you are worse than mongols only destroy not create all wester world development is thank to south european and mediterranean as a whole
Aryans are nigger tier individuals
>it's another medniggers salty that they have to use a germanic language online thread
>Germanic language
>basically French with some Germanic grammar
Keep crying ;), barbarianism >>> civilization
Also Rome started it.
lol wtf English isn't a German language
>using writing which was invented by West Asians
>using alphabet which was invented by Phoenicians
>medniggers get cucked out of their own alphabets by the superior Germanic tongues
Can't make this shit up.
>snowniggers get cucked out of their own countries by the superior African Muslim immigrant BBC
k e k
You mean like what happened to Southern Europe more than 1,000 years ago?
At least we Meds are proud of our Arab ancestry. We are descended from a race of warrior-poets and mighty conquerors. Can you say the same, stormnigger?
wtf are you talking about anatolian are not arab retard
>medniggers trying to lecture Germanics about conquering
Best joke I've heard all year.
this thread have been done by some middle eastern faggot to agroup south european as their family when they arent
north european and south european are brothers stay mad subhumans
european have nothing to do with those niggers not north european nor south european
love from sweeden to all italyan spaniards and greeks
>Ich habe eine braune Kuh, die gute Milch gibt
>I have a brown cow who gives good milk
>J'ai une vache brune qui donne du bon lait
>You, hear me! Give this fire to that old man. Pull the black worm off the bark and give it to the mother. And no spitting in the ashes!
>Du hörst mich! Gib diesem alten Mann dieses Feuer. Ziehe den schwarzen Wurm von der Rinde und gib ihn der Mutter. Und kein Spucken in der Asche!
>Tu m'entends! Donnez ce feu à ce vieil homme. Retirez le ver noir de l'écorce et donnez-le à la mère. Et pas de crachat dans les cendres!
Sure, the fancy vocabulary comes from French, but the core vocabulary and grammar is all Germanic. In particular, note things like sing/sang/sung and singen/gesangen/gesungen- those irregularities in conjugation being the same is a pretty clear indicator of relation.
Oops, one thing: in case it wasn't obvious
>Tu m'entends! Donnez ce feu à ce vieil homme. Retirez le ver noir de l'écorce et donnez-le à la mère. Et pas de crachat dans les cendres!
is French too.
>being this autistic
Civilization comes from France, barbaric roots from Germany.
>rome invades everywhere, enslaving and crucifying all who resist and destroying native cultures and language
>rome gets invaded
>medshits still butthurt to this day
is some middle eastern trying to create conflict
Sorry, English is a Germanic language. It is as Romance as Maltese.
>france was only civilized before germany because they were easier to conquer
how embarassing
funny considering that the parthenon (what he posted) is so damaged because it was used as a magazine by turks (meds) and hit by a shell by venetians (meds)
>Carl the Great
>Holy Roman Empire
>ruled by a Germanic King
>inb4 some faggot comes in to educate us on the Romano-Trojan roots of the Franks
Their culture is Asiatic.
North Italy was corrupted with Germanic DNA.
Germanic achievements
>modern medicine
>space rockets
>assembly line
Med achievements
>some gay marble statues
>some nice looking buildings
you are not german stop with this bullshit
>North Italy was corrupted with Germanic DNA.
is that why its so productive?
Well, they found some J2 in elite Merovingian graves.
tfw Germanics pretty much created the entire modern world
>Mediterraneans are so dumb they can't tell the difference between German and Germanic
No, this is why it's so perfidious.
Good luck making any of that without writing or agriculture.
Phoenicians and Sumerians aka sandniggers
Mesopotamians and Egyptians aka also sandniggers
Franks were Sarmatians and belonged to J2, in fact, Sarmatians and French share 30% of their DNA(French component + North Atlantic component) thanks to the Franks.
retard im sweedish i was trying to say that not more divisive post
all south european and nord european have contributed to make europe and the world what is today
glory for both
fuck off brainlet.
Yeah. Everyone tries to ignore it, but the fact is that Europeans learned writing from Semites, and would be illiterate without them.
>responsible for destroying original Europeans (which were close to Mediterraneans), Roman Empire, Byzantium
>haha, we just actively worked for 4500 years to destroy your Southern civilization, but we are the same people ;)
Inherited Sins are Spooks.
the nigger blood is clouding your mind subhuman
aryan and western hunter gatherers are native european and first farmers have arould 25-30% wester hunter gatherer so we are pure
>aryans were native European
>Aryans were literal steppeniggers
Literal WE WUZING by the northern barbarian
Whenever people learn a language as adults and pass the result on to their kids, they mangle it. That's why English has such babby grammar compared to German- first the Celts learned it and mangled it, followed by the Vikings.
Lithuanian is generally considered to be the most similar to Proto-Indo-European of any living language.
Therefore the Lithuanians are the purest Aryans.
of course they are
>Lithuanian is generally considered to be the most similar to Proto-Indo-European of any living language.
Wrong. Marathi is actually much closer.
Please tell me this is a joke.
Meds are part of pie.
The Greeks were Aryans m8, Romans too.
In Europe he'd be right. The first dictionaries in Lithuanian were drawn directly from Sanskrit sources.
Okay, so the Marathi are the purest Aryans.
They only spoke the language. Genetically they were closer to farmers.
atlanto baltic is aryan and whg the rest is anatolian
maybe the 30% of the french dna affected the franks through intermarriage instead of fucking iranians adding 30% of french genetics
Sarmatians were renowned for their cavalry, about the early Frankish army, Agathias of Myrina says "They do not serve on horseback except in very rare cases. Fighting on foot is both habitual and a national custom and they are proficient in this. At the hip they wear a sword and on the left side their shield is attached. They have neither bows nor slings"
The Greek language and mythology contain non-Indo-European elements, and the first Greek inscriptions are written in a script developed for a language that's unknown. It's thought Greece was a culture that developed through admixture between invading Aryans and the local civilization, rather like India.
kek jews are more european than some italians
You know that early farmers weren't fully Anatolian? And Anatolian and Near East are different things.
Retarded outdated terminology.
That's how most IE cultures developed. That's why they are all rather different. The Greeks were clearly influenced by pre-IE people, Anatolians, Egyptians and the Near Eastern civilizations.
turks 35% european greeks around 55%
the meme need to end
It's really fascinating how those different cultures influenced each other. I wonder how many customs and god are Indo-Europeans and how many are foreign.
Prove him wrong.