would his reputation be a lot better if the holocaust was not a thing? if was he treated as just another german warmonger.
Would his reputation be a lot better if the holocaust was not a thing...
Other urls found in this thread:
No, since the Holocaust was fabricated to begin with.
Euro/pol/ is wurst /pol/
Hijacking this thread with an actual, non-retarded question:
Let's say Hitler dies in prison after the Beer Hall Putsch.
Could the Nazis have risen to power without his skills as an orator? Who would have taken his place as party leader? What would have Nazism looked like without Hitler?
>implying the holocaust was the only bad thing the nazis did
that thread is a reddit raid cricle jerk with copypasta eyewitness testimonies that were never proved
Besides an rather impressive rise to power, objectively just another self righteous spiteful douchebag. Just as Mussolini doesn't have a salient legacy of strife, but is still remembered as a buffoon and thug.
It really baffles me that people legitimately worship them. They would have died an ignoble death in a nonsensical battle orchestrated by the arrogance of either of these pricks within a year.
>that were never proven
source: hitlerdidnothingwrong1488hailthewhiterace.com
ok raiders you can stop now
>source: pierre and schlomo's eyewitness accounts
>no u
Fucking stormniggers
Based redditors
>stormnigger complaining about reddit
probably not in the eastern/slavic world
(((Germs))) even used Kikes to murder local civilians.
Holy fuck.
I knew this shit must have been happening. I keep seeing these 50-60 year olds on other boards shitting things up. I only trust 4channers 28-43. 28 means underage b& but at least high school during 05-07. 42 means not over 30 if they started early.
No because there would still be all the rumors about his dick and ball(s).
No, because he still killed millions of people outside of the Holocaust.
He had a boner that day.
Why does no one care?
Nazis would have remained strasserists. It would be much harder for them to attain power given that business interests would not support them.
Ok, holocaust never happens.
Still the fact remains that they started a pointless war, massacred millions of europeans, demolished historic european cities, left the continent in ruins, the direct goal was to wipe out 6/10 population of europe for german colonisation, leaders were insanely fanatical meth addicts with sick obsession of racial pseuo-science and were totalitarian warmongering oppressors who wanted to twist western civilization into their sick fetishes...
Woah nice, at least now i can larp as SS commander uniform and not be guilty of killing le chosen people.
All of that thread:
>2 wrongs make 1 right! Bumber Harrus do it again :DDDDDDD!
Comparing Mussolini to Hitler isn't fair. Left to his own devices and with no WW2, Mussolini would likely have just fucked around some in Africa and killed a bunch of leftists in Italy.
>started a pointless war
They were led to it by Versailles.
They deserved it though.
Hitler was just another illuminati puppet produced to lash out and die to the Soviet utopian Army. I do not judge him.
They'd just make it up, like they did in real life.
Seeing that the Holocaust was only something that to its full extend was only uncovered after the war was lost, I doubt it.
Hitler had been the modern devil beforehand and would have been afterwards. The ethnic cleansing of Eastern Europe, the antisemitic cleansing of Europe, the totalitarian anti-western ideology would have sufficed to have the same image of Hitler today.
To add: antisemitic cleansing doesn't only revolve around killing jews. Forcefully expelling, expropriating and generally opressing jews would have occured as well. Unless by lack of Holocaust you mean lack of antisemitism as a whole.
>all the /pol/acks in that thread
A tyrant is a tyrant. What was done to him in death should convey enough about how the citizens generally felt about him.
>What was done to him in death should convey enough about how the citizens generally felt about him.
Oh yeah they hated him since the very beginning but never did a thing for 20 years. Totally.
They hated him so much they even gave him a mausoleum
Yeah, and there are shrines of Pablo Escobar in Columbia to this day, so what? When you have an iron fist and a cult of personality, it's pretty easy to maintain sycophants.
Why are Germans so outrageously evil?
Because apparently being the "masterrace" allows you to behave worse than the "inferior races".
Now watch as a stormnigger sees your pic and starts screeching "MUH FAKE PHOTOS REEEEEEEE" without any source to back that claim up.
This enrages /pol/
>implying the (((Bolsheviks))) weren't doing the same the Ukrainians/other Russian peoples out of ethnic rage
mfw 3% German (also 49% Ashkenazic jew, lel).
It's just blatant hypocrisy. One cannot claim the Nazis were uniquely evil. They brought a gun to a gun fight, and they have been kvetching about it ever since.
Yes, I am quite sure the ""Judeo-Bolsheviks"" were not running literal abortion camps for their rape victims where they kill their rape babies in front of their mothers. That bit is all on you, Adolf. That's YOUR master race's doing.
Go back to your board. The crimes of the Bolsheviks, though certainly terrible, were nowhere near as bad as what the Germans did.
>One cannot claim the Nazis were uniquely evil
Yes, we can, because yes they were. They took evil to such a whole new level it set the fucking standard, a standard that had been held by Genghis Khan for hundreds of years prior. They took a modern, educated state that was the shining beacon of enlightenment in Europe, something that Bismarck had worked his entire life towards, and brought it down into the pits of depravity that hadn't been seen since the 1200s in less than 10 years.
The Soviets were cold, callous, and brutal. But they didn't have anything on the Nazis' sheer depravity.
I support the NatSoc movement and will still fight leftist communists like you.
And what Hitler did, is what the Jewish Bolshevik Stalin and his cronies did during the Red Terror where they slaughtered 150 million Christian Russians to achieve their Marxist Totalitarian Communist State
>if you oppose the Nazis you must be a Communist
Are you capable of speaking in anything but memes?
The holocaust was a myth to justify the creation of Israel
>‘everyone I don’t like is a redditfag’ picture
>but seriously everyone I don’t like is a nazi
I feel like this needs more.
Just one example. I'm sorry for cognitive dissonance I may have caused. As I said, atrocities were committed on both sides. Anybody saying otherwise is either unintelligent or brainwashed by their Marxist professors.
>I-ignore the Nazi atrocities!
>T-t-t-the (((Soviets))) did them too!
>They're just as bad, see? They're just as bad!
Fucking phoneposter.
Queue the Nuremburg trial and (((eye witness))) posters.
>When the cognitive dissonance hits
Yep. They were just as bad. History is written by the victors. Sorry this is difficult for you to comprehend.
honestly what the fuck, im scared to live next to these motherfuckers (frisian)
>When the cognitive dissonance hits
>defends nazis
>"wtf stop calling me nazi!"
>source: hailhitler1488.com
Probably, but not by much. His autistic rethoric combined with the thorough way Germany was BTFO by the people he considered literal subhumans with some help from the negroid mutts from across the atlantic would be enough to tarnish him forever
Honestly no. Hitler was a cunt but he captured exactly how the average German brainelt felt.
What motivates people to do this kind of sick shit? I can understand jjust killing everybody becuase they'll turn partisan otherwise, or looting and running away without leaving witnesses, but this kind of baroque, ineffcient cruelty is just beyond me.
Nigger your kind is not welcome here and you know it. You tried to /pol/ify Veeky Forums from its inception and it never worked. Your shitty "sources" just don't hold up.
There are way more stormnigger threads than tankie threads
no they fucking weren't
No one in this thread is trying to defend the soviets and you know it. We all accept they did horrible shit too. But that doesn't negate German atrocities in any way. What people keep saying here is that nazis weren't the "saviours of europe" polniggers love to portray them at.
There is no NatSoc movement
>t. browses r/dankcommunistmemes
No one here is defending the Soviets you retarded nigger, no one even mentioned them before you did. No one is saying Soviets didn't commit atrocities.
Soviet atrocities don't make Nazi crimes irrelevant or justified.
Poles were not Soviets. Yugoslavs were not Soviets. Czechs were not Soviets. Danes were not Soviets. Norwegians were not Soviets. French or British were not Soviets. Greeks were not Soviets.
>history is written by the victors
History is written by the historians, but it is most commonly spread by word of mouth and pop-history that is prevalent among plebeians like you is full of inaccuracies.
If history was indeed written and controlled by victors, bullshit like ''Wehrmacht was super high-tech'', or ''Wehrmacht was clean'', or ''Germans didn't rape'' or ''Soviets relied on human waves of unarmed men'' wouldn't be so fucking prevalent.
Now fuck off to your containment board. I can't believe you retarded fucks get BTFO in every argument I saw here, yet you keep coming back spouting same shit.
And then types like you call someone else a ''shill''. Amazing.
The ineffectual /pol/estinian handwringing in these threads are always the best part
I think the real question is why don't more people learn about based Napoleon?
Sorry, stormnigger, this one is on you. Son doesn't take responsibility for the father.
>What motivates people to do this kind of sick shit?
Being sure that they won't be prosecuted for it. Not documenting shit, so that you could go full "dindunuffin, whereproofs" really helps with that. (examples: Pinochet, UPA/OUN activity, "Forest brothers")
>They were led to it by Versailles.
>chimp out
>get btfo
>Fucking whitey... err.. i mean, JOOS
>chimp out again
>get btfo'd so hard your country splits in two
>Fucking whitey... err... goyim!
>150 millions
In a 200 million country.
Mathematics is Jewish science, sure...
>Jewish Bolshevik Stalin
Can I hate Hitler for starting a pointless war, instead of him offing some inbred shtetl Talmud worshipers?
Veeky Forums is a centrist board
Commie and natzees are both despicable
We have no gods and masters(except the ones that have those)
>watching the skies at night
>occasionally get strong gust of whirlwinds
>hear the sounds that sounds something like “the nazis entered the war under a rather childish delusion”
Arthur Harris pbuh spirit still lives amongst us
Yes, Patrick. In fact that's why most of us hate him. He could have done nationalism right and gotten rid of the (((bankers))) without chimping out.
No, he was vilified by western propagandists as an evil dictator who stood in the way of democracy. Even if he did not move Jews or any other prisoners of war to labor camps called the "holocaust" he would still be hated for decades following the fall of Germany.
Yes they did. Source the Russian civil war which killed tens of millions of russians
The absolute STATE of commieboos
>dictator who stood in the way of democracy
But that's literally what he was, a dictator threatening the institutions of democratic countries.
At this point they're metastatic. T_D was a mistake. /pol/ was a mistake.
>ywn take a qt polish girl on a masturbation rollercoaster
>stalin, a man who trained to be an ordained Orthodox priest
Also: 150 million? Out of ~200m population? How the fuck did they manage to beat the nazis then if they only had 50m people. The absolute state of /pol/
>The victim count is 97.
>Lidice, 340 dead.
>Oradour-sur-Glane, 642 dead.
Yeah, these really relevant war crimes are seriously important compared to the holocaust and I am sure the Allies never bombed civilians either.
The Allies certainly never hanged anyone.
Yes, of course you can.
His imperialism fucked up Europe, he should have stayed where he was and not sperg out at other nations.