Why were the jews expelled from so many countries?
Why were the jews expelled from so many countries?
they didn't convert to the state religion
Why were Protestants expelled from France?
Why were Catholics expelled from Japan?
Why were Indians expelled from Uganda?
Why were Chinese expelled from the United States?
Why were Muslims expelled from Spain?
Look up what else is happening in those cities and countries at the same time. In almost all cases there's other unrest, revolution, war or disaster occurring, which gives the perfect excuse to throw out the Jews and by pure coincidence, get rid of all the debts people owed them.
>they're just mean antisemites
>they're just jealous
>the klan lynched black people because they were jealous of their wealth and status
>chad and stacy bullied you because they were jealous of you being an unpopular loser
nice meme
humans are natural haters, some kind of tribal instinct, and this includes you, your tribalism just manifests in other ways but it is basically as bad as racism
>ywn throw rocks at jews with the lads
Obviously the problem is everyone else besides Jews.
Yes, clearly the Jews are at fault. It is surely a complete coincidence that after the Jews were expelled from England, Italian and Dutch merchants took over the moneylending businesses and there were riots and murders targeting them and demands they be thrown out as well.
Why not?
Damn, they look like they're having the time of their lives though.
why were Germans expelled from so many countries?
Not being Christian
On account of their German nature.
If in this age of information there are people whose reasoning is "well, all these people couldn't be wrong, clearly it's the scheming jews' fault!!", I don't find it too far-fetched to imagine lliterate peasants using the same simplistic reasoning.
>Not posting the list
They were different in general, christkillers in particular and you probably owed one something so going for a progrom in times of anxiety made sense for the commoners.
Because they are smarter and more moral people who have been unjustly met with resentment by dumb and backwards people.
Wouldn't the political left normally see systemic biases here and start asking questions whether it's not actually nepotism at play here?
Because of their tendency to ruin Europe.
That it most certainly is. Search for Oxford students makeup. It is quite simple really,
you always have an affinity towards your own group. It isn't some evil joos plan to take over the world.
>Jewish writers Gedalia Alon[1]
and Michael Avi-Yonah[2]
show that Byzantine authorities prophetically feared that their Jews
would aid Persian invaders. They also were correct in fearing
that they would assist Muslim armies as well.
>Jews were killed in great numbers after the uncovering of a
Jewish plot to deliver a city to the Persians. [3]
>Jews sided with the Persian invaders of the early 7th century
and in collusion with the Samaritans massacred 100,000 Chris-tians.[4]
>When the Christian Byzantines
retook the city, Jews were
forcibly converted
to Christianity.
>The Jews supported the Arabs when they conquered the area in 636-40.[5][6]
>In the 12th century, the Byzant
ine Jews supported the invading
armies of Seljuk Turks.[7]
>In the 14th-century they supported the invasions of the Otto-man Turks — the final conquest
of Constantinople occurring through a Jewish quarter with
the active assistance of the Jews.
>In gratitude for their support, the Sultan imposed Jewish eco-nomic
domination over his Christian subjects and Jews immi-grated into the area from throughout the Diaspora. [9]
Alon, G. (1989). The Jews on Their Land in the Talmudic Age
(70-640 C. E.). p.16.
Avi-Yonah, M. (1976).
The Jews under Roman and Byzantine Rule: A Political History of Palestine from the Bar Kokhba War to the Arab
Conquest p.261.
Parkes, J. (1934). The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A Study of
the Origins of Antisemitism
pp.263, 257-258
Grant, M. (1973).
The Jews in the Roman World. p.288.
Ibid. p.289.
Jones, A. H. M. (1964).
The Later Roman Empire284-602: A Social
Economic and Administrative Survey,2 vols. Norman, Oklahoma:
University of Oklahoma Press. p.950.
Shaw, S. J. (1991).
The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. p. 2
Ibid. p.26.
Ibid. p.77
Just to give some examples
>Jewish writers Gedalia Alon[1] and Michael Avi-Yonah[2]show that Byzantine authorities prophetically feared that their Jews would aid Persian invaders. They also were correct in fearing that they would assist Muslim armies as well.
>Jews were killed in great numbers after the uncovering of a Jewish plot to deliver a city to the Persians. [3]
>Jews sided with the Persian invaders of the early 7th century and in collusion with the Samaritans massacred 100,000 Chris-tians.[4]
>When the Christian Byzantines retook the city, Jews were forcibly converted to Christianity.
>The Jews supported the Arabs when they conquered the area in 636-40.[5][6]
>In the 12th century, the Byzantine Jews supported the invading armies of Seljuk Turks.[7]
>In the 14th-century they supported the invasions of the Otto-man Turks — the final conquest of Constantinople occurring through a Jewish quarter with the active assistance of the Jews.[8]
>In gratitude for their support, the Sultan imposed Jewish eco-nomic domination over his Christian subjects and Jews immi-grated into the area from throughout the Diaspora. [9]
Alon, G. (1989). The Jews on Their Land in the Talmudic Age
(70-640 C. E.). p.16.
Avi-Yonah, M. (1976).
The Jews under Roman and Byzantine Rule: A Political History of Palestine from the Bar Kokhba War to the Arab
Conquest p.261.
Parkes, J. (1934). The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A Study of
the Origins of Antisemitism
pp.263, 257-258
Grant, M. (1973).
The Jews in the Roman World. p.288.
Ibid. p.289.
Jones, A. H. M. (1964).
The Later Roman Empire284-602: A Social
Economic and Administrative Survey,2 vols. Norman, Oklahoma:
University of Oklahoma Press. p.950.
Shaw, S. J. (1991).
The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. p. 2
Ibid. p.26.
Ibid. p.77
Better version
jews in general have been and are thieves. they gravitate to carreers where theft is legalized like banking law and medicine. its that simple they live by stealing wealth
Cause it was lucrative to kick them out when you couldn't pay back your loans
Oh boy it's another not even slightly subtle /pol/ thread
Report it and move on
They didn't conform to the social norms. Think of twitter lynchings nowadays for people who don't conform to the norm, just a bit more severe as people were a bit less civilized back then.
Of what? Most Jews were poorer than goyim.
>report historical threads that I don't like!
>d-don't post those historical parts I don't like
You're free to post times where jews were the good guys too.
They are parasites.
Nice buzzword, anti-semite.
The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”
This, never underestimate the power of people being cheap fucks.
>Why are X people that don't belong in Z country, that keep to their own separate identity, culture, traditions, religion, etc not appreciated by people of Z country????? (especially when Z country is any european one, where identity is strong and banging disent/disconform/divergence from even your own kin is a common historical recurrance) Someone pls explain, cannot into understand
They are a very stubborn tribal people in that they stick together, and even though they may mix with the locals culturally theres still a lot of continuity. So I'd say they just don't easily assimilate and this causes problems with the locals.
the muslims because they were fucking invaders and should have been genocided by charles martel
Not true in the case of the Moriscos and Conversos in Spain, however. Those people were fucked no matter what they did.
opinion discarded
>Z country simultaneously makes it illegal to not keep a separate identity, culture, traditions, religion,
Kikes. Also, the Juden are natural nation wreckers. Wherever they went they brought degeneracy, drugs, pedophelia and usury. They are subversive little parasites. You wonder why your people have been kicked out of 109 countries
The mainstream political left doesn't seem to give a shit about bias and over-representation in the upper class if they aren't white these days. They don't care about Jews, South Asians and East Asians being over-represented in terms of wealth, its all about oppressed people at the bottom. Just like how hardly anyone gives a damn if there isn't more representation of Asians in cinema but heaven forbid a black person wasn't nominated this year.
Why could people ever foster anti semitic feelings?
They were invaders as much as the Castillans or Charles Martel for that matter.
Christian theology was at times obsessed with debating and subjugating Judaism, and their works filtered down to local and street preaching where populist mania would sometimes take hold.
Yea but they were white so it's ok
Just because the Moors were white, doesn't mean they should have been treated that way.
>welcome jews
>make them do unpopular work such a tax collection, bureaucracy, banking, loans and other unchristian stuff
>get annoyed by them being jewish and wanting money for working
>Blame them for stupid shit, kick them out and refuse to pay them
>the peasants hate the jews instead of me and I have most of the tax money
>Why were the jews expelled from so many countries?
God is trying to figure out how long it takes the Jews to figure out God is real and isn't, never was, nor ever will be the abomination they wrote in their book.
>implying the Jews dindu nuffin all 190+ times
It really becomes painfully obvious, after a while, that most of the people on this site are retarded.
>Persecute Jews for centuries
>"wtf why are you siding with the enemy"
>he unwittingly admits that Jews are enemies of Western civilization
I love it, when the line gets drawn like that.
How does siding with enemy armies while being persecuted 1300 years ago correlate with being the enemies of Western civilization?
Ohhh, they just dindu nuffin for 1300 years, right? It was all those wicked gentiles doing.
They were aliens, they were legal aliens in someone else's land.
What nationless exiles weren't periodically expelled?
Poor hygiene standards desu
The Arab rule in al-Andalus brought about a golden age and it was the most advanced country on continental europe at the time.
Inshallah Arab rule will come to Europe again.
Because they are genocidal bastards
>t. JDL
What about providing some evidence rather than just projecting yourself into this very specific peasant idea?
That way you can add value to the conversation instead of just saying non-sense like the peasants you talk about.
This. Jew only became the big intellectual force after the became less relgious and more intergrated.
They were more cleanly than most people during the middle ages and early modern period though.
>why did an ethnic group with no homeland always end up overstaying their welcome
Because everyone else is an evil anti semitist natsi, goy.
For being scheming shapeshifters
colombus was a convert jew. as was a lot of pirates, slavers and scum of the new world
Nope, it is those who think jews are le evil hivemind who wreck nations who should provide evidence. In other words, you're suposed to prove guilt, not innocence.
>Being accused many times implies guilt
You know how the level of retardedness can decrease in this board? By you going to /pol/.
Everyone hates the "an urbanized ethnic minority succeedes commercially and is massively overrepresented in business an culture" meme.
Why do the same people who supposedly support capitalism and natural competition hate the jews for their "profiteering" ways?
Asking this much for a pol vs leftypol thread..
It was the norm back then to dislike foreigners, especially those that were moneylenders and bankers and profited from the peasants
Because they are leftists unaware that they are leftists
>Jew man is keeping us down yo
>Wtf money jobs aren't actual work
>Joos force people to take loans, dude
And so on.
are you retarded ? or meming for attention ?
Eww hell no !
>Not Christians
>The murder of Christ left a bad impression on the people
>They were usually in a merchant class or banking and that lead to hatred from the poor
>Stingy practices and money grubbing because of their careers
>They were a bit insular and didn't really participate in the local community
>Priest commonly blamed them for shit like "poisoning a well" or "herding rats into the city"
>The mere fact that they looked a bit different
There is probably more, but those are some of the main reasons.
>make them do
>implying they didn't gladly do those jobs
They were assholes.
Ashkenazi are just gypsies that pretend to be something else
what a sad retard, this thread has both viewpoint, so why are you crying. Go back to /b
>Thank you
So you really think that -- every time -- it was just irrationally hatred of Jews and it was really the gentiles fault all along? Legitimately curious.
Yep. Thanks for playing.
Wow some faggy college students trashed a city for a few weeks
Spotted the increasingly-nervous yid.
I made this observation in a previous thread. Let's bear in mind that expulsion or banishment are typically severe penalties for serious crimes, and an exile bore a stigma whatever his guilt might be. It really isn't surprising at all that a status of perpetual exile would serve as incontrovertible proof of guilt to people who were orders of magnitude dumber than the literate, diploma-holding retards of today.
At the same time, one really does wonder why Jews didn't eventually learn to just be dumb and poor like the rest of us. In fact there are whole sects devoted to exactly that and they wield an inordinate amount of power in Israel today, making these ultra-Jews the target of resentment of other Jews.
>Kyoto's Inamori Foundation
>Swedish Academy
>Jewish cabals
Someone from the political left would argue that these institutions even if they are not run by the same demographics are still subject to biases through the systemic bias in other nations and their institutions.
e.g. you would not find people in a Japanese High School read western literature by authors taken from a diverse subset in terms of ethnicity but they would most likely read mostly what is held in esteem by western culture, resulting in mostly white literature and thus perpetuating a bias.
In the same sense, the Jewish run institution of the west that is biased towards their own and exposes their own to an international audience perpetuates its own bias into foreign institutions by serving as a gate keeper regarding who is exposed to international audiences and who isn't.
I am sure you can see that this is highly problematic.
>Christian and Islamic societies in which social standing, professions and religion were strictly regulated and interconnected
>Jews regarded badly regarded by both religions to begin with
>Usury obvious choice left to them because they're already marginalized
>combined with their endogamy and trading contacts makes urban Jews succesful
>doesn't improve their image in the publics eye but makes them useful tools for rulers because they're 1) rich moneylenders and 2) often multilingual and educated which makes them good cultural intermediaries.
>most importantly, they're outside of 'proper' society and have little traditional rights so their fortunes are often tied to the Crown's good graces, making them loyal (or rather desperate) subjects and/or convenient scapegoats depending on the situation.
It's not exactly rocket science.
>Why did x group not like y group living among them
Thats different though.