How do we stop pop-nihilism?
How do we stop pop-nihilism?
Nihilism is the truth though. The pushback is just babies crying over how unfair it is. Don't blame us, blame your non-existent God
You can't stop nihilism because it is true.
>blame your non-existent God
Try not to cut yourself on all that edge
No arguement. No purpose. No meaning. No God
Such is life (and Veeky Forums)
How do we stop pop-Christianity?
Conceited and arrogant. As expected.
He has all right to be like that because his position is the right one.
>Speaks exactly the same way
Either you're a samefag, or you have just proven my point.
> Either I am right or all of you are samefags!!!
You have no point. Just accept it. None of us do
My "point" was that nihilists are arrogant and conceited, which his comment proved. It's not like you didn't know that either but just in case, here, let me walk you through this:
Situation a) is also Samefag
Situation b) is not Both are nihilists.
Both are conceited and arrogant.
Evidence that nihilists are conceited and arrogant.
Point proven.
>tfw I've been wasting my time arguing with bait on this Mongolian basket-weaving site
Kill all the nihilists
It is an unfalsifiable position in general. It the absence of assumptions, but it also means it has extremely limited usefulness to humans.
There's nothing wrong with being edgy
>You can't stop nihilism because it is true.
[Citation needed]
Nihilism is true but should have evolved into Absurdism.
Also if you haven't read Camus or Sartre, you really should not talk about nihilism in the slightest.
As a bolshevik I could care less about nihilism.
Nihilists tend not to fight back, thus making the revolution that much easier.
>my conception of meaninglessness totally applies to the non-conceptual reality we inhabit!
Ah, so you still care somewhat about nihilism?
not a revolutionary, but generally disaffected people who drift towards nihilism are the same kinds of people who you could also be turned towards revolution. Revolutionary nihilism is very much a thing.
I'm just pointing out that NEITHER of them has posted that they weren't samefag.
This is important, because since they haven't it is increasingly likely he is one nihilist. Thus proving that not believing in God promotes extremely dishonest, manipulative behavior.
Kill every jew
What's wrong with Nihilism?
This but unironically.
something something fedora something pickle rick something something
for me, it's pop-absurdism
You will learn when you're older
could you also define what you mean by nihilism? is it nietsche or the view that human life is not importand because only physical reality exists?
Seconded. There's a whole swathes of what constitutes nihilism. What is "pop nihilism"? #YOLO thing?
Hayao Miyazaki is a communist traitor to Japan. He should shut up about, "muh imperialism, muh evil humans." Shut the fuck up, chink lover. There is nothing wrong with progress you limpwristed faggot. His animes suck, he's a traitor to Japan, nanking never happened and fuck your ecofriendly faggory you commie traitor. Go live in North Korea and China if you hate Japan so much.
Ah, I remember being 19. That reminds me I need to unsub from the Bible Reloaded and all that other garbage.
Nihilism is a weird conclusion based on nothing substantial. It has no logical foundation. It is a mere assumption born from a lack of evidence. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence is a valid and logical statement.
We just wait for the pendulum to swing the other way again. Like all shallow trends this one will pass. You can already see this happening when people cringe en masse when someone says some dumb fedora shit.
What I find really funny is that people who believe in magic are surprised or offended by people writing off their ideas as ridiculous. What would YOU do if someone told you they worship Hercules and think he was actually magical?
The reasonable response to religious people comes off as arrogance because you believe wildly stupid shit. You bring this upon yourself. Get the fuck over it or adopt a worldview based on reality.
You’re right man, they just get triggered because they can’t handle it.
There’s a large portion of people on this website who simply cannot be normal. Even if the logical conclusion of a problem is one they land on, they refuse to adopt it if it’s normal or popular.
They get a kind of tribal identity by being contrarian edgelords. There are literally people here who role play as Christians just to feel separate from normal young adults. It’s psychologically fascinating, but make no mistake, it’s about contrarianism and being edgy regardless of logic. Loners and outcasts by choice.
>Nanking never happened
What's your argument for that?
lol it turned green
>op talks about pop-nihilism
>kneejerk reaction is that this is a religious thing
I don't think someone has to be a papist to think that people yelling about moral relativity and spitting at anyone having an emotion is kinda annoying.