What would you tell these people to make them believe or love God?
What would you tell these people to make them believe or love God?
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If you don't, you'll burn in Hell.
Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people
The most honest answer. To be honest they are already there. Abandoned like Sonny at the gas station.
These people are proof that God sins. You can't live a life of that level of physical torture and psychological inferiority and come out adequate for heaven it's ruler. It's a grand disgrace of a supposition. Who ever has fathered these creatures by law has warranted a dishonorable death of many degrees.
Why won't anyone answer, is everyone on this site an intellectual fraud/coward?
Yes, have you not been here?
Have you read the Sermon on the Mount? That.
I would tell them look at the jews, they started off as slaves
You're the intellectual fraud, implying anyone wants to answer this shitty thread.
Fuck off Lenin
>jews own the world
>blacks are the least crucial race in history
what did user mean by jiz
yet you did you worthless scum bag
How much do black communities hate themselves that you are actually DISCOURAGED to succeed because it is considered selling out your community and becoming white lmao what level of inferiority is that even possible, it fucks me up
post obama its ok to succed now
Free them and when they thank me, I tell them to thank the Lord for His mercy instead
god by definition can't sin.
yea but once they become intelligent and aware they'll realize that they were abandoned to the world while you weren't dumbass
and what do you mean by mercy as if he didnt have to do that, its his fucking job, hes thier dad, who ironically walked out on them
Cargo Cult. Once they realize it doesn't work it is to late and their culture has already converted.
>Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature
i've realized that doesn't necessarily have to be understood in a negative connotation
b-b-but muh free will!
"Stop holding those pagan rituals or I'll whip your daughter again"
>it is the medical painkiller of the people
really makes u think
Top row kids, second and third from the left are very handsome (no homo)
Are these "contraband" slaves freed by Union soldiers?
>"Stop holding those pagan rituals or I'll whip your daughter again"
** Believes in a God.
** Tortures, murders, and brutally enslaves people - not civilized servitude.
In heaven, everyone is white
yous gon get white bitches in heaven if yous gon be good boy
>What would you tell these people to make them believe or love God?
why would you want to lie to them for what little money they have?
you mean in hell, everyone in heaven is jewish
That's a quote from Marx, a man wiser and more knowledgeable than you could ever hope to be
Marx is an average philosopher, who created a destructive ideology for mankind. Should I count the number of crime and murder this ideology is responsible for?
This destructive ideology ended WW2, abolished feudalism, and put the first man in space, and.
There is a lot of society that didn't had feudalism before marx, if instead of reading Das Kapital you tried to read anthropological research you would know that. Marx analysis is far from being universal.
Also this ideology killed thousands in URSS, Venezuela and Mao's China.
God made niggers stink so that blind people could also hate them.
they already believe in the divine, so I don't need to say much for that fundamental point to sink in.
As for what would I say to make them believe in hebrew mythology... hahahahahahaha
>It wasn't guns and tanks and bombs that ended WW2, but muh Marxism
>It wasn't gradual land reforms throughout the world that ended feudalism, but muh Marxism
>It wasn't science and technology that put a man in space, but muh Marxism
"People" like you don't even deserve to waste our air breathing