This board used to be good before the redditors took over. Now I see why the entire site hates them, They are the most self absorbed psuedointellectual narcissistic people I have seen in my entire life.
This board used to be good before the redditors took over. Now I see why the entire site hates them...
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off newfag.
This board is just as it was almost from it´s inception.
No it isn't. I have been here for a long time. It started to shift about a few months ago. With communist discord raids, and people from other parts of reddit flowing in
the newfag is you
finally someone's saying it
The amount of autism in this reddit thread holy shit how old are these guys?
I only found out Veeky Forums is almost two years old now the other week and the existential terror set in. I can't believe how fast everything is going
>Waaaaaah why did people grow out of a right wing hugbox
Knowing about genetics seems to be a good redditit repellent. They hate hereditary things and genetic anthropology.
fuck off newfag, try to make some sense next time.
Knowing about genetics seems to be a good reddit detector. They love race bait and hate anything to do with actual history.
Atheists and Communist LARPers seriously need to get banned.
it was never this
That's why reddit rejects the fact that Amerindians have demonstrated a higher development rate than europeans. Therefore Amerindians have more civilization potential thsn europeans.
This shit is old.
I miss melanin warrior, the turkposter and Constantine she was qt irl. Ape was good too.
Are you the inca poster?
The whole graph thing is reddit btw
What do you mean? The steppe people that makes up most of Europe today entered Europe way later than the part ANE amerindians entered Americas. They had a lot of time and space to develope past Europeans, yet didnt.
I am the archeological and genetics facts poster. How is this hard to get?
Honestly i'm a total newfag for Veeky Forums standards ( i've been browsing since late 2013) but i've also noticed an slight worsening of quality in the last months. People also answer to obvious bait too, instead of reporting or ignoring
The steppe people inherited advancements from middle easterners as they contacted each other.
Don't worry. I'm mentioning the comparison with Amerindians and the other migration waves and how they used the technology inherited over time.
The result is the same. Amerindians had a higher development rate than europeans.
Been here since day one, the board was always shit.
His has always been the most left of the Veeky Forums boards. It was much more history based for about 1 week before the "philosophy" took over. At some point history became more important. But I actually agree with you since the leftist have more towards the liberal and away from communists.
Except for the food thread from like day 3 that was legitimately informing and civil.
It's hard to be an autistic ideologue when the entire board is devoted to things that actually happened. Stay in your pen, /pol/.
I think so actually. It's wierd it doesn't seem like moot has been gone over two years.
>not remembering the first few weeks of Veeky Forums that was a powerstruggle between /pol/ and lefties from Veeky Forums
You couldn't even make a WW2 thread without people foaming at the mouth about neo- NNaz boogeymen. It was a fucking witch hunt.
>Nazis being subhumans
Veeky Forums was trash quite literally from day one.
Bitch fuck off, redditors from /pol/ have been here since the beginning.
>10 threads a day about "g*rmans"
Clearly we're dealing with unbiased people who just want an honest discussion about history.
This picture too was literally posted from the beginning.
Everything is reddit these days from what I understand.
It's just you
That's what I'm told
Kill yourselves redditniggers, you're the cancer that's killing the Internet.
/pol/ had no redditors until the election
You’re a faggot
It’s a reaction to /pol/. Retards think that the best way to fight shitposters from /pol/ is to shitpost back. It’s autistic.
#edditors are like niggers; you just define them as people everyone hates, and then say everyone hates them.
It's funny, /pol/ is fine with the autonomy of other boards so long as they aren't overtly leftwing. They are uniroincally a board of peace.
These resistors come in, start spouting nonsense then like a white blood cell attacking an infection, /pol/ comes in and stands their ground. Every gets pissed at the conflict and then blames /pol/. The board slides further left and all the non Reddit members of the board get pissed and migrate to /pol/.
I like what you do. Keep triggering the eurocentrists.
This is ludicrously underinformed.
Politics, religion, race, and economics really have no place here.
>this is what /pol/tards believe
>Highest rated post has 28 points
>/pol/ has been spamming this image for months
wow Veeky Forums absolutely btfo
constantine was a trap
Maybe you should be less vitriolic toward free expression of ideas and /pol/ would stop taking your smartest. Oppressive cultures cause push factors for cultural migrants.
>Maybe you should be less vitriolic toward free expression of ideas
hearing "the holocaust did not happen and you're a kike if you think it did" gets repetitive after a while user
Oh please it was /pol/ that opened the floodgates from reddit with that T_D bullshit
I've never seen any post even remotely like that in all 3 years this board has existed
/pol/ actively derides T_D at any chance.
You cannot blame a culture for being so successful that it drives migration toward it. Blame mods and your fellow posters for tolerating a low quality of discussion.
A real shame you've missed it
then you haven't been paying attention
for example, a lot of "free expression of ideas" in that one
There is; you're so far down your idealogically hole that you're afraid of free discussion. Truth fears no investigation; if they're wrong then a simple discussion should suffice to debunk it.
Notice the stark difference between what you wrote "ANYONE WHO DISAGREES IS A KIKE" and what the "Nazi" actually wrote: "here's some discrepancies in the current narrative, something's up."
Here the "Nazi" is actually facilitating free discourse where as you the "enlightened free man" are shutting it down. What an interesting time to be alive.
It's been debunked several times but people get tired of repeating themselves to people that are so set in their ways they only look for confirmation bias.
Sorry not buying it
Are you fucking high? /pol/ racebait neo-nazi shitposters and the autistic tankies who they fight with are in almost every fucking thread.
I'll share some art; perhaps that will persuade you.
Bit retarded mate
That's the point.
I could tell from the original post
Became pure reddit after that tho
Now you're just arguing in bad faith.
I'm not from r*ddit. I've never used r*ddit. Sure, you might call me names and say I'm from that site, but you're simply in denial that there are all kinds of people on this board, not just migrants from /pol/. The Veeky Forums shitposting is entertaining and often forms part of at least semi-informed discussion.
What people call /pol/ posters, on the other hand, are actually /pol/ posters. They are serious, non-ironic, and autistic to no end.
Yeah, there is a certain tone in many of the posts that is distinctly reddit and underage
Right now /int/ shitposting feels like a worse cancer to this board most of the time
As a /pol/lack myself, nothing makes me laugh more than our own antisemitic propaganda used against us. They're just good jokes.
Most of us complaining aren't even /pol/ posters. There just seems to be no point in having a board like this if we're going to have a barrage of idiots shouting down everyone who dares diverge from the modern historical-sociological consensus, which is pretty much a joke.
Maybe you would succeed in expunging /pol/ if you stopped giving them a monopoly on certain obvious truths.
You act like this board is old.
It's been here for like 3 years.
Literally r*ddit
I really used to be just slightly edgy and a little contrarian, but because the only place that would accept me discussion some more unsavory ideas was /pol/, casual nazism kinda seeped into me. The whole censoring of ideas, whether dejure or de facto, leads to increased radicalization. Both sides really need to learn how to openly discuss their differences.
Sorry sweetie, 100% Veeky Forums
I've been on Veeky Forums since '11 and been on Veeky Forums since it's inception.
The influx of redditors came from /pol/ in 2015, 16 during the Trump election, and since then, /pol/faggotry has spread across this site like a wildfire. Now whenever someone tries to put an end to their cancer, they screech 'muh reddit!', ignoring the fact that stormniggers are, in fact, the bane of this site. Truly, there hasn't been a more cancerous fad than /pol/ since the bronies, and that's saying something.
>I lived under a rock the post
Oh, really? And what was the real story, then?
Topics like this always boil down to cherry-picked proofs and unreliable testimonies.
>They're just good jokes.
either lying of a useful idiot. /pol/'s MO is to hide behind irony to disguise their views.
>The influx of redditors came from /pol/ in 2015
The main influx of redditors began like 5 years ago
>the modern historical-sociological consensus, which is pretty much a joke.
to make such a crude generalization as this is ridiculous. there is no consensus on a lot of subjects and there are a huge amount of subjects that no single consensus will ever emerge.
> /pol/ if you stopped giving them a monopoly on certain obvious truths.
so a certain consensus among unnamed modern scholars is a "joke", but /pol/'s truths must be accepted and embraced, even though they are also unnamed and likely grounded in some kind of "race realist" nonsense or stereotypes and tall tales forged through shilling, propaganda and infographs
I don't have the time to delve too deep into the full sociology of what's happened but I'll try to explain it quickly:
NAZI contrarianism has always been a subculture of Veeky Forums and for a long time it was generally accepted, but with the paradigm shift and increased radicalization caused to ALL of society as a result of the 2016 election, people have now been forced to take sides on the previously minor NAZI subculture.
>. there is no consensus on a lot of subjects
No one said otherwise.
> but /pol/'s truths must be accepted and embraced,
I don't believe anyone said this. This post has pretty much proven my point.
This level of sophistry is ridiculous. You decided he wrong without reasoning fist but fired away regardless. It's almost comical in its childishness.
nazi subculture was always hated and has always been a large presence here. like the old MLPfags and furries groups they insinuate themselves into every debate, and they still do. once their foot is in the door on a board, they insidiously undermine and take over boards by making circle jerk threads and bullying others away by making everything into a discourse on jews and niggers.
Who cares? Both sides are wrong. I enjoy feeling of superiority that comes from watching the battle between pol retardation and Reddit autism from sides.
no argument here. just accusations of childishness to posture yourself as the "mature" party.
then what could you possibly mean "historical sociological consensus" and "/pol/ having monopoly on certain ideas"? I suspect you made your phrasing so vague on purpose to allow deniability.
lol they were Reddit way before that, when the new immigrants manage to push for ID and flags.
This. Jesus Christ, the fuck is this pol infestation? I just came back after a long hiatus and srsly the fuck is this? Are there any boards free of the poltards? That's all I ask for.
>/pol/fag creates a holocaust thread
get's refuted, shown proofs and btfo, get's very butthurt and leaves
>people create nazi non-holocaust atrocity thread
/pol/fag can't refute this, starts yelling about holocaust, is shown proofs, gets very butthurt and leaves
It's getting very tiresome and boring, /pol/... when the fucking will you leave together with your lefty/pol/tards and t_d redditor?