>Mfw holocaust denying Nazis call themselves "holocaust revisionists".
Why do /Pol/acks think that calling themselves anything other than a denier will even sell their Nazi propaganda?
>Mfw holocaust denying Nazis call themselves "holocaust revisionists".
Why do /Pol/acks think that calling themselves anything other than a denier will even sell their Nazi propaganda?
Because it's propaganda
Shit thread btw, sage
xD it's okay to shit up a board when it fits my political narrative
Who funded ISIS in Syria? Was it Iran?
Which countries enabled ISIS to enslave women and children and also murder them indiscriminately?
who is expusing palestines of their homeland even childrens ?
who is the only one benefiting from the iraq and syria war when million died and usa thrwo trillions of dollars to the trash?
Department of Defense contractors
Wrong, US-Israeli relations have become more strained since the 2001, with public opinion of Israelis dropping and sympathy for Palestine increasing.
Ding Ding Ding
Namefag is actually correct
Also ideologues that keep on getting elected
>implying Nazis are the only people who deny the holocaust
t. Saudi
Amazing how Nazis still try to deny the 20 million. /pol/ should by shut down for their disgusting hate speech and insults towards the 30 million dead Chosen. And yet, even after 40 million were Holocausted in the masturbation machines, including my own grandfather, they still won't provide military aid and reparations to Israel. Absolutely disgusting.
lmaoing at people that dont believe six million jews were gassed and turned into lampshades.
>Look mom I'm such a humanitarian, let's just gas the jews though
>Hitler was a good boy, he didnt do nuffing
>If you don't believe in the 20 million you are literally Hitler!
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
>If I superinflate the number and claim it as my enemy's beliefs it'll surely get (((them)))
t. Every 14yo stormnigger
How dare these Nazis question the authenticity of the masturbation machines!!
It got my guard down long enough to question it and now I have very serious doubts about the holocau$t story
So it works
t. Nazis pretending to be Jews to convince other brainlet that 6m never died