Why didn't the Swedes force Finns to speak their language...

Why didn't the Swedes force Finns to speak their language? It's a mistake that they let their silly Mongolian tongue survive. Europe is no place for people who speak Asian languages.

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Indo-European came from Ukraine and that's practically Asia.

>Indo-European came from Ukraine and that's practically Asia.

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>Hey how can we quickly make these fairly placid and easy to rule peoples really hate our guts? I know, we forcefully convert them to our culture and ethics

Ayy Lnau

what faggot took the time to make that picture? I wish i could shoot the person over such a pointless self evident picture. no shit finnish does not resemble other scndi languages and if you knew a thing about iceland you'd know about their language

It's from some comic

They tried but thankfully lost a war against russia before their cultural genocide of finns could be completed. Russians then supported finnish nationalism so finns wouldnt try to reunite with sweden. The plan backfired eventually and finns seceded to be independent instead.

Sit silent and stay still or something is the comic. Made by some fennoswede girl

As long as Finns paid their taxes and fought in their wars, the Swedish kings didn't really give a shit what language they spoke (not like they were going to hear it in their daily lives). Maybe they would have tried to actively suppress it later on, with the rise of nationalism during the mid-to-late 19th century, but as it happens they lost "Ă–sterland" and suppression of Finnish in Sweden was limited mainly to northern parts of the country, where a small Finnish-speaking minority remained.