How were people ok with being ruled be a literal retard?

It blows my mind that people were ok with being ruled by a complete retard. What did other noble men/ General population think of being ruled by a guy who likely couldn't tie his own shoelaces ? How could such a situation occur ? General thread about incompetent/ mentally handicapped rulers and the situations that allowed this to be.

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>How could such a situation occur?
In modern times, elections.
>What did other noble men/ General population think of being ruled by a guy who likely couldn't tie his own shoelaces ?
Most people are retards so they're okay with being ruled by another retard. It's a ruler they can identify with.

I would argue the average pleb will choose the likable idiot of the competent curmudgeon 9 times out of 10. Of course, Chucky Deuce over here was retarded *and* unlikeable so I dunno what was going on with that.

>How were people ok with being ruled be a literal retard?

Why are people okay with it now?

I mean, the Americans are OK with being ruled by one now.


Democracy was a mistake.

>reddit spacing
>le fuck drumpf
Love the quality of posting here

He was a good king who loved his subjects and tried to do the best for them, look it up

fuck you

it was a good post

>leaving a line between a (you) and the text now counts as reddit spacing
>proper paragraphing is reddit spacing

Protip: this is not reddit spacing

Though, this is

Conclusion: reddit spacing is a shitty meme nobody should take seriously.

It was so obvious that I was going to make a parody of it before i saw it

How could someone so mentally handicapped be a competent ruler though?

Drumpf isn't actually retarded though

Having good advisers and letting them do their job
A sizeable number of rulers fail on the second part, unlike my dear boy Charlie

>insert Trump joke

The Nobility loved it because it gave them more power. And the common folk didn't care because it didn't affect them.

>LMAO reddit spacing
Underage newfags please gtfo...

Because the man was a unbelievable Chad. A bloodline like no other. He saved time on family trees and genealogy by combining ancestors. With one hand he could start a civil war finally collapsing the Habsburg dynasty and killing the Spanish empire, with the other he would be masturbating in his garden. The man was a mountain.

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The Pinnacle of efficiency in breeding.

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>The Pinnacle of efficiency inbreeding.

I wish I could tell what they looked like in real life

Either or.

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Implying Veeky Forums isn't "fuck blumpf" central

If you look carefully you can see that even in their highly touched up portraits they still get progressively more deformed looking.

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>imagine being his waifu

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and his death caused a war that destroyed Spain and killed millions

Leave charlie alone he was handicapped but not evil
Also 50% of white pop today has lower than 100iq

Charlie did nothing wrong

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Did the average person even know how retarded he was?

This dude is right, he wasn't a bad king, he inherited a friking disasters of a kingdom and when he died it was in an upsing. Shame the wars after his death ravaged it again...

He was called the "hechizado", literal translation would be the "Enchanted one", the one than is under a magical effect.
We still joke about him, the lovable retard.

>It blows my mind that people were ok with being ruled by a complete retard.
>What did other noble men/ General population think of being ruled by a guy who likely couldn't tie his own shoelaces ?
>How could such a situation occur ?
>General thread about incompetent/ mentally handicapped rulers and the situations that allowed this to be.

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I didn't even notice that. I keked when I say that.

Wincest hell yeah!

someone please redpill me on Carlos, how was he like, what was his likes and dislikes? Is it true he had exorcisms performed on himself?

"Many tell me I am bewitched and I well believe it; such are the things I experience and suffer."
-Charlie boy

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It's a very sad history user. Full of love, heartbreaks, the simplicity of a man than is also the king of one of the most powerful empires of his time, the knowing of his limitations and the anguish to know he isn't the man to do the job. I'm not good enough in English to do the man justice.

>Un Jueves Santo, cuando el rey ya tenía 16 años, visitando los Monumentos acompañado de su séquito, al salir de una de las iglesias y sin que nadie se percatase, dio a un pobre que mendigaba en la puerta la cruz de brillantes que llevaba al cuello. Cuando los caballeros que le acompañaban se dieron cuenta de que no llevaba la cruz, comenzaron a gritar que habían robado a Su Majestad. El mendigo, que seguía al real cortejo, entregó la joya inmediatamente asegurando que el rey se la había dado, lo cual fue confirmado por el monarca y, aunque la cruz fue devuelta al rey por pertenecer a las joyas de la Corona, para que se cumpliese el deseo de Carlos II fue tasada la joya y el valor de la misma, que se elevó a 12.000 escudos, le fue entregado al mendigo.

Too pure for this world

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But was because he was also sterile

they looked preatty normal back then, i guess

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que? someone translate for my non-spanish sepaking ass

he he wasnt that dumb

His condition was probably kept secret from the public.

Either way he wasn't completely retarded. Sure incest fucked him up good but he was self-aware of his condition and for some time actually tried his best at doing his job,. At some point he basically gave up and played games for the rest of his life.


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Back to plebbit with you.

Being the King=/=actually governing. At all.

Especially in his case.

>Took of his jewel cross when coming out from church, and gave it to a beggar. Guards realized that he had no cross, and accused the beggar of theft, but the king told the truth. The cross had to be returned because it was part of the crown jewels, but the king commanded that the beggar receive its value I'm coin
Demasiado puro para este mundo

thanks user
he was a good lad...


>At some point he basically gave up and played games for the rest of his life

I think it's weird that Veeky Forums has this weird spiteful confidence surrounding Charles, as if you're all getting off on denying that he was retarded. He definitely was, he was absolutely useless. Any good decision came from an advisor, there's not a single record of him making his own competent decisions. He didn't "try his best" like this schmuck says before giving up and playing games, he was severely retarded and just kind of wandered from one activity to the next. By the way, he smelled like shit because he didn't have the sense or capability to even bathe himself, so I hardly see how he somehow had this secret administrative ability that you know about but nobody else.

>By the way, he smelled like shit because
Sorry, we forgot you were one of his court dwarves.

I am not ok with it desu, please no bully, I don't know how this happened

>By the way, he smelled like shit because he didn't have the sense or capability to even bathe himself, so I hardly see how he somehow had this secret administrative ability that you know about but nobody else.
Kings didn't bathe themselves, that was the job of servants. Plus, Europe at the time had this weird phobia of baths because of the Black Death.

>he was severely retarded and just kind of wandered from one activity to the next. By the way, he smelled like shit because he didn't have the sense or capability to even bathe himself

>Charlie did nothing wrong

What is the Spanish Succession War?