Why did Japan take such a different approach between their colonial policies in Taiwan and Korea? Nowadays there seems much less anger against Japan in Taiwan than in Korea, and this seems to be because Taiwan was treated much more benevolently under Japanese imperial rule than Korea was.
Japanese colonies
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Probably has more to do with the fact that Taiwan and Japan both live in perpetual fear that the Chinese dragon will annex them.
It’s because the KMT were so shit in Taiwan that people started to think Japanese rule was preferable. Many Taiwanese also have a good impression of Japan due to their fear of Communist China. Not all Taiwanese like Japan though. I know a couple of them that have mixed opinions and Taiwanese Aborigines have quite a negative view of Japan than the Han majority.
I understand Taiwan but why/how the fuck would China ever “annex” Japan?
The Jap's treated the Taiwanese aboriginals better than the subsequent KMT government
Yeah dude, why would anybody want to control the world's third largest economy? Truly a mystery.
Are you ignoring the fact that a) large-scale wars of conquest between major powers do not occur anymore, and b) Japan is one of the US’s closest allies, and a war with Japan would drag in the US and all of their allies?
Always thought it was interesting how pro-unification and pro-KNT the Taiwanese Aborigines are.
The current president has made statements suggesting that the US would not necessarily feel obligated to defend foreign allies if they were attacked.
Because the DPP is full of Hoklo shitters and blood nationalists (Han who LARP as Aborigines). The Hakka even founded their own party because of how much they were being ignored.
In addition to what was already mentioned, Korea was a rival "empire" with a long history of butthurt against Japan, while Taiwan was very much a new colony like those Caribbean islands that kept changing hands between imperialist powers, and I believe the Chinese themselves had much less nationalist sentiment around the time Japan grabbed Taiwan.
Irrelevant honestly. Until the last few years it would have been completely unthinkable for China to invade Japan let alone annex it, the US backed Japan 100% and China lacked the navy and air force for it (still does, probably.) It might have been marginally more likely when the Soviet Union and Maoist China were on great terms and Japan had yet to really recover from WW2, by now I unironically think Japan could repel an invasion by itself unless China goes for the nukes.
“Taiwanese independence” is code for Hoklo supremacy.
Because the Taiwanese had no identity of their own before the Japanese take over, unlike Korea. Japanese rule also looks favorable in comparison to KMT rule which was harsh. When the KMT first arrived in Taiwan, the Taiwanese were extremely pleased that they had finally been “liberated” from the Japanese but then the KMT saw the Taiwanese as “too Japanese” and punished them with heavy restrictions etc.
It could also be a survorship bias. Like you said, Taiwan had no real identity of its own. The island is and continues to be dominated by Hoklo. The Japanese primarily massacred Aborigines and Hakka on Taiwan and there was really no closeness between these three groups so the Hoklo did not see them as tragedies.
Because the Taiwanese are even bigger cucks than the Koreans.
>chinks are the only cucks in all of east asia
Yes because nuclear weapons don’t exist and Japan cannot make them in a few days.
>everyone else copying their culture
>w-we aren’t the cucks!
Prettt much. The say you aren’t a real Taiwanese if you don’t speak Taiyu which really rubs the Hakka the wrong way, they claim Aborigine ancestry while discriminating against them, and they see waishengren as nothing but pro-China shills.
>copying chink culture
>i-if I act like a retard everyone will agree with me!
If you think the president, especially Trump, has any final say in us going to war you’re retarded.
Taiwanese politics are such a fucking joke and we can’t ever get anything done.
so you're saying chinks act like retards and thus nobody would try to copy their culture. glad you agree
Which is just a Hokkien dialect from Fujian, there's nothing especially "Taiwanese" about it, that would be like Singaporeans referring to Hokkien as "Xinjiapoyu" and insisting you must speak it to be a Singaporean.
>this seems to be because Taiwan was treated much more benevolently under Japanese imperial rule than Korea
No. For examples:
3. subtpg.tpg.gov.tw
Separatists SJW whiteleft often whine about KMT 228, but Japs did countless far worse shits and they seem to be fine with it. I guess SJW are all the same around the world.
For answer your question, that's mainly because: 1. The rising of Anti-Chinese separatism; 2. this
The Japanese built Taiwan. Under Japanese rule tons of Chinese immigrated there to escape the revolutions and civil war. Almost every structure in Taiwan in 1945 was built by the Japanese. Its not like Chinese/Formosans had more rights than Koreans.
Its probably the same difference Canadians and Irish feel about British colonialism.
Yeah and making it the official language of Taiwan and forcing everybody to learn it instead is just another privilege for the Hoklo majority.
Why not just stick to Mandarin so they can all hate it equally? Even in Malaysia and Singapore Chinese communities which are made up of migrants from the South they have made Mandarin the official language of the Chinese because it is just good business sense.
Cause Mandarin was the sole allowed language back under the mainlanders KMT dictatorship. Also probably >"muh PRC langauge!"
Mandarin is the best option for Taiwan but the DPP is full of Hoklo supremacists and they think making Taiwanese Hokkien the official language will allow them to further distinguish themself from mainland China.
No I meant Taiwan, gook.
>The only relevant country in East Asia that isn't an American vassal
>The only cucks
You must be retarded
My grandparents are Taiwanese and they hate both the Japanese and KMT 2bh
>angry chinks angry over nanjing
Nanjing is not real
A lot of the old abo's still love the Japanese era user, better the devil you knew and all that
Funny enough, just a few generations ago Hokkien speakers were busy killing each other if they came from rival villages. One of my Qing era maternal ancestors was even responsible for ordering the death of an eloping Taiwanese couple because of their different origins.
If it wasn't for Japan, the few tribes of literal headhunters living in Taiwan would still live in mud huts, wear grass skirts and drink poo water.
You know there were proper chinks colonizing the island before the Japanese took over right? They'd have civilized the aboriginals eventually.
>Its probably the same difference Canadians and Irish feel about British colonialism.
Exactly, Taiwan was Japan's model colony so they pumped a lot of investment into it's development.
Taiwan also had a lot more say in the government itself. They had more representation in the Diet and more democratic institutions in their colony than Korea.
Why did Japan give them that and not the Koreans? Weren't Taiwan and Korea considered literally Japanese soil the same way the French colonies were French soil?
No. China is the biggest threat to the world right now. They have been up to some real shady shit and slowly amassing power. Head my words user
Okay Satan, but that still doesn't mean they can invade Japan.
They needed to keep koreans down
Silly user. China's not the USA
Because of historical contingency. Taiwan was obtained first in the era when Japanese liberalism was ascendant. With the lack of serious dissent or uprising it was treated benevolently and the colonial population assumed submissive the Japs. Their colonial governor (forgot his name) also ruled a long ass time in the colony and was a product of the liberal imperialist age (uplifting natives, economic development, rational planning, institution building). Korea on the other hand was a colony gained in the liberal age but after Katsura Taro got assassinated (a liberal imperialist) military government took over an brutalized the koreans into eventually rebelling, which the japanese followed up with more oppression and forced japanization. Also korea needed to be kept under tighter wraps because of its geopolitical vulnerability vs. russia and as a more economically vital land for japanese economy (lots of natural resources in northern korea, for example), so a stronger japanese presence, commercial and military is maintained and this alienates the natives.
Best explanation in the thread, thanks for this
China can btfo Japan militarily, economically and politically.
Excuse me i mean ito hirobumi not katsura
Okay, but it
doesn't mean
they can invade
>Under Japanese rule tons of Chinese immigrated there to escape the revolutions and civil war.
[Citation needed]
What a utterly load of bullshits.
Japanese literally used Taiwan as base to launch invasion and bombardments to mainland China and SE Asia. Hence America bombarded it during WW2.
Also Japs only allowed Taiwan developed agriculture and low level engineering, no proper industry. There was even a slogan called "Industrial Japan; Agricultural Taiwan"(工業日本農業台灣). The best quality of rice, sugar and fruits were all sent back Japan.
>Under Japanese rule tons of Chinese immigrated there to escape the revolutions and civil war.
If you're Chinese during the 19th Century to the 1940's you're more likely to run to Southeast Asia than towards anywhere Nips held.
Japan's navy is bigger than the british one
If Japan hadn't spazzed out, they'd still be holding on to this today.
It's also very much a "green-water navy" now which is probably better for the purpose of defending the home islands.
Meanwhile, invading the Japanese archipelago is definitely not China's priority:
>In the list of major strategic tasks, “safeguarding the security of China’s overseas interests” ranks fourth after “safeguarding the sovereignty and security of China’s territorial land, air and sea,” “safeguarding the unification of the motherland,” and “safeguarding China’s security and interests in new domains” (cyberspace, etc.). It is indicative that the tasks of “maintaining strategic deterrence,” “participating in regional and international security cooperation” and “strengthening efforts in operations against infiltration, separatism and terrorism” rank even lower.
China built their first mobile landing platform in 2015. While they may be gearing up to invade Japan (or more likely, Taiwan or some East African countries), they're definitely not in a position to do that yet. They're babies taking their first steps at power projection.
i'll post some relevant excerpts from the cambridge history of japan volume six. it's a good summary
Ok i'm starting. I can post a lot but i'll see how the response is
I'll link to OP so people coming into the thread can see
wanna just post the file?
it's starts explaining OP's question here, but the previous pages offer good context, especially about pacification of taiwan and korea
i don't mean to spam thread but i figured it was gonna die anyway. here's the link
Anyone have some book recommendations on the Japanese colonization of Korea and Taiwan?
something in here
there's still like 20 pages more on the subject that i didn't post/
also ctrl f imperial or empire in these for more books
The Musha Incident saw the mass murder of Japanese civilians, including women and children. You can't fault the Japanese for their rage.
This. Fuck, its also the same with the Third Reich occupation of the Sudetenland and Austria. Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany wanted too much. Manchuria in particular being so insanely rich in natural resources AND not having a massive Han Chinese population but instead a more "understanding" Manchu population, made such a perfect land grab for Japan.
manchuria was overwhelmingling chinese by the 20th century from immigration.