Veeky Forums BTFO

Veeky Forums BTFO

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Other urls found in this thread: December 1g_snd.pdf

I GARUNTEE this faggot watched Rick and Morty

>False dichotomy between religion and science
>Muh horrible Christian dark ages
>Religious people think they know everything

Why are most atheists such retards?

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How he measure the x/y ? I mean, what correlation there's between %religion belief and %'science'

For how much they deepthroat science, I'd think they should at least have some rigour with those graphs. Like having the depicted variables being empirically measurable, for instance.

How the hell could you possibly measure how much collective society *thinks* they know about science? How could you do this for the past?

Lauds science, post a made up graph with no data backing it up. What did he mean by this?

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Fascinating how there are no recent religious people on there user. Why is that? Is it because the christian god is no longer needed to explain natural phenomena?

Whoa... At last I truly see...

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but why are you looking for a black cat?

I doubt the eugenics supporters were that humble

How did this happen Veeky Forumsbros?!?!
We were supposed to be the edgy contrarian idiots! Not them! Reeeeee

Because protestants are not christian and western world fall into degeneracy.

The oatmeal’s comics actually give me cancer

Einstein, Feynman, Heisenberg, and such, tended towards agnosticism or some manner of spirituality.

Some major living scientists that are spiritual or downright religious:

I focused on award winners.

Nice excuse. The real reason is because the more you know about the natural world, the more obvious it becomes that all religions are ultimately superstitions.

spirituality and agnosticism does not equal religious

>implying that religions do not fullfill important role in societal cohesion
I am not even believer or any sort and I can see that.

>le ebin dark ages meem

>implying you need the supernatural for social cohesion

No, but it equals openess towards higher mysteries.

Religious preferences of Nobel prize winners on pic related. Christians make up 72.5% in Chemistry, 65.3% in Physics, 62% in Medicine. The most atheistic field is Literature.

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>implying you don't
Not everyone that smart as you user(thanks God).

so far we have no proof of the contrary. every atheist society has crumbled/is crumbling, whereas theist societies crumbled because of atheism.

As a Rick and Morty fan, I'm sick of you Christian fundamentalists clinging on to your dogma!

Christianity caused the Dark Ages
They believed that the Earth was flat in the Middle Ages
They burned scientists at the stake for being atheists and for doing science
Christianity caused the Crusades as well
They didn't believe in medicine in the Middle Ages because they were stupid and dumb
The Middle Ages was a period of barbarism and ignorance and the people were stupid back then. They believed in a magical sky wizard but they didn't believe that the Earth was round?! Why did the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages suppress science? Meanwhile China and the Middle East was encouraging learning and science.

Well. Did not expect that.

get the fuck out both of you

>every atheist society has crumbled/is crumbling

The most atheistic countries are the most well off, the most religious countries are shitholes. This is an undeniable general trend with the number of exceptions not far exceeding 10.

Make me pussy.

>Christians make up 72.5% in Chemistry
Fun fact: the current pope was a chemical technician.

Nationalism, ideology can fill that same purpose, no problem.


What are the number for say 1995-2018?

>implying that you can keep nationalism without religion
>implying that atheism would not erode nationalism too

the West is falling, it's literally walking step by step in the road Spengler depicted and atheism is the number one cause of said fall.

>le made up reddit graph is evidence

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Don't have that data. I thought about going throught the lists of laureates myself, and I suppose I could check their wikipedia pages, but these sometimes don't even distinguish jews (religious) from jewish (ethnics) people.

>implying that you can keep nationalism without religion

Yeah that's exactly what I'm saying. There is nothing supernatural needed for you to realize the utility in treating your country as your team of people that pool resources and make collective decisions.

You have a multivariate analysis on that there chief or are you just making wild guesses?

no he actually wrote a multivariate analysis

Not what a multivariate analysis is. You need to take a look at each factor and analyze it mathematically. I see no measure by which you claim the west is declining, I see no way you are linking this causally to atheism over any other factor. It's wild speculation. If anything, any decline you are seeing is due to post-modernism being addressed by neo-marxist and humanist principles being smashed together, nothing inherently to do with atheism.

>% of Science we know

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>If anything, any decline you are seeing is due to post-modernism being addressed by neo-marxist and humanist principles being smashed together, nothing inherently to do with atheism.
both post-modernism and neo-marxist and humanist principles are direct consequences of the secular society

Just like anarcho-communism is the only conclusion you can reach from finding out that corporations do corrupt things sometimes.

Its always user. Always.

Either way, anarcho-communism is not the only solution or the most reasonable solution.

The older I am the more I wonder if your statemnt is right. Even partially.
Capitalism was a mistake.

primitivism not communism but yes it's the only and most reasonable solution.

No it's not

unabomber was right

There haven't been any decent discoveries since the first half of the 1900s.

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Biology has gone so far that it's a miracle you can type this without drooling and ruining your computer.

This is utterly irrelevant to why modern scientists aren't religious.

Coz they are all quacks and pursue goverment grants and subsidies with 'what do you want me to prove' mindset.

>gets an infection from a cut
>dies at 24

>this is what brainlets actually tell themselves

which would solve the overpopulation problem

>implying this is not the truth
I assume that we are speaking about west here.
You either have this crazy evangelical sort of 'BIBLE Is always right' or leftist spergs.
Its like EE is only sane place left here.

There is so much room in between, do you even meet people in the real world or do you get your views from Veeky Forums?

Never been in USA.
Never seen a sane britbong in londoistan or sane kraut in germanistan.

This is now a /pol/ satire thread:

>fuck gay niggers

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>mfw what he drew in blue is actually what he thinks we know (aka what is in red)

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based frog poster

As an engineer ive always found myself doubting any graph that doesnt have all the axis labeled so i can see what they represent

Sure X is time i guess
But what is Y representing and what are its units

>still posting this debunked source

>as an engineer
an engineer who doesn't know how to read a graph. Really makes me think.

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation. December 1g_snd.pdf

Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist

Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.

Daily reminder religious people are less educated

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> Anonymous 03/18/18(Sun)13:00:01 No.4314781▶
>>Christians make up 72.5% in Chemistry
>Fun fact: the current pope was a chemical technician.
>mfw i'm a chad chemist
>mfw i could have had the pope work in my lab and made him my bitch like all the other techs

Megan, that you?

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literally this

This graph is so hilariously bunk

Would have been better if the scientist did something resembling actual science, like using different kinds of food/noises to try to attract the cat, instead of "lol just use a flashlight lmao"
Guess it doesn't have the """humorous""" punchline that way though


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I wonder how they calculated that bullshit. Doesn't seem to correlate with real life surveys.

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>Saudi Arabia is so less religious than all those other western countries

Tell me then, should a Catholic German have greater solidarity with the people of France and Spain, or with the Protestant Germans?

Feynman was an outspoken atheist, you christcuck brainlet

t. brainlet
t. brainlet
Read the paper

>feeling solidarity with Germans
I think you know the answer

Feynam was an outspoken agnostic:

Debunked? How so?

How does he know the total 100% of "science"?

This graph is retarded bullshit on so many levels, and I'm not even religious.


Nowhere agnosticism is mentioned, brainlet

>Read the paper
I read it and it's bullshit. "Belief in God" is not by itself a measure of religiosity.

Under that index, a repressive theocracy where 70% believe in God and 70% say religion is "very important" in their lives, would be considered as religious as a secular society where 95% believe in God but only 45% consider religion "very important" in their lives.

In practice the first society is much more repressive and theocratic than the second. The second question is more relevant than the first. Conflating the two degrades the purity of the analysis.

>book doesn't say source of information
>doesn't have a list of who supposedly is Christian and nonreligious, making impossible to corroborate with other sources
>list scientists such as Richard Feynman and Steven Weinberg as religious
>book confuses ethnically Jewish with Jewish faith
>there are at least 43 confirmed nonreligious Nobel laureates in physics, wich is around 25%, far more than the 4,7% cited by the book

You can run the regression with whatever metric of religiosity you want, the result will be the same

Funny, he pretends like he's above the "arrogant and foolish" ways of religion without realizing that he's treating science as if it were his religion. Not believing in a religion is one thing, but atheists that are anti-religion are something else entirely. They carry the same mindset of intolerance they claim to fight against. It's disgusting and shows their true lack of any self-awareness. They desperately want religious people to see their side without giving religion the time of day.

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If you're going to let your belief in myth influence my life in any negative way, you better expect to get shit for it.

I wasn't contesting the regression, I was contesting the religiosity data. (The x-axis on your shitty chart).

You told me to read the paper and called me a brainlet. I did read the paper and it's bullshit. Use better data next time, retard.

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FUCK relgioin..

You asked, like the brainlet you are, how they calculated religiosity, when it's all in the paper. You may disagree wih the methodology, but you cannot feign ignorance. I mentioned the regression because it doesn't matter if you measure religiosity by % of theism or % of people who find religion important, the correlation will hold in either case.

So no, the study isn't bullshit be because you say so, subhuman weeb brainlet

Read my post again. I am an atheist and I believe every word I typed. There is no excuse to use the same cheap tactics that your opposition uses except in the case of threatening your rights. "Negative impact on my life" is such a vague and empty line it means less than nothing. The OP has had a "negative impact on my life" because it only perpetuates the stereotype of atheists being stuck up pricks with no sense of self-awareness. Your post does the same by dismissing religion as myth without so much as a glance. I came to believe what I believe through decades of consideration, you seem to have come to your conclusion because "bad things happen therefore god isn't real."

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>Christians number in the billions and make up a plurality in terms of all the world religions
>For much of western history anyone disagreeing with the church was subject to execution or social expulsion
>Christians make more contributions to science than other groups
>Pic related concludes that Chrsitianity suddenly makes you smarter.

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>Doesn't actually address my arguments
>"The regression is still the same who cares if the data is bullshit lololol brainlet xd"

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How fucking illiterate are you?
Fucking idiot

>How fucking illiterate are you?
>Fucking idiot

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Who let reddit in?

>I'm so humble
>look how humble we are
>people in the past were SO less humble than me

If the red slayer think he slays,
Or if the slain think he is slain,
They know not well the subtle ways
I keep, and pass, and turn again.

Far or forgot to me is near;
Shadow and sunlight are the same;
The vanished gods to me appear;
And one to me are shame and fame.

They reckon ill who leave me out;
When me they fly, I am the wings;
I am the doubter and the doubt;
And I the hymn the Brahmin sings.

The strong gods pine for my abode,
And pine in vain the sacred Seven,
But thou, meek lover of the good!
Find me, and turn thy back on heaven.

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