>Soviet Union only outlived Nazi Germany 46 years
Really makes you think
>Soviet Union only outlived Nazi Germany 46 years
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
>the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland is less than 100 years old
without the ''world against nazis'' soviet union would have collapsed after WW2. They needed a strong cult leader so the western intellectuals could worship without being accused of anti-semitism
>The other has to be stopped in total war to collapse, and the other collapses on itself
>A tread died for this
Really makes you think
Oh shut the fuck up, krautnigger. Germanay would have collapsed, autistic economy of Fritzez was even more unsustainable than Soviet communism.
Face it, Slavs are superior to Germniggers.
Stop LARPing as a Slav you Jewish Polack. Real Slavs don't love the shitty Churka Sovok, we preferred Hitler.
Speak for yourself.
I'm a Slav so surely I represent Slavs more than some cutcock from Poland.
>that disgusting post
Why would slavs prefer hitler when he planned to exterminate slavic people?
No, you Stop Larping you fucktarded nigger. Slavs hate krautniggers, and its a fact. I am not even polish, you brainlet.
Slavs that support Nazism are low IQ brainlets, Der Untermensch.
Slavs that support the Soviets and Stalin are redpilled. Stalin is the savior of the Slavic people, every Slavic town square should erect a statue in homage to comrade Stalin.
Literally google Generalplan Ost, if the various anti-Slavic Nazi policies aren't enough. 90% of Slavs would have been killed, 5% sent to bumfuck Siberia, and 5% Germanized.
Because he didn't. Poles are not Slavs. Even yesterday there was a Pole on here admitting his DNA test actually showed Jewish ancestry he wasn't aware of.
Stalin was lucky that Hitler existed so he looks better in comparison.
They shouldn't have Germanized them, they should've killed them all. I 100% support killing all Poles, they're not Slavic but Jewish, Hitler and Bandera did nothing wrong.
>5 zloty shekels have been deposited into your account
>pest control
What exactly is the benefit of Poland existing? They harbored the Jews and bred with them for 700 years, and started World War 2. The planet would be better off if they no longer existed.
>polish flag
> What exactly is the benefit of Poland existing?
Poland is the last bastion of the white race.
Most Jews are Germans you fucking moron.
Lenin and Marx where both Germans. Rothschilds where Germans as well.
Germans are the real subhumans
>Jews are white
Sure thing Moishe
>Lenin was Jewish
>Lenin was German
He was neither of those things.
I don't know about the Rothschilds, but Marx didn't have one drop of German blood. He was fully Jewish on both mother's and father's side.
What was he then
Marx was one hundred percent genetically German.
Jews back then had already interbreed into the local population for over 1000 years.
Germans like to blame the Jews because they are the cancer of the planet, and like to make it look like someone else did it.
Russian. He only had one Jewish grandparent which wouldn’t have even made him a Jew under Nazi racial laws.
>Marx was one hundred percent genetically German.
>Chuvash-Kalmyk father
>German-Swedish-Jewish mother
He didn't have a drop of Russian blood in him.
Born 5 May 1818
Trier, Kingdom of Prussia
I was born in Panama, I guess I'm a spic now even though I'm Slavic.
Where you born in 1818? Or where you born in the area of extreme population exchanges.
Probably a German being that stupid
What is there to think on, what are you implying?
You do realise that the Soviets existed for almost six times longer than the Nazis, right?
National Socialist Germany: 12 years
Soviet union: 69 years
You're a fucking idiot. Marx was ethnically Jewish and it doesn't matter where he was born. "Ashkenazi Jews are just converted Germans/Slavs/Turks" is a meme not rooted in reality, designed to whitewash Jewish crimes and their genetic predisposition to criminal behavior.
Any culture that you can just convert into and out of is not a real culture.
Stop confusing religion with culture.
Take a gander at the pic I just posted, you uneducated idiot.
Irrelevant. Jews are a GENETIC group.
From what? Made up science.
That shit is obviously fake as fuck, no sources or describing what people it is sampling.
Fucktards believe way too much in fake genetic science
>genetics are not real!
Sure thing Schlomo.
Fake info graphics make me right.
>everything I don't like is le fake news
Show me a single genetic study where Ashkenazis cluster with Germans. It doesn't exist.
How the fuck do those countries still cluster together with hundreds of years of migration?
Precisely because of that you idiot.
German, French, and English don't overlap extensively like they should.
Makes total sense
ussr lasted 73 years
3rd reich lasted 12 years
that's 61 years friend
>I don't know what the world outlived means
>lend from western bankers and corporations
what a low iq post
youre confusing math with meth again trotsky
>not hitler
Stfu, he was right you Stormnigger. NSDAP was entirely financed by western nations.
Marx was entirely German, you dumb fucktarded nigger.
Poles are Not Jews, you Krautnigger fucktard.
I 100% Support slaughtering Krautniggers, and ethnically replacin them with Brown people/Arabs and Turks.
Shitler did everything wrong, and admitted that Slavs are the master race.
[citation needed]
Amen brother
Top kek
and america only outlived it by 20
And that's a good thing
Underrated. The 1965 Immigration Act was the death of the US.
this. they only had power for 4 years and now theyre near irrelevant. lamo
The fuck are you talking about you dumb nigger? US is still the worlds biggest and only Superpower, you dumb fuck.
I know what it means, but I was assuming he meant it as "lasted longer" since it doesn't make sense to measure sucess of a country by how long it lasted after the fall of another country if time existing=success.