Why are Americans still affected by the red scare even tho the soviet union already failed and that communism is a dead ideology. Also why do they always pin the left when they talk about gun restrictions?
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The globalist movement to make everyone "socialists" is not dead at all. It's very much alive and well. None of the failures of socialism/communism are being taught to, well, anyone. The entire 20th century is just an anomaly now.
>Also why do they always pin the left when they talk about gun restrictions?
Because in the US, gun stance is an excellent predictor of voting. No guns? Probably votes Left. Guns? Probably votes right. Gun rights? Probably votes right. Gun control? Probably votes Left.
The blood those three men are responsible for would fill a small ocean.
such iz da prays fur progreys
Because all are scared of the future.
Because the failures and horrors of communism aren't actually taught in the US. The average burger vaguely knows about the USSR/cold war, much less maoist china, latin america etc.
>None of the failures of socialism/communism are being taught to, well, anyone.
To the contrary, the failures of 20th century communist regimes are taught repeatedly to children through high school and then college. But the thing that is immediately noticeable about those failures is that they all stem from the regimes being tanky authoritarian hellholes. Specifically, all of them followed the Leninist model of democratic centralism. The new generation of communists should thus be seen as a return to something approximating orthodox Marxism, with most younger communists harshly critical of the old communist regimes. The tanky stalin/mao defense force that you sometimes see is mostly composed of boomers and gen-Xers who grew up before the USSR went kaput and thus feel some obligation to defend its numerous crimes. Analyzing the new popularity of communism as a failure of education is misguided at best and downright laughable at worst.
>The new generation of communists...
shall hopefully lie dead in ditches
>But the thing that is immediately noticeable about those failures is that they all stem from the regimes being tanky authoritarian hellholes.
This is adherent with communism. Libertarian Socialism is an oxymoron and a meme.
>The new generation of communists should thus be seen as a return to something approximating orthodox Marxism, with most younger communists harshly critical of the old communist regimes.
Libertarian Socialism is an oxymoron and a meme.
>Analyzing the new popularity of communism as a failure of education is misguided at best and downright laughable at worst.
It has to do with the rise of victim culture and teaching sociology over economics.
Communism is cancer and all Marxists are fucking retarded.
>Libertarian Socialism is an oxymoron
>Libertarian Socialism is an oxymoron and a meme.
Libertarian and socialist were once synonyms until Friedman coopted the term for the right.
How do you collectively distribute/redistribute resources without a state?
Because the left is poised to take away your rights
Political terminology is totally skewed in the US-American disourse. Somehow the Democrats are "liberals" and "left-wing", where they would be considered right-wingers in most other countries.
"Libertarians" are actually turbo-liberals."Socialism" means high taxes. "Communism" means gun control and government action.
>None of the failures of socialism/communism are being taught to, well, anyone.
>Because the failures and horrors of communism aren't actually taught in the US.
I feel like the same thing can be said about the horrors of Nazi Germany, otherwise we wouldn't see so much support for fascism in the US.
I'm still mad about those sparrows
Good post
>he thinks communism is a dead ideology
Via a socialist market, a system of mutualism, a horizontally organized collective economy, or via gift economy/communism
That compass is about as inaccurate as literally possible, good job.
Post a better one
>and that communism is a dead ideology
Because college age retards are trying to bring it back
>the Leninist model of democratic centralism. The new generation of communists should thus be seen as a return to something approximating orthodox Marxism, with most younger communists harshly critical of the old communist regimes
How many levels of denial are you on buddy? The vast majority of "communists" today don't even know what communism is. Go to any college campus and ask your local AntiFa or BlackBlock chapter what communism is and they'll give you 1,000 different answers, all of them wrong.
Absolute pseudo
Trump and Hillary were both radical centrists, Gary Johnson should be left-libertarian
Trump and Hillary both at the bottom left corner of the blue square
Just about everything in this post is wildly incorrect, congratulations
>I feel like the same thing can be said about the horrors of Nazi Germany, otherwise we wouldn't see so much support for fascism in the US.
1) At least a quarter of an average American schools time going over WWII is talking about the Holocaust and German war crimes. Not once is the Holodomor or any Soviet crimes mentioned, if they are it's to a far lesser extent. Far lesser as in a class may dedicate 2 days to the Holocaust but 5 minutes to the Holodomor.
2) Communists far out number fascists in the United States. Unless you're one of those idiots who considers everyone slightly right-wing a fascist.
It's the ramblings of an autistic madman.
God forbid a US teacher even mention the Ustasha and its direct ties to the Vatican. Or for that matter, the direct ties from the Vatican to Hitler and Mussolini.
History is nothing but a whitewash. If you're reading this and you wasted one minute of time in any history class, much less dedicated your life to it, you are a fool.
culteral marxism is still currupting the west.
By organizing cooperative firms based on workers’ self-management
Because it's still in the rhetoric to be afraid of it of course. There hasn't been a big enough catch all boogieman for America to blame everything on or label anything they disagree with.
>dictator says something
>does the opposite thing
>after it blows up in his face does the original thing
>"wow what a tolerant and progressive guy!"
how so
Trump is an authoritarian/nationalist/conservative/populist, Hillary is dead center in Democrat territory. Gary Johnson is a classical liberal and right where he should be
Well I think you can safely throw in the alt-right, neonazi larpers, the KKK bunch and the Alex Jones tinfoil hat brigade with the fascists. Libertarians and conservatives, not so much.
>2) Communists far out number fascists in the United States. Unless you're one of those idiots who considers everyone slightly right-wing a fascist.
Only if you count Democrats as communists
>History is a waste of time
>Browsing Veeky Forums
What did he mean by this?
Come home sperg man!
It worked in Spain in the 1930s, it works currently in Kurdish held Syria/Rojava, it worked in Georgia in the 1950s, and it worked in the Paris Commune which is what Marx pointed to as an example of Communism should look like.
>Trump is an authoritarian/nationalist/conservative/populist
Authoritarian, hardly. Nationalist, no. He's made it very clear he's a globalist. Conservative, socially definitely not. Economically, yes. Populist, only one you got right.
>Well I think you can throw in a bunch of people who don't identify as fascists or nazis and don't claim to follow the doctrines of Hitler or Mussolini
Then in what way are they fascists or nazis? I get neo-nazi larpers but Alex Jones, the alt-right, and the kkk are absolutely not fascists and only goes to show you've absolutely no idea what fascism is.
>Only if you count Democrats as communists
Wrong. The amount of people who identify as communists far outrank those who identify as fascists. AntiFa and BlackBlock have tens of thousands of members, groups like Vanguard America and the TWP have 50 members each.
You're a dumb pseudo, just stop posting.
100% right unfortunately.
>Authoritarian, hardly. Nationalist, no.
Really curious about your perception of these terms right now. If someone who spouts "make America great again", "America first", and "we're gonna build a wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it" is not a nationalist, then who is?
>I get neo-nazi larpers but Alex Jones, the alt-right, and the kkk are absolutely not fascists
OK just to get that straight: I did not mean to equate them with fascists, I just wanna throw them into the same pot. That pot being right-wing extremism
>Wrong. The amount of people who identify as communists far outrank those who identify as fascists. AntiFa and BlackBlock have tens of thousands of members, groups like Vanguard America and the TWP have 50 members each.
If that is true, it gives me lots of hope for our world. I would really love to see some sources on that though. And considering that antifa and black block is something you DO and not something you can be a member of, I can only take your post with a grain of salt
look daddy jordan! I learned a word haha
>It worked in Spain in the 1930s
It didn't.
>cultural amerimuttnism
>Really curious about your perception of these terms right now. If someone who spouts "make America great again", "America first", and "we're gonna build a wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it" is not a nationalist, then who is?
Spouting nationalistic phrases to get elected and then immediately becoming a globalist in every manner of the word. Big think.
>OK just to get that straight: I did not mean to equate them with fascists, I just wanna throw them into the same pot. That pot being right-wing extremism
National Socialism is not a right-wing ideology dufus
>If that is true, it gives me lots of hope for our world.
Retarded tankie
Kill yourself.
Antifa and black block are heavily decentralized, which is kinda the point considering that while they're not specifically anarchist there's an anarchistic undertone to them. There's no hierarchy and limited coordination. Any attempt to get numbers on "members" is retarded because to join all you have to do is show up and to quit all you do is go home.
Literally read about it faggot and what Lenin created is not communism. He self admits in letters what he's created is state-capitalism. Any efforts to communalize the land were done in order for the state to consolidate power. In communism, the workers were supposed to own the means of production. In Leninism the state owns the means of production while claiming it is the workers who own it.
Letters where Lenin describes Soviet communism/Leninism as state capitalism.
Critique of Leninism in the 1930s
What Marx cited as the closest thing to his vision of communism in his life time
>every single reply is seething mad insults and hot opinions, some of them based on deliberately misinterpreting everything I wrote
When you wonder why people think right-wingers are stupid, look no further than the nearest mirror.
To be fair, simply dismissing the USSR as 'le not real communism' ignores the fact that the USSR very much considered itself real communism (or rather on the road to it via socialism) as did most socialists at the time. It was a real attempt at communism which failed due to its authoritarian nature, and is a black mark on the record of communism as an ideology. To be even more fair, I more or less said as much during my initial post, which makes the 'le u said it wasn't le real communism' poster look like a total idiot.
>b-but it wasn't my special specific brand of communism
serious question, were you dropped on the head as a kid?
You have to be over eighteen to post here.
Great argument
A communist society is by definition stateless and moneyless. The USSR was a state that had money.
>AntiFa and BlackBlock
Neither of these groups are communists.
>Vanguard America and the TWP
And neither of these groups are fascists.
Couple of progressives waving hammer and sickles isn't communism, they wouldn't know the first thing about Marx. Likewise, MUH WHITE ETHNOSTATE! isn't fascism, it's LARP white "nationalism". America just ruins everything it seems to touch.
why did a totalitarian state promote a stateless utopia with such zeal
doesn't that suggest there might be something wrong with it, maybe owning the means of production isn't the root of all evil, or even an evil at all
USSR was real communism and it was GOAT. Couple of SJWs waving a hammer and sickle are the furthest you can go from communism.
Disgusting brutal violent revolutions are orthodox Marxism.
These are bad m'kay.
AntiFa are literally inspired by the original German anarchist AntiFa. BlackBlock are also anarchist. You are correct they are not communists as they are farther left.
Antifa on its website and manifesto literally says its against communists as well.
The last time leftists were pro-gun conservatives banned them because conservatives don't like guns in the hands of leftists. It's actually conservatives that made gun ownership a partisan issue.
Leftcoms are such cancer. Do it again Stalin, Trotsky and kulaks deserved it.
Black panther aesthetics are actually kinda of great, tbqh
Because communist efforts are still wreaking havoc on our society and civilization.
>Alex "I don't care if the US is brown" Jones is a fascist
the absolute fucking state...
>muh KGB informant (which is a literally who in the KGB power structures)
>using this as concrete evidence
>probably gonna go MUH RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA
Boomerfags need to fuck off.
>implying the West isn't eating itself alive and hasn't been doing so for the past 70 years
>implying that creating an undifferentiated mass of brown mutts isn't a communist's wet dream
>what is the Frankfurt School
>>implying that creating an undifferentiated mass of brown mutts isn't a communist's wet dream
Is that why ex Communist states are the whitest places in Europe compared to the West and some of the most conservative? Hang on I thought Communism was when people mass migrated into white countries, lol hang on that's liberalism and Capitalism
>>what is the Frankfurt School
A school which is against the commodification of culture and is a really big meme against autistic /pol/ types who havn't read any of their works.
The term 'cultural Marxism' has an academic usage within cultural studies, where it refers to a form of anti-capitalist cultural critique which specifically targets those aspects of culture that are seen as profit-driven and mass-produced under capitalism
If you're against marvel movies for being shallow, and don't enjoy how plenty of culture is commodified and sold off as simple mascots and such, guess what? Your anti-western civilization and a filthy anti-west culture lover
>Is that why ex Communist states are the whitest places in Europe compared to the West and some of the most conservative?
You need to destabilize your enemies before you start knocking down your own; and commies had explicitly universalist/anti-nationalist positions from day one, even if mass immigration didn't happen in practice. Also, communism isn't exactly a beacon of prosperity, so few would have an incentive to go. Of course, capitalist ideals of material prosperity above all else are also vile and antithetical to the nation.
This is why there is a Third Position, rejecting both. Capitalism does indeed create soulless consumerism, seeking profits by sacrificing nations. But communists assert that culture itself, or rather traditional morality, is a farce (see Jean-Paul Sartre, for example), and thus they simply replace it with controlled artificiality. The end result, the destruction of nations, is the same.
because a considerable number of people walk around talking about how communism is good and dindunuffin.
>commies had explicitly universalist/anti-nationalist positions from day one
North Korea
Great patriotic war
Yeah, their real big on anti-nationalism, remember the time Stalin didn't call ww2 the great patriotic war or how all their war songs sound nationalistic as fuck I recommend you learn the difference between anti-imperialism and anti-nationalism
>The love for our homeland is burning in our hearts we go to battle for the honor of our native land
>Cities are burning covered in smoke, the cruel god of war is rumbling in the forests
>Artillery men Stalin gave an order
>Artillery men the motherland is calling us
>From the hundreds of thousands of batteries for the tears of our mothers for our motherland >Fire Fire
Yeah that screams anti-nationalism to me.
>Also, communism isn't exactly a beacon of prosperity, so few would have an incentive to go
It was to the Chinese,and Russians and Cubans and Koreans and Vietnamese and Spanish and people in the Paris Commune and Italian partisans against fascists and Irish liberation fighters and all sorts of South Americans and South East Asians.
> capitalist ideals of material prosperity above all else are also vile and antithetical to the nation.
Guess what that makes you, a anti-western civilization follower who is aligned with the ideas of the evil cultural Marxists since your against western values we have now, you see why this autistic Frankfurt school bullshit falls apart when you even open page one of some of their writings.
>This is why there is a Third Position, rejecting both. Capitalism does indeed create soulless consumerism, seeking profits by sacrificing nations.
Bullshit. Fascism is just Capitalism with a few restrictions, they were some of the biggest capitalists around selling off millions of previously state owned businesses (where the goddam word privatization comes from). They even purged the actual anti-capitalist wing of the party for being too anti-capitalist
Just because Jews can't own businesses and you can't sell hardcore gay porn dosn't mean your society isn't Capitalist.
Your whole argument can be shot down just by saying computers. You no longer need tanks to show control when you can literally watch evert citizen freely from their devices.
All of those, with the possible, temporary exceptions of the IRA and North Korea (and the former was only civic """nationalist""", i.e. state worship), were not nationalist, because they never identified with a nation. They were strongly in favor of the state, but that is not the equivalent of a nation. The USSR specifically aimed to destroy ethnic identities within its borders, Yugoslavia suppressed them, and so on. Obviously they would employ jingoism when it served their purposes, but it was never their ideal, not even close.
>It was to the Chinese,and Russians and Cubans and Koreans and Vietnamese and Spanish and people in the Paris Commune and Italian partisans against fascists and Irish liberation fighters and all sorts of South Americans and South East Asians.
I was talking about immigration, brainlet.
>Guess what that makes you, a anti-western civilization follower who is aligned with the ideas of the evil cultural Marxists since your against western values we have now, you see why this autistic Frankfurt school bullshit falls apart when you even open page one of some of their writings.
This is a strawman you made yourself, "Western values" right now are a joke. Cultural Marxism asserts that values are a joke. The Third Position is that some values aren't, and need to be enforced.
Here is another eexample of USSR LITERALLLY BRUTALIZING AND SPITTING on russian culture
>communism is a dead ideology
Not dead, laying low.
Biding their time.
The issue with capitalism is that it sells blood for gold. If a business operates within a nation and doesn't act against it, there is no reason to suppress it. Those restrictions are critical--i.e. no promotion of vice, no undercutting the national labor force, and no foreign control of the national economy.
>any trade is capitalism
an overly broad and useless definition.
>All of those, with the possible, temporary exceptions of the IRA and North Korea (and the former was only civic """nationalist""", i.e. state worship)
It's not nationalism when i say it is!!! America even isn't a nationalist country cause their not ethno-nationalists, all those ww2 and Vietnam vets aren't nationalists.
>This is a strawman you made yourself,
Because the whole frankfurt school is a giant autistic strawman created out of ignorance and .jpg infographs, and it's parroted as some super evil society which is against muh western civilization, when the writers wrote classical music,wrote poems,could recite entire long 19th century German poets works and would be quite angry with the way Marvel and Hollywood have turned film making into
>Cultural Marxism asserts that values are a joke
lol no, try reading some. If values are a joke then why did they argue against consumerist culture and how it harms real genuine culture?
>The Third Position is that some values aren't, and need to be enforced.
>"Western values" right now are a joke.
This opinion makes you against the current values we have now, which makes you a anti-west cultural anti-western civilization person who is aligned with cultural Marxist view points on Capitalism and culture. The whole le evil jew school putting black people in movies to make people racemix has nothing to do with the school in the first place and has way more to do with liberalism and opening up markets and population growth.
Fucking culture destroyers, look at this subhuman godless communist polluting space with his ideals. Fucking degenerates all rolling in the mud.
lets see shall we
>Privately owned means of production
>Relatively open free market for the country outside of a few "degenerate" things which every Capitalist country had banned at some point and pro national markets (which doesn't make you anti-capitalist just anti-globalist)
>Surplus profiting and wage labor
>Class differences in wealth and control over the means of production
>Private property
>Usage of currency for the selling and buying of goods
>Bonus, mass privistaians of goverment goods into private hands
>Purging of people who are anti-capitalist yet pro nation
>Big business backing and hard restrictions of labor unions
"We stand for the maintenance of private property.... We shall protect
free enterprise as the most expedient, or rather the sole possible"
economic order.
Yeah really big anti-capitalists
>America even isn't a nationalist country cause their not ethno-nationalists
Correct, it isn't.
>The whole le evil jew school putting black people in movies to make people racemix has nothing to do with the school in the first place and has way more to do with liberalism and opening up markets and population growth.
I never said it was the sole cause of anything--obviously a civilization is more complex than that, to be undone by a single actor. However, it absolutely does its part in the assault on tradition and blood.
>real genuine culture?
The communist idea of "genuine" isn't something I aspire to.
>The whole le evil jew school putting black people in movies to make people racemix has nothing to do with the school in the first place and has way more to do with liberalism and opening up markets and population growth.
Economic liberalism is a tool being used alongside stated social goals, and those goals are directly against actual values.
Half of the things you listed are redundant, probably so you could fill in space. And again, trade is not necessarily capitalist, nor is property.
The important thing is the ideology as a whole, which puts the nation above all; if something grew to be an issue because of some enterprise, it would be suppressed. Blut und Boden is the guiding ideal.
Autistic debates over economics aren't really my thing, I don't particularly care what form it takes so long as it is subordinated to the survival of a people. Some forms are particularly egregious, of course, and I oppose them as a result.
The idea that Fascism is somehow not Capitalist yet does 99% every thing else capitalism does is brainlet. If you have all I said, YOU ARE A CAPITALIST just not a globalist.
You seem to think restricting some of the goods and services being sold and bending businesses to suit national means makes it no longer capitalist which is just outright wrong.
I'm agrarian and autarkic in my sympathies. I vehemently oppose the capitalist ideal of profit, of material prosperity, as the ultimate achievement.
Yes, I can support some of the same things that capitalists do, but our ultimate goals are quite different. So if you want me to admit I'm not a mortal enemy of everything with the label "capitalist", I'll agree with you, but that doesn't really mean much. This is about priorities.
For example, in practice, there is quite the large overlap between traditional Christianity and, say, Buddhist morality (i.e. temperance, self-restraint, passivity/resignation), but that does not in any way make a Christian Buddhist or vice-versa. I may be fine with the idea of property, but while a capitalist would say that a worthwhile life goal is acquiring more property at any price, my instinct would be to shoot whoever sells out his nation.
There is a difference between liberal capitalism and corporarist capitalism.
>I'm agrarian and autarkic in my sympathies. I vehemently oppose the capitalist ideal of profit, of material prosperity, as the ultimate achievement.
Okay, sure but there's still people who believe in sustainable capitalism or social democracies like Bernie Sanders,jeremy corbyn who just want a more managed capitalism, just make them nationalistic,pro white and Totalitarian and they would sound straight out of a Hitler cabinet meeting. But we don't say their not capitalists for this even if their against insane consumerism.
>For example, in practice, there is quite the large overlap between traditional Christianity and, say, Buddhist morality (i.e. temperance, self-restraint, passivity/resignation), but that does not in any way make a Christian Buddhist or vice-versa.
Yes but the economics practiced by Hitler were capitalistic, the same thing would be like Christians renaming Jesus to Buddha then doing everything they normally do but then saying their totally different now because they have a different outlook on how they do it.
>but while a capitalist would say that a worthwhile life goal is acquiring more property at any price, my instinct would be to shoot whoever sells out his nation.
That still makes you a Capitalist, if Bernie sanders went insane and shot people who were anti-American yet still pushed for the rest of his economic policies we don't say he's ascended above Capitalism because he dosn't like insane capitalistic consumerism.
>There is a difference between liberal capitalism and corporarist capitalism.
There is a only a superficial difference between the two, the main basis of capitalism. Private means of production,surplus/wage labor,private property, producing to sell rather then producing to only use,competing businesses etc are still all there.
Talk about missing the forest for the trees, holy shit.
>this stupid meme again
Typical Marxist lies.
>dude communism is about preserving culture
Which is of course why the Bolsheviks destroyed multiple historic buildings and tried have have St Basil's Cathedral destroyed too.
>Dude fascism is about preserving culture
Which is of course why the Fascists destroyed multiple historic buildings and tried to have the entirety of Warsaw and Eastern Europe destroyed too.
Who are you quoting?
no u
If it works why all of them are gone and one is soon to blown away by turks/whoever gets there first.
This thread is cancer.
Heil Hitler