Can we agree that the British Empire was a civilizing influence and overall net good for humanity?
Can we agree that the British Empire was a civilizing influence and overall net good for humanity?
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They were petty much no different than Rome
If you like Rome, then you have no reason to dislike Britain
They wish.
Pack your bags, your train to reddit leaves at 10 o clock sharp.
the British empire=good
british monarchy=bunch of gay ass faggots
except that one black one
>the British Empire was a civilizing influence
>and overall net good for humanity?
Chad Phileas Fogg and Aouda.
Don't call me a r*dditor ever again you anglo piece of shit
Define civilians influence because they iften added more to the problem or never gave a shit about civilisation OR took credit for it.
The Brits were very good at forcing Western culture, political and economic systems and values on the conquered.
I'd love to see a mini series of Lord Kitchener played by Sir Idris Elba
You didn't need Britain for that tbf.
Not really. Forcing distorted shams if those things then yes. Much easier to do it by will then force.
>Britain no different than Rome
Wrong. pic related shows decedents of Gauls fighting Germans. I see no equivalent in British history
>wake up in heavily industrlized colony
>make tea and load up the internet
>see entire world revolving around anglo culture and language
>even the g*uls and g*rm*ns
great day
God I wish I was that guy.
You are both very wrong
t. Non anglo commonwealth
>Ywn have a half naked qt worship you like that
Why live, bros ?
oh shit man where you from?
You feel any affinity with mother England?
Do you wish for more?
We still have english bases and the officials that live there formed the nicest patches of land, which every native is allowed to visit and commute in freely. It's not that we want to be a territory again as we did fight for freedom, but we do recognise the infrastructure, legal and tax system, as well as art, culture and extremely useful language that the brits left. And we can contrast this with the incompetence and all round shit rule of the Ottomans who never taxed the Church but collected jizya and built a big fat nul sans mosques and converted the historical cathedrals and limited our art and culture. The first thing the Brits did when they bought Cyprus, was tax all organisations according to a system, established councils and provided equal rights for muslims and christians, as well as jobs and educational institutions for the majority, not to mention British tourists and customers are still a lifeline
Do you know the artist
That's a nice back/side breast there
Found it
If you are an ANZAC nation, yes.
If you are in former African or Middle Eastern territories, debatable.
India is the classic example. Stopping the practice of widows burning themselves on funeral pyres is up there with one of the more life saving moves in history. The democracy they built was never going to happen with the Mughals still in charge.
of course an half portuguese dude would make that kind of covers, the eternal Iberian strikes again
>stopping the practive of widows burning themselves
wasn't Albuquerque who did that?
why is that caterpillar so sad?
thanks for looking after big boss during his coma.
>The democracy they built was never going to happen with the Mughals still in charge.
1) The Mughals weren't in charge prior British rule. They've already collapsed thanks to the Maratha Confederacy.
2) British rule in India wasn't democratic. Democracy was brought over by all the Western Educated Indians.
Chad Flashy
>Cricketer extraordinaire
>Beautiful black whiskers
>Tortured de Gautet
Is Flashman the ultimate /ourguy/?
>Stopping the practice of widows burning themselves on funeral pyres is up there with one of the more life saving moves in history
Sati would have been banned sooner or later. Several Mughal Emperors and local Rajas banned it over time but they could only do so much. Considering it still happens in isolated villages today I wonder how much it was still rampant when it was banned in the 19th century.
Sati is just a form of justifying pro-British interests. It's on the same level of Westerners whining about Tibet just to fuck with China.
>The democracy they built was never going to happen with the Mughals still in charge.
The Mughals hadn't had power in more then a century.
Maratha Confederacy was more backward than Mughals, at least British provided a common enemy for indians to unite against. If not for british, There would be several dozen warring nations instead of just three.
>There would be several dozen nations instead of just three.
Hmm. It sounds comfy in a way. Oh well.
>Stopping the practice of widows burning themselves on funeral pyres is up there with one of the more life saving moves in history.
Kek, but gunning down crowds of unarmed pajeets sorta balances the scale and then some, nigel.
>gunning down crowds of unarmed pajeets
theres plenty more where those came from.
Fantastic series I really recommend
The technology was good, free markets as well. The tyranny wasn't.
Whom did they civilize? If anything they only made the world uncivilized unleashing the American and Australian blight upon the planet.
>Democracy was brought over by all the Western Educated Indians.
Who educated them?
t. reddit
Fun fact: the Men of Harlech sung in Zulu was a complete fabrication.
The original song was about hating Saxon invaders.
Yes, but everyone can also agree that it was clearly not as much as the French
Yes. The world owes them their thanks. Half the world would have still been stuck in barbarism, or conquered by an even less merciful and beneficial power
Only thing Brits did was teach them how to speak English and enable them to study all over Europe. You seriously believe an Empire's position is maintained by teaching the Poos democracy?
Jesus most of the time the Brit's authority in India often rested on upholding very iliberal old orders (hint: THE PRINCELY STATES).
>who educated them to ensure loyalty for themselves only to have it thrown in their face?
con: created basically every single modern day issue
pro: brought about the industrial revolution
I wouldn't say every single one. France did its fair share of fucking up global politics. I'd say 70/30.
>not queen victoria played by Leslie Jones
we be sayin we wux kwaaaaaaans an shieeet
only decent thing it did was spread white people
*enlightens your civilization*
>this triggers the poojeet
>this is the series that lindybeige recommended
>any empire that fought the first french empire
>good for humanity
>This triggers the britshit
>country with 1.3 billion people surpasses country with 60 million
It was probably the most civilizing and positive influence on the human race ever. Alas the home islands are falling in this sad era.
Audible kek
Anglo-Sphere is simply the best desu.
Thank God for United States of America
* A country with abysmal literacy rates that only recently got out of total poverty
More like a fattening influence lmao
Anglos were a mistake
When the fuck did that happen, in your mind?
Not him but I don't think you realise how many more people that really is
I apologise
It's not only about the people but also the industry.
Because of various bad policies in the past century we never really progressed. It's only after opening up our economy in 1992 that we started to move forward again.
Overtaking some countries economy wise was inevitable tho I agree.
>having 1/3 of your population obese
Holy shit. How can the rest of the world teach americans proper eating habits?
this desu
they took a perfectly fine Bonaparte off my country's throne and replaced it with an incompetent """"Van Oranje""""", fuck em
>don't like rome. don't like british
With India's size resouces, it's only natural that it's be a big economy as it develops. The British Empire held India back from inudstrialisng to protect its own industrial base.
If anything the fact that it's taken nearly sixty years should be an embarssment for India.
>civilizing people
Modern civilisation is a curse that only brings misery
When you consider the respective positions of China and India in 1947 it's astonishing that China is not only ahead economically but nearly twice as large. China had 25 years of Maoist idiocy, mass murder and starvation still to come, but they still caught up with and overtook India, then doubled the Indian economy. It's such an indictment of the Indian political class and their mismanagement. They had stability, democracy and shared the same language with the global hegemon, and still got outclassed by a China recovering from a decades long civil war then the most incompetent dictator of the 20th century
I just learned from a few Brits that taking history classes is not required to graduate high school. What the fuck? Is this true?