Was the Second Reich as evil as the Third? I'd say so, considering their plans to exterminate all Polish and Frenchmen

Was the Second Reich as evil as the Third? I'd say so, considering their plans to exterminate all Polish and Frenchmen.

Attached: Flag_of_the_German_Reich_(1933–1935).svg.png (1000x600, 3K)

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>didn't do so during decades when they could have
fuck off

Attached: Sprachen_deutsches_reich_1900_nichtdeutsch.png (363x315, 8K)


They were literally proto-Nazis you faggot.

read the article you post or gtfo

kill yourself

The worst thread on Veeky Forums right now. Congrats.

>Throughout the beginning of the war, the German army engaged in numerous atrocities against the civilian population of Belgium, including the destruction of civilian property; 6,000 Belgians were killed, and 17,700 died during expulsion, deportation, imprisonment, or a death sentence by court.
How about you read it?


>Kaszubians and Masurians aren't Poles

again, gtfo this board please

>The position of Pan-German league gradually evolved into biological racism, with belief that Germans are "superior race", and Germans need protection from mixing with other races, particularly Jews.[2] By 1912 in the publication "If I were the Kaiser," Class called on Germans to conquer eastern territories inhabited by "inferior" Slavs, depopulate their territories and settle German colonists there.[2] There were also calls for expulsion of Poles living in Prussia.[7]

Fuck off, Second Reich was literally proto-Nazis

>6000 """""belgians""""" killed
>planned genocide
god, the germane hate threads are getting ever dumber

>people who werent in charge advocate for genocide


Less evil than Tsarist Russia. Less of a warmonger than Revanchist France. I’m not saying they were the good guys, but they were far from the worst European power.

The Second Reich was the best kind of Germany, but it was dismantled by the British and French. World War I was a fuck up, France should've signed a NAP with the German Empire.

>considering their plans to exterminate all Polish and Frenchmen.
Made me kek, but still got some Proofs?
What i heard, was that Germany was desperately trying to germanize poles the same way as silesians but poles were too strong and patriotic, nothing about genocide or ethnic cleansing.
They even created a special kingdom for them durring the war, but couldn't decide on what to saxon king they should've put on the throne.

Attached: kingdom_of_poland__1918__by_madgerman123-d85p3b2.png (1024x669, 415K)

not gonna happen unless they got back Alsacce-Lorraine

What if they just split it in half?

Wrong, best Germany was either the Weimar Republic or West/East Germany and their united successor.

Attached: 900px-Flag_of_Germany_(3-2_aspect_ratio).svg.png (900x600, 697)

>West/East Germany
>United Germany
>Weimar Republic
No. I have never seen somebody more wrong, Weimar Republic is cancer born from the actions of Germany's enemies, West/East Germany kept the German people divided and as puppets, and United Germany is just a continuation of the former.

Those weren't warmongers trying to destroy Europe.

The German Empire wasn't trying to destroy Europe, you meme fuck. Nazi Germany was cancer though.

>East Germany
>Wasn't trying to destroy all of Europe.

>Modern United Germany
>not trying to destroy the world

Attached: ! !.jpg (601x908, 133K)


>first genocide of the 20th Century
>there's still apologists for Wilhelm's regime


Quality thread

so they revolted and got punished?
hardly an undeserved genocide

Considering they had land with actual Polish and French in it for a very long time and that they had literal Jews in their army...


Literally Hunnic Empire

>implying the Belgians and the British hadn't done similar shit a few years earlier

No, user, it's only genocide/ atrocities/ war crimes if it's committed by a country you dislike

It's fucking dumb. I'm nowhere near a Stormfag but the implication that the Kaiserreich was any worse than any of the other European colonial powers is retarded. They were all bad, as a result of having colonial holdings.
In fact, Germany African colonies after the Herero genocide actually started to modernize and were seen as one of the better European colonies (Source: African Kaiser)

All other colonial powers were harsh just toward the niggers, only Huns murdered other whites in masses.

>Conquering others to assimilate them
Wow, that is almost like what the British did in Ireland, or what the Pan-Slavic Russians intended
Britain and Russia confirmed for another Third Reich

So? They're all morally reprehensible states.

>Non Germanic

nice one, jew

Attached: Hunnen.jpg (1200x1200, 319K)

No, of course not. My grand father was stationed at the German border to fight Germans in WWI and the Germans didn't gave a fuck

>anti-Nazi anti-Semite
go see a shrink

You can't germanize germans, silesians are already german. Their dialect attests to this heavily

yes it was evil

>On August 25, 1914, the German army ravaged the city of Leuven, deliberately burning the university's library of 300,000 medieval books and manuscripts with gasoline

jesus, they really hate europe
