>I will unite the Arab peoples under one fl-
What went wrong?
>I will unite the Arab peoples under one fl-
What went wrong?
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No such thing as "Arabs" there's no unity or love between tribes.
Failure to link up Egypt with the rest of Levant due to continued existence of Israel after three wars, Palestinians, young officers around Middle East, Saudi Arabs and Americans constantly meddling and acting as wild cards.
When he said "Arab flag" he meant "Egyptian flag"
Jews and USA
Are all Pan-nationalists movements fated to die? It seems like things like religion, military opposition, etc make it impossible without some serious strongmen in charge as well as "cleansing" the undesireables.
Yes, you have to do it like Merkel. You need a strongman.
>the EU is nationalist and not a loose confederation that is getting weaker every year
>Merkel is a strongman and not some slag who just wants to be re-elected until she dies
You can't have a panarabic movement and Israel in the same world and since Israel reket them against all logic multiple times, yes, the movement was fated to die
Pan-Arab Nationalism is the original IRL manifestation of /pol/tards who want to unite the entire white race from Russia to Canada under one banner, with a shitload of "honorary Aryan" and "Aryan status dishonorably revoked" races thrown in. The concept is to take a vast myriad of various tribes from a vast region with very different cultures, different politics, even different languages (dialects of Arabic vary remarkably between countries), and a shitload of both historical and modern bad blood between all of them, and unite all of them into one vast Arab super-state.
Then throw into the mess that there are various non-Arab races who gain "honorary Arab" status for purposes of the movement (the Alawites for example historically considered themselves distinct from Arabs, they only began to consider themselves Arab after the Pan-Arab Nationalist movement reached out to them), plus Arab races who are excluded from the movement because they just have too much historical bad blood between them and the rest of the Islamic world (Druze are a perfect example of this, although the modern movement did start reaching out to them once they realized how bad an idea it was to get on the wrong side of historically brutal warlords with a strong sense of tribal identity).
And there are a massive amount of Arabs that other Arabs are less than thrilled to have residing with them, who they shit all over domestically but praise internationally for various geopolitical/diplomatic reasons, leading to a whole contradictory clusterfuck. Refugees are a perfect example of this, the Palestinians are the most constant and longest-running, but it happens every time a conflict breaks out in an Arab country, currently the Syrians residing in other Arab countries are experiencing it pretty bad.
Really, it's easy to see how the whole concept was pretty retarded and doomed to failure from day one.
Obligatory disclaimer: I'm a Jewish Israeli, do with that information what you will.
>t. user attempting irony but unintentionally unironic
the problem with a pan arab country is that it could have happened if it weren't for the sheer incompotency of arab leaders at the time. if they won the 6 day war it would have been a huge step forward towards the goal.
It worked for Germany
Nobody would allow a country controlling the Suez and practically all the oil in the world.
>that much of Iran
Literally what?
You are forgetting that they were united before, although by religion. Lets not fool ourselves and think that pan-arabism isn't heavy influenced by pan-islamism. Although many pan-arabists were arab christians they for sure didn't mind the pan-islamists.
You could say it's the same about white nationalism but it isn't, they didn't talk about "arab" race or anything but culture. Also, anti-zionism was one of their main tenets.
>with a shitload of "honorary Aryan" and "Aryan status dishonorably revoked" races thrown in.
Sudan and Mauretania come to mind. Last but not least, fucking Somalia.
Israel was actually the best thing that could possibly happen to the movement. It gives all the Arabs a cause to rally around and a scapegoat to pin all the problems between them on, which prevents a massive amount of inter-Arab fighting because you just blame everything on Israel and rally everyone around the cause of going to war with Israel.
Modern-day Palestine is a pretty good example. If all the Jews disappeared from Israel tonight, tomorrow you'd wake up to an all-out civil war between Hamas and Fatah with very little national unity to display. The only reason the civil wars between them have been so short-lived thus far is because every time the IDF jacked shit up and they decided that fighting the Jewish intervention was a bigger priority than fighting each other. It's been the same with Pan-Arab Nationalism every since Israel was created, it's pretty ironic, but Israel keeps the peace in the region specifically by going to war with everyone else.
>Israel was actually the best thing that could possibly happen to the movement.
Yes, in the beginning it was but the continuous resistance of Israel to die was the reason the Arab Republic fell
Nigga he metamodern
>Syria controlling Lebanon.
Go home Hezbollah.
I just typed "pan-arabism" and grabbed the first nice-looking map I found; don't judge.
It wasn't really the incompetence of the leaders though. The main reason the Arabs failed to win in both the 1948 war, 1967 war and 1973 war was mainly massive and completely systemic communications breakdowns within the various Arab armies taking part, and also all elements within the armies just vastly overestimating their capabilities and massively underestimating the Israeli capabilities, causing them to develop way too much self-confidence in their assaults that would ultimately prove fatal. It's kind of stupid to blame it all on just the few national leaders.
And I don't know why everyone ITT keeps citing the Six-Day War, it was definitely a geopolitical landmark for the region, but all in all the Yom Kippur War was much, much worse for the Arabs. In the beginning the Arab assault looked unstoppable and they were actually on a set course for a decisive victory over all of Israel within a short period of time. That almost certainly would have happened if Nixon hadn't approved a last-minute emergency to arms shipment to Israel, Israeli forces were on their last rounds of ammo when it came. And then with BUFFED UP MURIKAN FREEDOM WEAPONS overnight the tides turned bad enough that, by war's end, Israeli tanks were only half an hour from Damascus and could have taken the city with virtually no resistance, also several hours from Cairo and could have taken the city with relative ease, albeit taking heavy losses in the process. And that was the plan too, Israel only stopped after the Soviets threatened Nixon with all-out nuclear war if he didn't call Golda Meir and tell her to knock it off. tl;dr 1973 was much worse for the Arabs than 1967.
Getting brutally raped by the Jews every time they tried to war them.
Not great if you're positioning yourself as a strongman.
WTF are you talking about?
Only the initial Egyptian land offensive in 1973 was effective. Everywhere else the attack immediately stalled.
The air attack was particularly bad for the Arabs. Despite getting the jump on the Israelis they lost gets at a highly disproportionate rate.
Egypt didn't make gains because it lacked the logistics to keep moving forward after its initial success.
Not planning on an American resupply of the enemy, while a Soviet resupply of your own material is part of your invasion plan is retarded.
It's just as well Egypt stopped after it's initial gains or else it would have been even easier to encircle.
The Arabs were never close to winning in 1973.
>Only the initial Egyptian land offensive in 1973 was effective.
lol no.
The Syrian offensive on the Golan Heights was remarkable. The reason the Israeli defense held up against the onslaught was because the Israeli leaders decided that the Golan Heights couldn't fall under any circumstances, so they directed every reservist and available equipment in the country to the Golan front, which is why the Egyptians had such a nice time in Sinai. But the Israeli defense was basically on borrowed time as it kept getting beefed up by more reservists who were then mowed down.
The reason the tides turned is because the Syrians were just all in all being incompetent as an Army. They stopped advances multiple times for no apparent reason whatsoever, which did nothing except give Israeli forces they could have easily plowed through time to form an actual defense. There were also quite a few times they actually retreated for no reason, either because they thought they were up against larger forces than they actually were, because of communications breakdowns, or because military generals insisted they stick to the war plan and not improvise strategy themselves based on field conditions. Only because of shit like that did Israel manage to gain the upper hand and turn the defensive force on the front into an offensive one.
Fanatic tribalism.
Arabs hate each other
Jews happened.
Except loses in the Golan were small for Israel.
As to "US super weapons did it all," by October 9 Israel had pushed Syria back to the pre-war line. That's 3 days. By October 13, Israeli artillery was pounding Damascus and the Syrian army was disintegrating. Operation Nicole Glass began on October 14. By that date every Arab front except the Egyptian attack was already recedeing.
Nickle Glass let the IDF embrass the Arabs and show they had no hope of winning, but it's "essential" nature is a mix of US propaganda and Arab butthurt.
Don't shift the blame. To took 72 hours for the Syrian army to break.
Israel + Tribalism/Nepotism.
Agreed. Good post.
Khuzestan isnt that big, and the arab populations in khuzestan and the coast of bandar abbas are spread thinly and not concentrated in many major areas.
Well she is a dictator at this point.
Nasser wildly overestimated his ability to follow through with any of his plans. Especially after the Suez Crisis, where he deluded himself into believing that Egypt defeated Britain and France, rather than pressure from Eisenhower.
The other issue was that he insisted on taking direct control over the other nations he incorporated into the Arab Republic, rather than establishing a coalition of equals.
>What went wrong?
The Jews wouldn't allow it
Every fucking Arab clan hates each other. It's surprising that there even are nations.
I blame the ottomans
here's your problem
Fucking Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Israel for causing a massive refugee crisis and Saudi Arabia for supporting terrorism only so their kingdom can expand.
>a group of people who have habsburg-tier inbreeding rates are fucking retarded and can’t beat a country 100 times smaller and weaker than them
gee i wonder why they could never unify.
nasser was a fucking retard who played the cia and soviets off each other for personal gain until they both found out and he became worthless as an ally. Only arabs could have the Forge of Empires, the Nile, and let it rot as some backwater shithole instead of it being the centre of civilization as it had been for 5000 years before.
It's always Sunni in Arabia
yes, people will always have more reason to hate their neighbors than someone from a distant land
>uniting all of a demographic under one flg is stupid
>except for Israel
Arab is a loose linguistic term, they can barely understand each other, and speak in the religious language to each other. They are not the same nation, don't have the same traditions, and have bad history.
Uniting the Arabs makes as much sense and is as realistic as uniting the Slavs. I don't know why people treat one as realistic, and the other as absurd. They are a very good comparison.
>meme the post
When Nasser was in power the Arab states vastly outnumbered the Israelis.
In that time unlike today, the Arab states where supplied by the Soviets with better equipment then what the Israelis had.
The biggest reason for Nasser's failure was the incompetence of his army.
Egypt would've won that war 100% of the time, if they kept fighting and pushed. The problem is the context of the Cold War, and the real risk of getting nuked.
I don't think you realize how much closing the Suez canal hurt Israel and her allies, and how many more guys and machines Egypt had (and still has) compared to Israel.
The reason they lost the war is because you can't win a war against Israel in that time in history (or today, really). USA exists. NATO exists. Global geopoltics exist and demand that Israel also exists, as long as the USA is in charge (so for a long time).
When your a small minority in the world without a country, yes it's pretty easy.
During the six days war Israel had no nukes and US and NATO involvement was next to non existent.
The Arab states had all the cards in their favor but still managed to fail.
ironically the only moment NATO got involved was when Israel was making too much gains and wanted the conflict to end.
There is no excuse.
No. When they succeed they are called unifications, and the pan gets dropped from the nationalism. See Germany and Italy.
>USA wasn't involved
Because Egypt wasn't advancing. Just look at the numbers, a war of attrition is 100% victory for Egypt.
That's why Israel doesn't do wars of attrition, their too small for it.
Yet they'd have to, since they can't blitz through the desert into a larger army in Egypt, destroying their supply lines.
However Egypt wasn't allowed to play this 100% winrate long war plan, because the Cold War was going on.
Wahabbism kiddo
> United
> Arab
> Republic
German and Italian nationalists were never pan-anything
German nationalists were the most generous pan-Slavism donors back when the russian tzars were trying to get a couple of decades of peace to industrialize and reform, but the germs kept funding organizations and raising the question of slavs in the Ottoman empire.
The Arab nationalist virgin vs the Islamist Chad
Italians kind of did, but many were dissatisfied with the economic situation and even their gains (many wanted Corsica, Savoy, Nice, Dalmatia, Istria, etc), hence Mussolini.
Germans only went with the Kleindeutschland via Prussia, taking Alsace-Lorraine as well and pissing off France for the rest of the century. The original Pan-Germanists, before things fell apart between Austria and Prussia, wanted much much more. They wanted a German confederation together with most of Cisleithania, the Dutch, the Flemish and some even wanted the Scandinavians in. So something like pic related. Obviously nobody in Europe would ever accept this, and if Prussia forced this they would face a Napoleonic coalition, but it remained a dream amongst Germanics for many decades.
1973 would have been interesting had the US not support Israel
What if Nasser turned into an anaconda?
Foreign intervention
The Middle Eastern states were never really allowed their own time to develop national identities like Europe after the peace of Westphalia
It already happened before
Is that a Protocols reference?
>Pan-Arab Nationalism is the original IRL manifestation of /pol/tards blah blah
Exept it wasn't. No arab nationalist beleived in the race meme and no arab nationalist depended on race as their selling point but rather culture and linguistics and for some religion.
>The concept is to take a vast myriad blah blah blah
Not at all arab countries basically have the same culture with little variations exept for the maghreb which was heavily frenchisized and is seeing a modern revivalist LARP berber movemnt(which are the actual embodiment of /pol/)
All arabs speak fos7a arabic but even if they didn't a levantune can easily understand an egyptian or a gulfy and in some cases maghrebis too. It's not hard. The only rift in culture and languag that does exist is between the mashriq and the maghreb and it isn't hard to remedy (or at least it wasn't but nowadays it's a bit harder because again berber movements )
>historical bad blood between them
>modern bad blood
user is asking about naser days pan arabism and at that time arab nations had no bad blood between each other
>Then throw into the mess that there are various non-Arab races who gain "honorary Arab"
There is no such a thing. If you speak arab and lived your life in arab culture and identify as an arab then you are by the defenition of all pan arabists an arab. "Honorary" arabs aren't a real thing.
>plus Arab races who are excluded
Ditto my previous reply
>And there are a massive amount of Arabs that hate other arabs living with them
I can only think of a fraction of the native population of jordan and lebanon hating palestinian refugees but thats about it.
>syrians residing in other countries
Only SOME lebanese people hate syrian refugees and its due to the fact that their country's economy got assblasted (even more so than it already is)entirely by the millions of refugees they can't possibly accomodate for.
>was doomed to fail
Not at all. Its was going extremely strong until the disaster that was 67.
Obligatory disclaimer: I'm a Syrian, do with that information what you will.
The organization known in German as Der gruppen die Einsatz, was of purely an anti partisan persuasion.
I'm gonna make you an offer you cant refuse.
It was meme dream from the start. Fuck, Egyptians themselves are not Arabs, and didn't mostly identify as such until Nasser slapped the word "Arab" on the countries name and tried to enforce the identity. So now you have Egyptians dying by the bushel to invade Israel for Arabs and for no other reason than Egyptians themselves were invaded and had their culture and language annihilated by Arabs.
Classic hateful Jew.