How did the Portuguese convert the kingdom of the Kongo to Christianity

How did the Portuguese convert the kingdom of the Kongo to Christianity

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>how do you convince blacks of anything?
Promise them gibs.

You have to go back

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King nigger was enamorated with catholicism ever since the first portuguese arrived there
>D. John II sent Diogo Cão, in the year 1485, on yet another sea expedition that went to the estuary of the river Zaire. Instructed to establish peaceful contacts and accompanied by interpreters who are knowledgeable in African languages, the envoys of the Portuguese king learned of the royal city in the interior of the continent and sent emissaries there. As they delayed to return, retained in the Congolese court by the curiosity that aroused what they counted, the Portuguese ships, refusing to wait, sailed without them, taking some hostages (peacefully exchanged hostages mind you). In Portugal these were treated as friends and learned a little of the customs, religion and language of the kingdom. As promised, a new expedition brought back the captured Congolese, now "ladinos", along with an embassy and gifts for the mani congo, widely rejoiced return.

>It so happens to be true though trading and diplomacy can you guess what was mostly given by the kongolese as form of payment :D

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The organization known in German as Der gruppen die Einsatz, was of purely an anti partisan persuasion.

Yes I am

Based Lusitanian.

And look at the Kingdom of Kongo now. Wait it doesn't exist anymore lol. Japan dodged a bullet there.

>It doesn't have anything to do with the race of the inhabitants of Congo and Japan

It all started when some autists wanted to go to india and so they did but in their path their they left their mark in many places one of these places was congo and there specifically they established trade with the locals as portugal was also expanding into south america a large workforce was needed as it so happens congo had all that portugal needed they traded people not sure if their own or local tribes/kingdoms in exchange for whatever resources portugal had not sure quite what but at this moment portugal was already a global empire most like random spices form india as resut of this healthy trade whoever ruled congo decided to align more with portugal and this pretty much is where Catholicism comes in there were alot of missionaries on the boats to brazil some stayed there to spread the faith
thank you friend i wish many dark skin qts to you

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You mean to Catholicism.

>hey "king" look at all this technology we have, convert to Christianity and we'll let you trade that stone axe for some muskets. You'll be able to be hegemon of the region. Also, give the church some land which will be under the stewardship of the Portuguese crown of course.

>white arms
So you are saying...

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>Became one of the provinces in a Angola unified by the portuguese, and one of the states with most potential in africa with even a space exploration program
I do grant that it is not hard to be the best considering the other african countries desu

thats basically european history for 1000 years

this book OP

this is also by thornton, an article called Afro-Christian Syncretism in the Kingdom of Kongo. it is around 20 pages of reading

The Kongo had iron dumbass

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And this is why I come to Veeky Forums.

np. if you're interested further look at the chapter written by thornton in this essay book, free dl here

Mvemba A nazhinga converted changed his name to Alfonso and used his influence to create a bunch of Christian art work this happened after his father João I of Kongo took an interest in Portuguese culture and sent his son to become a preist

The kingdom of Kongo is dead and thee Angolan state is self serving mockery of governance with no basis in history.

>and one of the states with most potential in africa with even a space exploration program

Big whoop Ghana has a space program and Ethiopia too. India does as well.

Thornton is an Afrocentrist and a cultural marxist, I will never take anything he wrote seriously.

>cultural marxist
if you unironically believe in cultural marxism you need to be shot

Ok, but still, he is an Afrocentrist.

King Afonso imprisoned his own mother for refusing to become Catholic


no he isn't wtf are you talking about? there's a difference between being a historian who studies africa and subscribing to the ideology of afrocentrism.

Thornton is an Afrocentrist, he even said that Africans(specifically Angolan) were superior military to European.

Just like Basil Davidson, he is an Afrocentrist not able to accept the truth of Africa's backwardness.

India as enough resources both material and human to put whole of africa in a pocket, Delhi university is really quite good it seems, there is no african to compete with it at least
>The kingdom of Kongo is dead and thee Angolan state is self serving mockery of governance with no basis in history.
I know, but if they get their shit together and at the very least depose that terrorist mafia that is now in charge they would legitimatly be a regional power

>he even said that Africans(specifically Angolan) were superior military to European.
where are you quoting this from?
>he is an Afrocentrist not able to accept the truth of Africa's backwardness.
The problem is you're ascribing to them sinister motives when the most plausible scenario--assuming you can even prove this-- is that their concentration on african subject matter likely inclines them to investigate african motives and reactions at the expense of european ones. The relative lack of african sources and reliance on anthropology, oral history and ethnography might give an end result that overplays african's role in african history (an ironic conclusion) when it was europeans who were the movers and shakers of the atlantic economy. But that is a historiographical debate that has been going on since the 1960s and one that thornton and davidson were engaged in. its a debate that is not entirely settled yet either.

does anyone know if this city was entirely built by the Congolese?
the architecture looks rather European. perhaps Portuguese architects help create it?

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The kingdom of the Kongo and the empires of Benin had been trading with Portugal for some time and were on amicable terms with them. Some of the nobles found Christianity appealing and with the help of missionaries, converted.

The kingdom of Japan doesn't exist either. What's your point?

Shock and awe

Some strangers from a distant land show up in force with neat clothing, gunpowder that shatters any fort you might have had, and speak of a mighty sky-god who sides with those who believe in him. Fuck yeah you're gonna listen to em. The nobility kind of followed the royalty after conversion, but it wasn't until a large scale civil war broke out that led to the Christian side winning thanks to divine providence. They had some Portuguese guns but not nearly enough to turn the tide of battle (besides, firearms in dense African terrain were not that much better than bows). St. James apparently showed up in the sky too, so the pagans were cast down and defeated. After that conversion of a sizeable portion of the civilian population went underway. Bishops were established and sent to Rome for proper education. Hell, the Bishop of Utica (Carthage) was from the Kongo royal family.

Even crazier? The Portugese went apeshit capturing thousands of slaves every month and refused to stop after a very polite letter from the now converted king begged them to leave his people in peace. Fucking Porto's man

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real nigga shit

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My nigga was smiting hiethens is doing the Lord's work so wrong

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>using science hub for history

>The Portugese went apeshit capturing thousands of slaves every month and refused to stop after a very polite letter from the now converted king begged them to leave his people in peace.
Citation needed, natives sold their own captured slaves. are you talking about that angolan autistic whore who was backed by the dutch? if so, she desearved it

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No he’s talking about the king of the Kongo writing a letter to the Portuguese king to stop letting his people get enslaved

ok, i see it now

>where are you quoting this from?

"Warfare in the Atlantic World"

>The problem is you're ascribing to them sinister motives when the most plausible scenario--assuming you can even prove this-- is that their concentration on african subject matter likely inclines them to investigate african motives and reactions at the expense of european ones. The relative lack of african sources and reliance on anthropology, oral history and ethnography might give an end result that overplays african's role in african history (an ironic conclusion) when it was europeans who were the movers and shakers of the atlantic economy. But that is a historiographical debate that has been going on since the 1960s and one that thornton and davidson were engaged in. its a debate that is not entirely settled yet either

There is no problem, there is only 2 dumb afrocentrist who don't acknowledge the role of Europe in civilization

... I mean, I'm just skimming over the first few pages but he's not saying anthing unreasonable. He admits in the first pages that African military history is underdeveloped and says he is not the most well read in military history. He also tells the reader off the bat that the book is meant to fill in a gap in our understanding of a region which almost no military history is written on. Considering this is a pioneering work, why would you expect it to be perfect and free of bias?

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then he addresses historiography here

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"The Portuguese built the largest European colony in Africa in their holdings in Angola, but the success of the colony was limited. No major African power was conquered, and Portuguese arms only succeeded to the degree that they adopted a considerable amount of African military culture, as well as using thousands of African soldiers trained and usually led by their own commanders in that culture. In many respects, the story of Europeans in Angola is an important counterexample to the success of Europeans (including Portuguese) in the Americas."

This guy is completely deluded

How is this any different to saying that the British used indian soldiers to conquer the indian subcontinent? Why is it "deluded" that Portuguese unfamiliar a different climate and terrain would adapt the military tactics of the natives?

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Europeans know how to adapt to a situation, this is in no way "an important counterexample to the success of Europeans", this is probably an invention, this guy is a deluded, and a suspective Black supremacist.

If whites were not able to conquer Africa without niggers, why did we conquer everything at the end?


What the Kongo kingdom actually looked like.

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This litteraly proves nothing

It proves everything

don't argue with him. Just a Black supremacist and a deluded afrocentrist.

>Europeans know how to adapt to a situation
and? you're moving goalposts. first you argued that "african natives can beat europeans". Now you change the subject and say "europeans can adapt without african help, europeans are brains niggers are the brawn"
>"an important counterexample to the success of Europeans"
all this is saying was that the military success and the ultimate economic payoff was much better in the americas than angola. this isn't a controversial statement at all. as regards the statement that "no major african power was conquered", I'm certain he shows this in his book.
>this is probably an invention
If anything he's wrong on grounds of ignorance. Most of the early Spanish successes in the Americas were due to heavy reliance on natives levies. For example, Cortes' use of the Tlaxcala among other tribes to siege the Mexica in Tenochtitlan.
>this guy is a deluded, and a suspective Black supremacist.
it's clear now that YOU are the one who isn't thinking level headed and you have some dog in this fight. Nobody other than some butthurt portuguese poster who makes thread on "muh salazar, muh portuguese empire, muh lusotropicalism" would be this stubborn and cherry pick a small error to "prove" that someone is afrocentric.

I mean it's just a bunch of Kongolese infantry has nothing to do with what the kingdom looked like

>first you argued that "african natives can beat europeans"

I never said that, I said that Thornton was a deluded Afrocentrist who believe that a bunch of primitive chuck-spearing niggers can compete with Portuguese, which proves how deluded Thornton is.

I'm not even going to argue with the other points, you're so deluded, you don't even know when you say horseshit.

>A bunch of guy with bows n shield

Ok, I can cherry-pick images too. Here is how Rome actually looked like.

Easy ain't it?

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more like
>gib us your gibs or we'll gib your family

So what did the Kongo military looked like then?

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Bassically this civs 6 was dead on

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>who believe that a bunch of primitive chuck-spearing niggers can compete with Portuguese
That IS the same thing as arguing "african natives CANT beat europeans", which is what I obviously meant
>primitive chuck-spearing niggers
hmmm it's almost as if your approaching this from a white supremacist position. It's almost as if any evidence that show white superiority isn't true forever and always is "deluded" and "afrocentrist" to you.
>you're so deluded
you haven't provided any sound argument this whole time.

>Nobody other than some butthurt portuguese poster who makes thread on "muh salazar, muh portuguese empire, muh lusotropicalism" would be this stubborn and cherry pick a small error to "prove" that someone is afrocentric

Nobody other than an American would take this long to realise that fact and continue to trod on the poor bastard's butterfly like you are doing now.
Portugal is second world and falling, give it ten years and imperial nostalgia will be literally all they have left, and you want to go and drag that through the mud?
Shame on you, Skyler. Shame on you and your evil race.

>The kingdom of Japan doesn't exist either. What's your point?

But the current Japan is a continuation of the former Empire. Can't say the same for the Kongo.

>at the very least depose that terrorist mafia that is now in charge they would legitimatly be a regional power

Regional power I doubt it. Like they have no cultural power and they speak Portuguese so their influence is milted on top of the fact that Angola's partners outside of Africa are more limited to the Lusosphere

It's not

The loaded language is "success". It glosses over the European's objectives in the region, mutually benefit relations, in place of a conflicy where Africans "won" and Europeans "lost" because there were no major conquests

Tourism is doing pretty well thanks to everywhere in the Mediterranean getting blow up by the religion of peace
Though nostalgia is indeed all we've had for almost 500 years

>Afonso I of Portugal battled his own mother's troops to declare the independence of the kingdom of Portugal

Really gets the noggin joggin

>literally triggered by a little joke
maybe Facebook is a more suitable place for you?

>he´s own mother got in charge of the country after becoming a widow and setting up for regency since young Afonso was around 3 years old
>Started fucking some foregrein cucking the father of young Afonso and simbolicaly cucking the portucalense county

fair enough, i still argue they could be the most powerfull in that region, even tough i concede they would be powerless from there on and lag behiond naturally, their fate was to be tied with Portugal if they were to be anything

> Nobody other than some butthurt portuguese poster who makes thread on "muh salazar, muh portuguese empire, muh lusotropicalism" would be this stubborn and cherry pick a small error to "prove" that someone is afrocentric.

Thank you for this. I'm Portuguese and pissed off whenever one of these muh dictatorship muh empire brainlets shows up in a thread. Please continue to put these babbys in their place.

Portugal has an interesting history both in the Discovery age and in the XX century. There is no need for the validation that these autists so desperately seek.

>muh dictatorship
Salazar teve defeitos mas no geral era um santo
>muh ditadura
Esta democracia não é melhor

No it didn't user. It just said that the Portuguese basically had to really mesh in with the local environment to be able to pull off it's actions and plans.
That is it basically became a big presence in African politics for many many years as seperate entitiy somewhat similar to it's surroundings in several ways. Compare this to South America

Give us some examples of black africans (no slaves) fighting for Portugal the same as indians fought for England and american natives for Spain

Ay lmao, did the dutch have to teatch them what a horse was?

Portuguese colony wars! Also the Protuguese population in Africa is VERY small for a large amount of it's history so it's pretty obvious black soldiers were used in large numbers

This is pretty comfy desu. Why couldn't relations have stayed this peaceful?

>jew spotted

>Portuguese colony wars
Fake and gay, that Portugal was not dependant on african manpower, 1 million soldiers were moblized over time they were from the mainland

Are you really gonna do this? On the eve of the military coup of April 25, 1974, Africans accounted for more than 50 percent of Portuguese forces fighting the war.

>Having something to be proud off is the least one can have
>Insert bottomless pit.png

At least we never nor will we ever hit rock bottom you gook (and/or) commie larper

Are you accounting milícias made up by white men that were considered both african and good enough to count as soldiers? The former being said, the ultimate reason there was a coup

Made up mostly*

They got nuked 2 times.

You're a retard.

You mean all of Japan was nuked twice?

user whites are considered not African. Back then African was used solely to refer to negroes.

Like legit the dialogue used in colonial times and in the past always used African to refer to Blacks and referred to whites under their ethnic name like Boers or Portuguese.

Back then there was a more than a million white portuguese in portuguese África, many alredy second and third generation, and for that for that fact were accounted as white africans, many who even asked for a "Rhodesian solution" in Mozambique for example

>African is a race

So.. maghrebis arent african? Wew lads

And they were considered white or Europeans in all historical material and in the dialogue of the time. There WAS NO white African identity back then barring Boers/AFrikaners.

>Words mean whatever i say

Definition of African (Merriam Webster)

1 : a native or inhabitant of Africa
2 : a person and especially a black person of African ancestry

In that context it referred to number 2 user. When people used Africa it mostly referred to the melanin enriched. Not stop being autistic about Barbossa.

ackshually, I know several people who refer their white ancestors living in africa as africans, or as mozambican or angolan.

t. alberto barbosa

Keyword is "especially" and neither definition is exclusive to the other

Because they were uncivilized pagans and their newfound devoutness didn´t impress us

And that is now, not the past user ffs.

Back then Africa and Africans had a fucking stigma to it. In offical papers African is used to refer to black natives across the imperial powers

Language! Portugal wasn´t an empire user, it was a republic with ultramarine provinces
Not to say (but ill say anyway) that african was also used for the white and indians in portuguese africa, same as the term native" was the most used in Portugal to refer to the black indegenous people
The retornados were and are portuguese africans to these day, regardless they were born white or mulato