When did you stopped being an edgy fedora atheist and embraced the love of our Lord?
When did you stopped being an edgy fedora atheist and embraced the love of our Lord?
I'm Buddhist and White and I've taken 3 of my friends away from Methodism
With the rest of western world, so within that atrophic amount of people that actually label themselves Christian, a vanishingly small amount actually go to church once a week. Sorry but Christians of the future will be third world
about the same time I realized people were geographically cut off from salvation under Christian doctrine and became a neoplatonist since it was an abstraction of religion that seemed both intuitive and non-dogmatic.
Which lord?
How much of a fucking hipster can you be?
Is there even any argument to be a christian besides "lol fedora xDDD!!11111" and the pascal meme?
The worst thing about the pascal meme is that its really for people who are already considering converting or are Christian and have intellectual misgivings about their beliefs. It wasn't intended to strongarm just any guy off the street into Christianity, that would be stupid.
>Von Neumann reportedly said, "So long as there is the possibility of eternal damnation for nonbelievers it is more logical to be a believer at the end," essentially saying that Pascal had a point, referring to Pascal's Wager. He had earlier confided to his mother, "There probably has to be a God. Many things are easier to explain if there is than if there isn't."[195][196][197] Father Strittmatter administered the last rites to him.[18]
Even the smartest man alive believed in God in the end
The concept of God, sure, but the Abrahamic cuck wizard? Another story.
When I grew up.
Unfortunately this was the year after I was confirmed, and I've felt quite hollow ever since. I don't know whether I can be re-confirmed, but I'd like to try that some day.
I'm mostly agnostic but I fucking despise all organised Christian religion.
Kind of this. I do accept a possibility of a God, but the abrahamic one seems so fake and fairytalish it's obvious it's not him, even if the God exists.
So I'll not convert to christianity/islam because it's just cringefest and a waste of time.
You got it wrong, I actually went through the religious options with a critical eye. Most people just latch onto some lifestyle faith and leave it at that. Even Buddhism wasn't quite abstract enough for me to identify with it.
That seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of what belief is
Even if the abrahamic God does exist there is no reason to assume he's the ultimate, just the ruler of this universe. I can't really see a personal being with a vengeful nature being the ultimate principle.
I was raised Jewish, but after I visited some Holocaust sites as a teen I found it hard to continue seeing much point in organized religion. If there is a God clearly he doesn't care about what we do to each other enough to prevent such unimaginable horror, so why would he care that I pray to him? I'm basically agnostic today, but I have to say it seems far likelier to me than not that there simply is no god, and humanity was just an accident.
evil is the absence of God, not its own thing
Around the time I got my first job and went out on my own
That never resolved anything because then the question just becomes why would God be absent from some things and present in others? As the absolute, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume he is cosubstantial with everything? Eliminating Zoroastrian dualism was a mistake desu as its created some of the most disturbing theology conceivable.
I disagree, the more I read about QED theories, the less religous I got (Also the majority of scientist are atheist, so Heisenberg's statement is only a personal statement, I also doubt that he believed in the divinity of Jesus and the tales around him). Of course there might be a blind, idiotic deity to all this cosmic chaos but to call such a force sentient?
Fear isn't faith
Since it is rational to believe in a singular God, and that believing in christian dogma is not obligatory at all to this.
I mean Islam, Judaism/Noahidism, have more rational conceptions of god than the trinity.
> "Where no guiding ideals are left to point the way, the scale of values disappears and with it the meaning of our deeds and sufferings, and at the end can lie only negation and despair. Religion is therefore the foundation of ethics, and ethics the presupposition of life." (Heisenberg 1974, 219).[138]
He's right you know
the trinity isn't that hard even if a bunch of hundreds of thousands of people died over what is essentially a semantic issue
>QED theories
What does that have to do with anything
>the trinity isn't that hard
It really shouldn't be. In red Arabs and low iq fags still thinks it's polytheism
I am simply incapable of religious belief, so there's not much point pretending.
Do you guys ever have a real introspection in regards to something as important as religion? Or do you just side with your tribe even if you think its wrong/shop for feel good religions.
Judaism and Islam have very interesting views on various religious issues but I hardly see discussion about it. It's like you guys think that the only religion out there is atheism, Christianity, or new age feel good neopaganism/buddhism.
I find the jewish view as an example on the afterlife interesting
There’s the problem.
When I learned about power of Agape and its relation to first ecclesia which is also chakra of Ram/Aries.