.
the presence of US forces in korea was to allow the south korean government to keep their power and in effect allow the US to project nuclear power in asia. china never had that sort of influence or power projection. the korean war was just a large-scale civil war where both sides including the US and china had interests at stake. but US and china's involvement wasn't necessary as far as the existence of korea was concerned
>every crucial battle in the imjin war was won by korea.
t. Kim
The Koreans lost the majority of their lands within the span of three months. While King Seonjo was groveling in Uiju the Ming expeditionary force caused the Japanese to abandon Pyongyang,Kaesong and Hanseong out of sheer momentum. Not to mention it was the Ming that stymied the Japanese advance during the Battle of Jiksan.
>chinese warships weren't even on par to japanese warships at the time, nevermind korean warships which were far superior to both.
Retard,the Japanese were noted to have worst ships and marines out of the three belligerents.
>china didn't even have cannons
What are you smoking?
Meant to quote
Pick one, Kim
>Korea is a bitch country that relies on China for protection, """prestige""", as well as cultural and technological advancement for centuries. Then gets raped by islandnigger Japs, then becomes America's bitch, can't even unify with their help
Cuck status: checked
>Korea stronk, can btfo both China and Japan, but for some reason saw China as its master and paid tribute for centuries. Also never expand its core territory
Cuck status: checked
Or like said
>Korea not only stronk, but also loyal. Reserve its finest to defend the Chinese border with war leadership given to Ming Dynasty, while leaving the peninsula to be raped by Japs.
Cuck status: checked
Looks like you should just make peace with the nature of your people, Kim. There's simply no way out
meanwhile the japanese took the entire manchuria in 5 months. in 1 month they took shanghai and beijing. meanwhile puyi groveled to the league of nations
the japanese abandoned pyongyang because they were low on supplies because korea cut them off. korea told the ming general to attack the japanese while they were weak and low on supplies but the ming refused because chinks are weaklings
ming ships were smaller than japanese ships and were made out of thin wood
china didn't have cannons on their ships
again, chang, you have literally no clue what you're arguing about
And what happened to Gogureo before and after? You must know it right? Who was the major supporter of "Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea"? And helped you getting rid of Japan? Your modern little Korea nationalism won't change anything in big picture actually, you ungrateful little gook.
chinks are notoriously ungrateful and self-centered when it comes to asia. nigger, if korea hadn't repelled much of japan's navy from landing on the continent then what do you think would've happened to china. the imjin war was china's fault and hideyoshi asked korea to help him invade china
>ming ships were smaller than japanese ships and were made out of thin wood
>china didn't have cannons on their ships
No, Kim you have no ideal what you're arguing about.
When China warships already equipped cannons, your little Korea ships were still just using fire arrows, and your battle ships were mainly modified from Chinese ships as well. The battleships Ming sent to help you in Imjin war was mainly 福船, and the biggest type of it is bigger than all Korean and Japanese ships. pic here is the biggest and most heavily armed type of 福船.
Revising history may make you feel good and it won't do any good in the end.
I'm not that user
Is this the state of history education in Korea or are you just exceptionally delusional?
Yes, you're ungrateful like typical Korean mindless ultra-nationalist, probably revisionist as well. But I know not every Korean is like you fortunately. Pic related
>ming ships were smaller than japanese ships and were made out of thin wood
>china didn't have cannons on their ships
No, Kim, it's you have no ideal what you're arguing about.
When Chinese warships already equipped cannons, your little Korea ships were still just using fire arrows, and your battle ships were mainly modified from Chinese ships as well. The battleships Ming sent to help you in Imjin war was mainly 福船, and the biggest type of it is bigger than all Korean and Japanese ships. Pic here is the biggest and most heavily armed type of 福船.
Revising history may make you feel good but it won't do you any good in the end. You're the very proof of it.
I'm not that user btw.
>Hideyoshi committed himself to the conquest of China, but before he could proceed he needed Choson’s cooperation, or at least, its acquiescence. The Korean peninsula was a literal stepping-stone to China, an avenue that led figuratively to the gates of Beijing. After some diplomatic exchanges, Hideyoshi sent a letter to Choson’s King Sonjo that requested free passage for Japanese troops en route to China
why are you even attempting to argue over a subject you share no knowledge in. chinese ships didn't play any part in the outcome of the war. they were inferior by all measures which makes the claim that the turtleships were 'mainly modified from Chinese ships' all the more stupider because the entire structural build of the turtleships were far superior to chinese ships and were made out of sturdy pine and oak wood and wood pegs. chinese ships were made of flimsy planks held together with melted down pig iron. they couldn't withstand the recoil from firing cannons on board. stop with your petty revisionism
>Revising history may make you feel good but it won't do you any good in the end. You're the very proof of it
Looks like you're equally butthurt
facts aren't about feelings. those chinks need to know the truth
Having lived there for two years, yes they we wuz constantly
>Korea has for nearly it's entire history been in China's sphere.
>therefore Korea should give up its autonomy and submit to China's heavy hand
gee whiz, thanks professor Zhang. I was totally wrong. Korea is totally dumb for securing its own interests and self determination, and remain in the US sphere, they should totally follow the PRC. Because what's worse, not following history and being allied to a western power, or becoming a Chinese province and getting fucked over in a second.
>becoming a ching-chong province
>or becoming a burger province
Your options are shit.
Yeah because Korea is totally a US state now. Or maybe America is just waiting another 50 years to make their move.
Your ass is de facto owned by them.
I think that Korea was a little butthurt that most of their early history was being China's bitch. Also Japan is the worst because despite their insistence of being a special race, they are largely Chinese / Korean people's, who exterminated most of the actual Japanese(I.e. ainu)
wrong. see pic militarily, china was always getting btfo by korea and japan, even though china always had the advantage in numbers. china can't into warfare
Their land was given to them by Amaterasu Omikami. Also while the Yayoi were mainlanders, the Yamato people are obviously a mix.
Ainu aren't the "actual Japanese" because the every state, Na, Yamatai, Yamato/Daiwa, Nippon/Japan were all named for the ethnic Yamato people and not the Ainu/Emishi/Yezo.
Who was in the wrong here?
>meanwhile the japanese took the entire manchuria in 5 months. in 1 month they took shanghai and beijing. meanwhile puyi groveled to the league of nations
Resorting to strawmen are we? What does the Japanese colonization of Manchuria have to do with the Imjin War?
>the japanese abandoned pyongyang because they were low on supplies because korea cut them off.
They were evicted by force,otherwise we wouldn't have the Siege of Pyongyang.
> korea told the ming general to attack the japanese while they were weak and low on supplies but the ming refused because chinks are weaklings
Ming actually had a worse time dealing with logistics as well as less troops overall. Furthermore,the Battle of Byeokjegwan wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Korean misinformation on enemy combatants.
>ming ships were smaller than japanese ships and were made out of thin wood
Citation needed. Only the flat bottomed Sha Chuan was smaller, the Fu Chuan from was vastly superior anything Japanese had to offer.
>china didn't have cannons on their ships
I know Gooks have a penchant for distorting history but this is a new low. Go through any Late Ming military manual and tell me that the Chinese did not use shipborne artillery.
See this? This is another type of 福船, smaller one. Doesn't it look a bit familiar?
Now this is Korean 板屋船, the major Korean warship in Imjin war, also the basis of 龜甲船.
Here is another type of Chinese warship, 海鶻船.
Doesn't the basic structure look a bit familiar as well?
What are you even trying to argue?
I've already addressed that the Ming(as well as the Japanese) were mainly using using transport boats such as the 沙船. Proper warships such as the various 福船 or 廣船 weren't deployed in significant numbers.
I put them together. Left and middle are Chinese, right is Korean.
Do you know what are those statue and stele about? No, right? It's actually really was made by a Korean named "Kim"(金周顯)
Are there really any south east asian on this board, and site overall?