Redpill me on Bosnian war

Redpill me on Bosnian war.

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drunk srebs kicking, this was the whole war

kicking civilians*

Ratko Mladic did nothing wrong.

Well, there were atrocities on both sides I think.

Croats don't like serbs
Bosnians don't like serbs
even analbanians don't like serbs
kosovars don't like serbs
romanians don't like serbs
slovenians don't like serbs
slovakians don't like serbs
bulgarians don't like serbs
hungarians don't like serbs
greeks don't like serbs

only serbs like serbs
then serbs will say they dindu nuffin

hope you get the picture

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Yeah, because killing and raping civilians is soo heroic!

They're the loudest group in the Internet that talks about this war though.

It's part of their infinite quest for world relevance.
The war was just genocide of civilians.
All parties involved fuck up.

Wait, are serbs basically poles of the south?

>only serbs like serbs
not really. I met Serbian Serbs who had quite a distain for their Bosnian Serb couins

This is a lie, Russians like Serbs because they can bond over how everyone else despises them

naturally the Bostonians got up and started kicking back


Serbs being serbs

Grow up kiddo.

Who cares
Analbanians*, kosovo is a territory
They love Serbs
Only their nationalists
You're making this up
Only their nationalists
Only their nationalists
You have no clue what you're talking about

Get your popcorn ready this thread is going to be fucking great.

Serbs were in the right


People mainly 'hate' Serbs because CNN/BBC propaganda.
And we all know they are both fake news.

I hate Serbs because they're obnoxious faggots

You can say that for every nation, there are obnoxious faggots everywhere.

Serb's are particularly gay though, Vidovdan is a cancerous occasion

We secretly consider Serbs to be dumb Turkish rapebabies, we pretend to like them because they are our only allies in the region.

Now I know you're probably some Balkan peasant, very likely Austrian stableboy.

You didn't answer my question though. Why do you think "they were in the right"?

Literally everyone hates Serbs except for maybe Russians

Back in 2000, just a few months after the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia my dad took me to a UEFA Cup match between Leicester City and Red Star Belgrade. Everyone at the stadium kept making bomb noises at the Serb players and their supporters all match. It was tremendous banter.

Shame Leicester lost tbqh.

Attached: leicester.jpg (399x399, 50K)

No cunt, I'm Australian, I'll explain my issue
>St Patrick's Day: Blokes just get pissed
>Queens Birthday: Blokes just get pisses
>Australia Day: Boles just get pissed
>Literlaly any other public or cultural holiday is just blokes getting pissed
>Vidovdan: Serbs whinge and moan about how great they used to be and how Bosnia is evil
No one fucking cares

Yeah, keep trusting CNN and BBC. Everyone hate Serbs.

Other side is right because they 'won'. Loser can never be right. Right?

>Vidovdan: Serbs whinge and moan about how great they used to be and how Bosnia is evil
You have no idea what you are talking about.

I know fucking exactly what I'm talking about, I don't know how you faggots celebrate it in Serbia but over here it's a festival of butthurt because it's tied into the Gazimestan speech

It's fucking retarded to blame the whole nation for what happened, but so is denying the fact that serbs are responsible for mass murder and politically driven extermination of civilians.

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>Back in 2000, just a few months after the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia my dad took me to a UEFA Cup match between Leicester City and Red Star Belgrade. Everyone at the stadium kept making bomb noises at the Serb players and their supporters all match. It was tremendous banter.
This sums up intelligence of a average American watching CNN whole day and lacking any critical thinking

that is probably true, there were many serbs, mainly intellectuals, who saw what the war would bring, and were strongly against it

here in croatia many 'proper' croatians dislike herzegovinians as well (majority of bosnian croats)

just like anywhere, here in the balkans we also have our 'rednecks',
part of the population that no one but
themselves likes, but you still have to live with them,
even though they shit on your public image with their primitive crap

Well I can agree that international community needs easy explanations and scapegoats, but the fact is that serbs killed a lot more civilians than bosniaks.

You clearly don`t know what the fuck you are talking about so either fuck off or kys
>>Vidovdan: Serbs whinge and moan about how great they used to be and how Bosnia is evil
This sentence proves it at least Google about something before posting here

>killed a lot more civilians than bosniaks.
What does this sentence even mean


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This is untrue in Balkans everyone hates each other
And average Romanian, Greek, Bulgaria, Hungarian, Slovakian actually likes us

All *ngloids are the same thing

The point is still valid replace American with British and CNN with BBC

>That Serbs would see a victory over Turks the same as victory over the Bosniaks who they literally call Turks is absurd!
Are you fucking stupid?

1. Civilian death numbers are so pumped up. For example they say 8k people died in Srebrenica, but 2k bodies were found, where are the rest? All military ready males.
2. How can this be genocide?
3. Its fucking war, people die. Nobody said anything about Serbian victims.


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Mate what are you talking about, Vidovdan is the holy commemoration of the Serbian martyrs lost in the Battle of Kosovo and has nothing to do with being victorious over anyone. This is you on propaganda.

I don't hold the fucking parties cunt, I've been to 3 and every time it was Serbs having a LARP about how Karadzic and Milosovec were heroes with unironic playing of God Is A Serb and All The Mosques Will Be Blown Away, what the fuck else am I meant to think?

I meant that Bosniaks are an ethnicity not an army, i didn't as for numbers

Actually if you research it deeper, Vidovdan has its roots in the ancient slavic pagan religion, together with Slava and many others.


>I've been to 3
Maybe stop going to retarded new world diaspora muttfests? Or stop lying?

>best investigated case in history of everything
>n-no guys, it's a lie! It's pumped up!

>>best investigated case in history of everything
Investigated by who? Mostly the people who won.

I was talking about muslim bosniaks.

>everybody talks about virgin Bosnian war
>nobody talks about Chad Balkan War
Why even live?

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I'm in Australia fuckhead, there is nothing but LARPing diaspora

>8,000 died in Srebrenica
>30,000 poor innocent muslims died by mean Serbian genocidal crusaders
>There were no genocide done to the Serbs
>Serbs were the bad guys
>Serbs were the only one that killed civilians
>Croats didn`t cleanse Croatia from Serbs
>Bosnians didn`t cleanse parts of Federation from Serbs
>Serbs were the only bad guys

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People actually like Poland though.

Bosniak=muslim Bosnian

>Croats didn`t cleanse Croatia from Serbs

that statement is correct

>the Croats hated us because they were Nazis, which is why we had to invade them
>the Bosnians hated us because they were radical durka headchoppers, which is why we had to invade them
>the UN hated us for no reason, which is why we had to start storming UN compounds and killing everyone inside
>NATO hated us for no reason, which is why they started bombing us
>the Kosovars hated us for no reason, which is why we had to massacre a bunch of them
>then the ICTY hated us for no reason, which is why they convicted us of a shitload of war crimes during all of these completely moral and necessary invasions

You know, if one person you meet is an asshole, they're an asshole.

If every person you meet is an asshole, you're an asshole.

This the first Balkan War was chadish as fuck
>Christian people of Balkan unite to fight Turkish invaders
Good times

By hundreds of experts from all over the world. And they didn't pick the sides, just uncovering mass graves of people who were killed without any chance for defending themselves.

What part of
>Maybe stop going to retarded new world diaspora muttfests?
Did you not understand?

>invade them
>invade them
Sir please move from your computer and end your pathetic existence you call "life"

What the fuck else am I meant to do in June?

>the JNA didn't invade Croatia
>the Bosnian Serbs weren't a proxy for Belgrade


I'm not denying that blame was on both sides. But you're denying the numbers that were carefully investigated.

I really don`t give a shit to debate with you about this now
Everyone knows that Slobo sold Krajina probably in hope to settle them in Kosovo after cleansing it from Albanians

>Croatia wasn`t a civil war
>Bosnia wasn`t a civil war

The numbers were pumped to present us as the bad guys more easily same like in WW2
We all know holocaust happened but 6 million didn`t

The JNA tried to secure Serbian majority parts of Yugoslavia, under the territory of Croatia, which the Croats later secured and expelled the population. The Bosnian Serbs, were there long before any muslim and were a very large community which the Bosniak muslims didn't have right to drag with them in a secession that was completely illegal and illogical.

The opposite of that? Don't you have your own retarded diaspora fests? Or maybe find some stupid anglo shit to do on the beach.

Lol what's the difference? You were killing defensless people in masses. Deal with it.

It's more fun to attend the ones in poor taste that advocate genocide, besides Serb women are fuckable

So did the Croats, and the Bosniaks tried to take territories and populations that they shouldn't have, and NATO bombed towns that had nothing to do with the war.

So were they
You don`t seem to get how this works
Once the killing are mutual nobody gives a shit anymore
Bosnians don`t care they killed us we don`t care that we killed them
They only use it to play a poor muslim victim card to slaves of the current globalist regime in America and EU

Dumb aussie

>How dare Serbs be obnoxious on the party`s they organise and I willingly chose to attend

Gay Srbski
I'm just telling you why people don't like you, if I didn't want to fuck your women I'd despise your race

Don't bother OP.
On /pol/, most people are Serb sympathizers, so you'll get biased answers.
Here, there's plenty of buttannihilated Croats and Muslims who'll also give you biased answers.
It's a cliche but in reality all sides are guilty of various transgressions, or at least stupidity/incompetence at some points across history.

>I'm just telling you why people don't like you, if I didn't want to fuck your women I'd despise your race
Pic related is legit you

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Equivocation is for fags.

Anglos and muslims aren't people, and diaspora shitfests aren't representative of a whole population of a country, who's government is currently bent over backwards to appease eu and nato demands, while agreeing to take blame for literally anything flung towards it, despite being the biggest financial and infrastructural victim of the war. Now man up and fuck your own orc looking women.

I'm Greek and I hate them if that means anything.

If fags had more capacity than you


So am I and I don't, neither does our government or our people, you have to swim back Alvanako

Good show and all my Serb friend but I don't really give a shit, the male examples of your race here are too busy continuing the war against Croatians and Bosniaks/Turks and crashing their rice burners into power poles to give me much of a positive impression
Nah fuck that, I think I'll keep fucking your better looking diaspora than wallow in the Anglo-Boong shitfest

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No, this is just a reasonable assessment, given how I live here and I know history somewhat well.
Nationalist drones are full of lies on all three sides. Just because they are loud and obnoxious doesn't make them right.

reminder that s*rbs aren't even the best kebab removers

Are you that upset you renamed your image? Fuck me you cunts are sensitive

>Croats didn`t cleanse Croatia from Serbs

they didnt, the absence of serbs from former kraina regions is just a lucky sideefect of taking knin, thing is a corridor was arranged and agreed on betveen knin and banja luka with the idea that this would prompt serbs to systematicaly evacuate and so shorten the fighting, what happened was that 90% of serb officers just took the exit and ran during the night, leaving behind the troops which then mostly ran away as fast as they could, leaving a mostly defensless serb population that was expecting a protracted defensive battle and didnt realy have any idea what was going on other than that the whole entire croatian army is heading their way after some 5 years of bloody ethnic war, and they remembered all the shit they did and were quite realisticaly afraid of revenge, so they also packed up and formed a large refugee collumn all along the agreed corridor down to banja luka

the croatian army mainly pushed forward taking out pockets of resistance as they went, most units stuck to the plan and program, the shit that happened in the backround as the army went by wasnt organised, it was mostly paramilitary groups basicaly robbing and pillaging what they could find, except serbs left behind a lot of old people, and then these got abused or murdered by whoever decided to rob their place, it wasnt a thing organised on any state or army level, the army is responsible in that they didnt act to stop that shit what with command responsability and so on, but at that point they were concerned with taking knin, and no one realy bothered to think about it

no one ever came up to the serbs in knin and treathened them away or rounded them up and deported them or put them in makeshift camps or massed them up in forests and gunned them down, in fact tuđman officialy offered them safe stay and autonomy and so on, even tho it was clear they wouldnt take it, most of them just picked up and left right before croats got there

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You're fucking seething

t.Croat apologist

I would agree with you to some degree, but you sound like a dumb /pol/goblin.