>"Wow, what a glorious victory, never have so many to so few, we shall fight on the beaches, it was their finest hour!!!"
Other urls found in this thread:
>Stays in the war
>Ends up driving tanks through Flensburg
Cry more faggot
So you're one of those people who think that the BEF should have stayed in Dunkirk and fight valiantly to the end so it would be destroyed and Britain would be rendered completely incapable of doing any military operation involving the army?
The state of wehraboos. Retreats always happen in war. The British retreated from Dunkirk, but fought in North Africa and the Pacific, and returned to France later on.
You seem to be applying quotes about the battle of Britain to Dunkirk...
No. What I meant is that Anglo propaganda always portrays defeats as victories: Dunkirk, Marne, Jutland, Hundred Years War etc.
I'd love to see any mainstream historian argue the HYW as an English victory.
Dancing instructors with a YouTube channel don't count.
>Succeed in evacuating most of your military to fight another day
>Anglo-French operation that loses ground but prevents Germany from taking Paris
>German fleet too shit scared to ever sail out again, blockade continues
I'll give you the Hundred Years War
Dunkirk wasn't portrayed as a victory. Even Churchill himself said that "wars are not won by retreats." The victory was the fact that the soldiers were able to evacuate the beach with the assistance of civilians from Britain. It's less of a victory and more of a miracle, hence the "Miracle of Dunkirk".
The Hundred Years' War isn't depicted as a victory either. Just Agincourt and Crecy, which were resounding victories.
More of a victory over the krauts than the burgers ever achieved.
thanks to naive hitler for stopping the army thinking the fat drunk would give into his peace offer
>Battle Of The Bulge
>Battle of Normandy
Meanwhile in anglo land, Retreat,retreat, retreat. Oh and North Africa was mostly a failed campaign until burgers came in, and the campaign ended faster then the time it took for brits to abandon the french in Normandy.
The UK had lost battles but never a war.
>What is the American Revolution
>stopping the army
Yeah, because he was assured by the fat druggie that the BEF could be destroyed from the air.
Also the War of 1812
>America won the war of 1812
When will this autism stop
Literally a stalemate in a minor theatre of the napoleonic wars
>Wars are not won by retreating
Say that to Kutuzov
>Retreats always happen in war.
Yes, from 1939 'til 1942, until the Americans took the field, the bongs were always retreating, other than when they were being outright defeated.
>America won the war of 1812
Correct. The bongs were intimidated out of garrisoning the region north of the US, meaning that region became a vassal of the US, meaning the bongs were defeated in that war, and their signature on that treaty indicated that they knew it.
Hey, don't bully my boy Tito.
Neither the russians nor the chinese count
Please explain how.
Foiled Hitler's aims of defeating the British Army, Nazi forces successfully fought off during British and French evacuation to England.
Went decisively in favor of the Entente, with the British playing a pivotal role in securing victory.
A resounding victory for Britain by any metric.
>Hundred Years War
Two out of three isn't so bad. And we still burned that French bitch alive.
At the end of the day, it sort of boils down to who is marching who's Highland division through who's conquered city.
And it wasn't even the first time they did it
During the Napoleonic Wars, they dunkirked twice from the Netherlands (1795 and 1799) and once from Spain (the great "victory" of Corunna in 1809)
Why are Brits such gods of warfare?
How can continentals even compete?
They can’t. The rest of the world literally has a Britain-caused inferiority complex.
What is it with autistic idiots from /int/ being unable to understand why a nation might celebrate an action or an event that isn't necessarily a victory?
I'm not even a Brit before someone levels that accusation, I just find it bizarre that it appears to be a genuine problem and not just shitposting that anything other than a crushing victory (preferably with a singular mastermind they can imagine themselves as) is beyond their ken.
Dunkirk for example, plainly apparent to anyone without cognitive problems, is celebrated as a successful evacuation and for the role of the little ships, symbolising civilian bravery, effort, and solidarity with the military struggle.
No explanation needed, just review the battle and you can see for yourself, assuming you're a historylet and haven't already done so.
>tfw your defeated navy is still so scary that the enemy overthrows their government rather than risk fighting it again
really makes you think
Holy fucking moley what an utter retard you are color me supprised
Lets not forget who has the highest military record in Europe
>Acknowledges they are propaganda
>Has issues with them actually succeeding in doing their job
The state of Veeky Forums today
/int/ sees anything that could slightly be construed as being nationalistic as total fanatics obsessed with their countries/x-boos who think said nation did nothing wrong. Coincidentally, they are usually the same way about their own country- this can be seen by how they constantly deride other nations ("europoors", talking about "rapefugees" if said poster is american, "le 56%", muh guns, "la creatura" etc. if said poster is european and wanting to insult americans, anglo or britbong for french etc.)
Basically they see everything in terms of nations and nothing else, and think anyone from x other nation or x group of nations is inferior.
>The bongs were intimidated out of garrisoning the region north of the US
Source: your ass
>look up that war
>turns out England was allied with half of Europe....and still didn't win
Point is, a fucking pirate destroyed 100 spanish ships
Who would win? The strongest navel force ever assembled? Or a couple flamey bois.
>Most of the damage made by weather
>Bongs claim they won it by themselves
Now look up how many times Spain has btfo the brits
>God BTFOs the Catholic Spanish
>somehow this invalidates the battle
Remember when we saved your ass from the French, ungrateful beaner?
Id be mad too if i had to liberate an enemy country from another enemy country and have nothing in return
Best post
What sort of coping is this?
>and have nothing in return
What is Gibraltar?
Yeah, you totally "saved" Spain with epic "victories" like this Thank Nigel
Chad Wellington
>conveniently ignoring it's Spaniards and Portufuese who did the heavy lifting in these battles
Yeah, because the Peninsular War ended in 1809 and with French victory, right?
>War of the Spanish Succession and the napoleonic wars are the same thing
>"Wow, what a glorious reich, we wuz romans, we shall make Europe better!!!"
The British are a delusional people, you just have to let them be.
The Peninsular War was mostly a Spanish effort
Meanwhile pussy ass Wellington was hiding in Portugal, Spanish guerrilleros were fighting the French all over the country
I often see bongs boast about "defeating" 200,000 Frenchmen in Spain, but the truth is that most of those frogs were fighting Spanosh revolts, and only a small fraction of them ever crossed the path of Wellington (hence why he always outnumbered his enemies as it can be noticed there )
Spain won the Peninsular War, and Britain helped a little
Britain funded the entire operation and provided supplies
>t. sodomized and coping
Anglo historians and their rewritten history are the most annoying thing in existance
>t. muh glorious empire still keeping calm and coping on
Why do you know so much of Anglo history?
Great response
I love how we have a perfect exemple of this here
Germany will never give up...
They will always try again to take over the world.
And one time they succeed.
>The British are a delusional people, you just have to let them be.
This is true, but the problem is the bongs seem to enjoy getting sodomized by the krauts and that affects others. If we closed down all the public schools there, that might decrease the numbers of poofter twits that find their way into power over there.
he's a faggot and so are you
Literally all of those were victories, the goals are the means of long term victory. For example: Jutland was largely inconclusive as battles go, the German squadron was in danger of being surrounded and destroyed by the larger British navy. They did more damage to be sure, but, they sought to break the hold of Britain on the sea. This goal the German navy did not achieve, they went back to their harbors for the remainder of the war, and Britain received and sent out supplies by sea without fear of German surface navies. The only victory is control, and control Britain maintained.
>stays in the war
>loses their empire
Wow they truly won out huh?
Fuck off Germany. Your only relevance was from 1914-1945
>They did more damage to be sure
correct, the krauts bent the bongs over and pushed their shit in... with gusto
Not before adding the North west part of Germany to the empire
We've been shut down two times by the allies..
And we lost that's true.
And we might play nice and polite now.
Germans never give up.
that is not really accurate, the german navy suffered their own damage and losses, towards the end they escaped into the night because they'd committed their force into a tightening noose that they had no hope to win against.
seething anglo apologists itt
You never know when the next big boy comes, if you know what I mean.
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do you know what I'm doing here?
We dont know what youre doing here
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