Who was histories biggest chad? And virgin?

Who was histories biggest chad? And virgin?

ITT: Share your chad x virgin memes and discuss them

Attached: 1521631690528.png (2170x896, 1.32M)

>biggest chad

Attached: 468px-YuanEmperorAlbumGenghisPortrait.jpg (468x600, 69K)

wa-japan was quite chad

Attached: virgin silla vs chad wa.jpg (1365x644, 302K)

>biggest chad

>biggest virgin

/pol/ack go home!

wasted dubs..

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Attached: xQFfQxd.jpg (2048x1105, 220K)

fuck hezbollah go back to sg

Attached: Mark Antony.jpg (350x419, 23K)

biggest virgin? indeed

Attached: 1503652473731.jpg (1200x701, 160K)

Richard the Lionheart.

Biggest Virgin is Mary

Attached: lvvirginmary-2-web.jpg (750x1005, 72K)

Biggest Chad

Attached: 2A16F8D400000578-0-image-m-15_1435595504731.jpg (634x522, 90K)

>the virgin Catiline
>the chad Cicero

Chad: caesar
Virgin: claudius

Attached: tumblr_ou4612IjTS1wvmte8o1_540.jpg (507x712, 179K)

I can picture the /leftypol/ autist that made this. Also this

Attached: 958393048c21577d269aea4d33e4ea6f4335a72a4c89cf933844e899286472b3.png (400x655, 270K)

the most accurate one

Attached: 1521502750839.png (2518x1024, 1.01M)

>holds off the NKVD who have come to arrest him at gunpoint while he calls Stalin and orders him to call off Yezhov's goons off of him
>Stalin complies and the incident is never spoken of again

Attached: 1511615190897.jpg (550x759, 62K)

Attached: FB_IMG_1521594548558.jpg (960x416, 44K)

requesting a virgin IJA Soldier/Chad Marine and vice versa

Attached: Marine standing by to land in Guadalcanal.jpg (493x493, 117K)

Attached: 1510267188257.jpg (1400x569, 180K)


It's because Stalin was ridding the officer corps and govt of sycophants and yes men. Granted some of them were skilled, but his case just proves the point

this is a hurtfully correct meme


Attached: Happy fergy.png (483x550, 650K)

Attached: Tukhachevsky & Budyonny.png (2518x1024, 224K)

>lost two big battles and get scalegoated by st*lin
>he still keeps you around

Attached: 1511422825632.jpg (2920x1132, 709K)

Attached: chad DVCE.png (2518x1024, 179K)

t. insecure anal devastated whiteboy :^)


>be on the brink of defeat
>walk across half of china on foot
>smash japs
>smash KMT
>proceed to turn poor, feudal shithole into global superpower

>proceed to turn poor, feudal shithole into global superpower

the virgin mao vs the chad deng xiaoping

Deng being able to do what he did can be attributed to Maos victory against his foes t b h :^)

These two

Attached: IMG_0473.jpg (960x624, 75K)

Roman Cucktholics on suicide watch

Attached: 1502930011295.png (1280x520, 240K)

That is why I posted it

and, yet, the arabs are being decimated. really makes me think

Chad Caesar
Virgin Bibulus

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Attached: 1509928940842.jpg (1882x739, 181K)

I made this a while back, if you want to fag over it.

Attached: Virgin_Priest_Celt_Druid.jpg (2518x1024, 1.46M)

This me-me doesn't fit the chad criterium it proposes.