The Virgin John vs the Chad Mohammed

>“As has been related, this Mohammed wrote many ridiculous books, to each one of which he set a title. For example, there is the book On Woman, in which he plainly makes legal provision for taking four wives and, if it be possible, a thousand concubines—as many as one can maintain, besides the four wives. He also made it legal to put away whichever wife one might wish, and, should one so wish, to take to oneself another in the same way. Mohammed had a friend named Zeid. This man had a beautiful wife with whom Mohammed fell in love. Once, when they were sitting together, Mohammed said: ‘Oh, by the way, God has commanded me to take your wife.’ The other answered: ‘You are an apostle. Do as God has told you and take my wife.’

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1. Mohammed didn't write anything, he was literate and the Quaran was compiled in Syriac by a bunch of dudes trying to remember what Mohammed said. The current Arabic version is probably a close translation of it, I don't know much about that.

2. Mohammed as a warlord cult leader. Even as an athiest I can understand a difference between Jesus and Buddha and then Mohammed. Who's spiritual message boiled down to fuck them or kill them, also I hate dogs, so God hates them too.

What is it about the Muslim religion that allows it to take hold of populations so quickly and turn them into hardcore beleivers? I don't buy the "they're savages" meme, my dad is Muslim and he's also an accompished painter and graphic artist with a master's degree from the University of Madrid. He is well travelled, cultured, and very intelligent. He taught me about philosphy, made me read classic literature, and introduced me to eastern religious ideas at a young age.
At the same time he told me my mom was going to hell because she beleived that Jesus was the son of god, and that Jews were sub-human monsters that thirst for power and control. I find it hard to reconcile those two aspects of my father as a man, which leads me to question the indoctrination practices of Islam that make it so appealing to otherwise totally normal people.
I should also note that he was raised in the Muslim religion, but was totally non practicing till some few years after I was born.

Now, that all being said I don't subscribe to either religion. I do beleive in the existence of God, but what he/ it might be I have no idea. The one branch of Islam that I find interesting though are the suffis, and more specifically their esoteric practices.

If you were Arab you converted because this guy is leading an army that uniting the Arabic peoples and now pushing into the Byzantine and Persian Empires, you assume God is on his side. Also he can kill you if you don't.

The Christians converted for economic reasons. Muslims didn't pay taxes in the Caliphates and only non-Muslims can be slaves. I'm not sure how quickly it takes hold, Egypt was like 50-60% Christian still during the Crusades.

People believe in it now because their families have been Muslim for generations.

Unlike Judaism or Christianity which is a compilation of different writers reflecting different attitudes. Islam is the teaching of a single man, and it also says he is the last prophet so there can be no alterations. Because of this, its way easier to be dogmatic about it. All the teaching fall in line with a single view.

>Muslims didn't pay taxes in the Caliphates
That is BS and you know it. They paid the Zakkat which was smostly equal to the Jizzya throught history, while sometimes it was less , depending on the ruler. There were even Christian tribes absolved from Jiziya if they showed they were loyal to the Caliphate. We can debate about what you think of those taxes, but to say they didn't pay any is simply wrong

I suppose Christians are similar with the afterlife part for non-Christians, how did he react to you not being a believer?

>What is it about the Muslim religion that allows it to take hold of populations so quickly and turn them into hardcore beleivers?
This is just confirmation bias from your own familiarity with your father. A lot of religious people are like that. Even irreligious ones (in sociological sense), too. You gotta be specific if you want to pin it alone on Islam.

Makes sense. I think the whole idea of surrendering yourself to God and transferring your agency to a supreme being is appealing for lots of people, it takes away the guess work of life. Everything becomes "inshallah," if God wills it.
I'm also curious if there was ever an Evangelical aspect of Islam, insofar as it is the duty of every Muslim to spread the faith, because that's not something I ever witnessed, you never see Muslims going door to door like Jehovas for instance. I remember my dad telling me "for every step you take towards Allah, he takes two steps toward you." Which is kind of /comfy/ if I'm being honest.

He used to be a dick about it, but he chalked it up to me being a kid and not taking stuff seriously enough. As I've gotten older he's chilled wayy out and now we have long sweeping conversations about theology that encompass many different religions and themes, but he always brings it back to Islam. It would probably be his dying wish for me to convert officially, but for the most part he is understanding of my spiritual flip flops.
Yeah, that's a good point. It's just odd to me that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and has been for quite some time, not to mention it crosses virtually every ethnic and racial divide. But the same could be said of Christianity I suppose.

>I do beleive in the existence of God, but what he/ it might be I have no idea.

God is an omnipresent intergalactic extra-3-space "spirit" being. It despises Moses and Muhammad worshipers and prefers rats, oysters, squid, sponges, and the sort to Abrahamics.

Humans aren't remotely the center of the universe and completely expendable to God in the first place much less if they're going to be psycho-killing, raping, plundering terrorists in God's name.

Muhammad didn't hate dogs.

If it was a question of indoctrination, your father would have been that way since an early age. It was most likely a crisis of identity.

>Unlike Judaism or Christianity which is a compilation of different writers reflecting different attitudes. Islam is the teaching of a single man, and it also says he is the last prophet so there can be no alterations. Because of this, its way easier to be dogmatic about it. All the teaching fall in line with a single view.
Islam is also the compiled works of many different authors. And that's not even counting those works that are ultimately attributed to Muhammad or the founders of various Hadith traditions and law schools but were more likely later works by their disciples. And the attitude that Muhammad is the ultimate and final authority is hardly unique either compared to Christianity.

Whatever God is I doubt it "despises" anything.
If anything I think it exibits a benevolent indifference. Benevolent in the sense that it created the universe and by extension us, and indifferent because ultimately good/bad are opposite sides of the same coin. Sure it's bad when natural disasters kill thousands, or stellar phenomena extinguish entire planets or solar systems , but that same destruction usually leads to new life. Receding flood waters usually leave fertile soil, fires that wipe out entire forests enable new plants to grow and the destruction of a planet might cause millions of asteroids holding microbial life to spread out into the cosmos seeding new life in new places.

Increasingly I see the universe as a giant mechanism like a clock, god merely set the wheels in motion with the big bang.
Maybe God died in the process and the entire universe exists to produce another being that can somehow overcome entropy and set the wheels in motion yet again in an endless cycle.
Either way the notion of Hate goes against everything a just god would stand for.

I think you're probably correct. The deepening of his faith coincided pretty closely with my birth.

>University of Madrid
No such thing exist. Your father is a fraud user

>Either way the notion of Hate goes against everything a just god would stand for.

Moses and Muhammad turned God's holy name into a weapon for mortal terror - you better bet your ass God hates them.

Anyone can lie and anyone can murder, and the authors of the Qur'an and most of the Bible did just that.

People don't listen to people who actually work for God, like myself.

This species is done for because they refuse to get rid of their blasphemous terrorist handbooks.

Your hole memery comes from a mistranslation. Horned is hebrew also means iluminated man. Moses being represented by horns is just due a mistranslations

Lol probably, or I just misremembered. Either way, it's an intriguing theory.

Madrid has 9 universities. None are called the university of Madrid

>Your hole memery comes from a mistranslation. Horned is hebrew also means iluminated man. Moses being represented by horns is just due a mistranslations

Yes, Michelangelo didn't put horns on Moses with mortal intent to portray Moses as the devil.

That's why it's called "God" because it does things without mortals' consent.

>None are called the university of Madrid
There's at least three according to wiki. Is this autism about OP not specifying Complutense, Autonomous, or Technical?

No it is not. What you wrote is BS.

>Is this autism about OP not specifying Complutense, Autonomous, or Technical?
No one that has studied in any university in Madrid would claim to have study in the university of Madrid.

OP isn't the one saying he studied there, he's just greentexting what his father once told him.

>Muslims didn't pay taxes
Zakat (Arabic: زكاة zakāh [zaˈkaː], "that which purifies",[1] also Zakat al-mal [zaˈkaːt alˈmaːl] زكاة المال, "zakat on wealth",[2] or Zakah)[3] is a form of alms-giving treated in Islam as a religious obligation or tax,[4][5] which, by Quranic ranking, is next after prayer (salat) in importance.[6]

I know. That is why I call his dad a fraud

90% blog post

>he told me my mom was going to hell because she beleived that Jesus was the son of god
How can anyone live with the belief that their beloved spouse is going to hell? It seems like it would either make you miserable or create an impossible amount of cognitive dissonance.

Attached: concerned pertwee.jpg (735x570, 81K)

>hurr suffi is cool
every fucking time with these of larpers. Its like white hippie buddhist version of islam.

From Constantine to Joseph Smith, the only chad Christians are crypto-Pagans.

Your father is most likely not completely devout. If he would've read the Quran he'd realize that the matter of the fate of Christians is a bit more complected than "they all go to hell". I would explain it to you but I can't quite understand it myself, I think Christians might be saved if they are otherwise good people? Not sure though.

>be Muhammad
>Tell your followers that even though dogs carry horrible diseases, you shouldn't mistreat them
>There's a haddith about Allah forgiving a prostitute simiply because she gave a thirsty dog some water
>"Lmao Muhammad eat dogs and childern"

>non trinitiarian christians before 7th century all goto heavan
>all christian after 7th century after goto hell
it's simple as that.