did the holocaust happen
Did the holocaust happen
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no but it should've
it did happen for awhile, but there was a Back to the Future movie where they stopped it so no, not anymore.
No that stupid cocksucker Hitler protected them and put them all in protective camps to keep them safe.
It was real, here's a picture of the gas chambers
Jews died but it was due to typhoid fever and starvation. Not intentional starvation, Germany was fighting a massive war on two fronts and could either feed the army or feed the prisoners, they did what any rational country would do; fed the army. If the Germans planned on purposefully killing every Jew in Europe they wouldn't have drawn up 3 different deportation plans before and for after the war.
>they wouldn't have drawn up 3 different deportation plans before and for after the war
This, political parties policy never changes, it's why the Democrats still fully support slavery in America
>could either feed the army or feed the prisoners, they did what any rational country would do; fed the army.
Literally a war crime in itself.
Strange how only certain camps housing certain types of prisoner were affected. Civilian prisoners were dying en masse in Bergen-Belsen, yet less than 30 minutes drive away in Stalag 11b, the military prisoners were so healthy some of them captured the guards and marched them around when the advancing Allies arrived.
>not producing enough food to feed everyone is a war crime
how retarded are you
>keeping people prisoner when you can't feed them is a war crime
Yep, it actually is. Nazi Germany certainly thought so when they ratified it anyway.
>feeding prisoners instead of civilians is a war crime
>feeding civilians and not prisoners is also a war crime
>not being able to produce enough food to feed both is also also a war crime
>just like, let them go if you can't feed them bro. sure, they may take up arms against you again but it's bad if you don't give them food.
t. child
if you cant provide food for people, don't round them up
But if they wanted to deport them anyway why wouldn't they just claim they couldn't feed them and they needed to be released to a neutral country?
>war crime
People who believe "war crimes" are actually a thing are braindead pussies. War in itself is a crime as well as a wild game, placing rules on it is pointless. Once you mature I'm sure you'll realize this.
Pretty sure it did. There is a lot of shit supporting it.
If they were going to fake it, the allies would have been spamming that shit as propaganda but it didn't really explode until the end of the war.
They were in the middle of the biggest war in history, they couldn't spare the resources necessary to deport them.
>Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 27 July 1929.
>Art. 11. The food ration of prisoners of war shall be equivalent in quantity and quality to that of the depot troops.
>Prisoners shall also be afforded the means of preparing for themselves such additional articles of food as they may possess.
>Sufficient drinking water shall be supplied to them. The use of tobacco shall be authorized. >Prisoners may be employed in the kitchens.
>All collective disciplinary measures affecting food are prohibited.
The majority were rounded up before the war.
But they could to transport them to labor camps in Poland from all over Europe?
Are you suggesting that the German government were children then? Because that's what they agreed to in 1934.
>he believes there's such thing as a "war crime"
SeeWhy did the German government sign and ratify the 1929 Geneva Convention then?
so let them go.
kind of
Just a little bit
Also war crimes aren't real unless you lose Bomber Harris and Truman are BASED and should do it again
>Signed by Germany
>Ratified by Germany
Most of the mass transportation happened before the war escalated. Remember that even in 1943 the Germans thought they would win the war in the coming months. The shortage came in a blitz they weren't completely expecting. They thought they'd win the war and follow through with their deportation plans but they were suddenly forced to shift all their resources to the war effort.
The Germans didn't want to be stabbed in the back again. Why would they let them go?
Why send them to Poland instead of sending them surging across the Turkish border like modern refugees if they wanted to deport them?
I;m having a hard time understanding why it was easier to send French Jews to Poland than just kick them over the Spanish border and tell them to sort themselves out
Nowhere in the convention does it say "ignore all this if you start losing".
Because there are no factories vital to your war effort over the Spanish border.
I'm no Wehraboo but I'd join the brownshirts and then the Wehrmacht of SS and serve under Hitler and devote my career to him
Then why did they threaten death to people who fed Jews?
When the Allies reached the Nazi death camps in Germany, they found the SS personnel well-fed and well-dressed, and the local population was often not undergoing serious hardship, relatively speaking. (On the other hand, the German population in the big cities did suffer a lot.) This is clearly attested to in the film footage of the liberation of the camps, where one can see the people in the nearby towns and villages, which the American soldiers brought over to the camps so they can witness what happened. None of them are starved.
There is also a famous photograph of some plump SS women being captured at Bergen-Belsen. Tens of thousands of prisoners starved at Belsen. If you've seen a film of emaciated corpses being bulldozed into mass graves, it was probably taken at Belsen. The contrast to the well-fed SS women is quite remarkable. Scenes from the liberation of Bergen-Belsen demonstrate this beyond question.
At the Belsen camp, hundreds of tons of food were found locked up, just a few miles away from where tens of thousands starved to death.
Also, hardly any of the Allied prisoners from Western nations starved to death; there were people that the Nazis wanted to keep alive, and there were people they preferred dead. A great number of Soviet POW's died -- over three million -- for this reason.
Give me your best """argument""" against the Holocaust
But I'm not against the Holocaust
Why do you (((people)) always lie? Does truth mean nothing to you filthy rats?
How did the Jews manage to swear literally thousands of Commonwealth and American soldiers to secrecy?
Why are you dodging the question?
They just didn't invite them to testify at Nuremberg, unless they've been through the torture and brainwash regimen.
T. Lying kike.
Secrecy which they all managed to keep, without fail. Even the ones who forgot their wife's faces and how to tie their own shoelaces still stuck to the story.
I can see your huge nose from here.
It's probably in your best interests they didn't testify, because if they did Speer and quite a few others would be swinging alongside Streicher
Typical cutcock response.
Speer shoiuld have been hanged like the rest of the (((economists))) and (((traitors)))
You'll be kicked out of whatever country you're in soon enough.
>everyone right of Judeo-Bolshevism is /pol/
>people spouting /pol/ memes are /pol/
how was Speer a traitor?
Take pride in the actions of the Nazi regime. They killed million of untermensch and only got a million ethnic Germans cleansed after the war, and got Germany ripped in half in addition to 1.4 million of their woman raped by Soviets.
>everyone left of Hitler is a gommie
He made up lies about his betters to get clemency from the kike court
>Everyone who doesn't worship a an autistic 12 year "thousand year Reich" regime is a Judeo-Bolshevik.
Yes it did, and no one genuinely believes otherwise
do it again bomber harris
>Yes it did
>no one genuinely believes otherwise
M8, where do you think you are?
I'm still waiting
It’s all edgy trolling. No one here, genuinely believes it never happened. They just pretend it didn’t so they can keep up their Jew hatred. Notice how literally every denier hates Jews. Therefore their denial of the Holocaust is not academic and thus disingenuous
After all my years on this site I don't honestly believe it's all edgy trolling. Some of it yes, but not all.
>Operation paperclip wasn't a punishment
I see it as a sign of cowardice. People wanna be Nazis but they aren't willing to accept all the blood and suffering that comes with it. I despise all neo-Nazis, but I have some amount of respect for those who say the Holocaust happened and that they're glad it happened. They're scum, but at least they admit what they stand for.
I’m a public schoolet. Red Pill me on the holocaust w/ sources
>you helped kill jews now build us rocket ships
Sounds pretty bad desu
Having to be with American's is a punishment itself for autistic Germanics
I know it's pretty vitriolic, but it's the best collection of sources for the Holocaust that I have.
Good goyim
I seem to see a distinct lack of argument in your post regarding his arguments.
Stormfags rarely to never have arguments. It's like expecting a chimpanzee to have table manners.
>no sources for fucking anything
>filled wth fallacies
wow its fucking nothing
Thank you, thank you for making this thread. Four words and a picture of a cat are all it takes to get everything riled up. Remember this and stay humble, historians
There was no stab in the back.
Also, either let them go or have them starve. But if you let them starve, then you are committing a crime against humanity
We can do better
>unironically posting smoloko images
no such thing
factually incorrect