This is the story of the latest and foulest of the big lies to be spewed forth by the hate and venom of distorted minds...
>This is the story of the latest and foulest of the big lies to be spewed forth by the hate and venom of distorted minds. It is the story of the malicious campaign to poison men's minds with the absurd notion that the Soviet Unon, which outlawed anti-Semitism and race hatred on the very day it took power, has now embarked on an official anti-Semitic campaign
if the information is true it destroy the notion promoted by (((historians))) that Stalin hated jews...

Attached: big lie.jpg (748x1202, 347K)

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3450203,00.html

>taking Communist propaganda at face value
Do you even know what "history" means?

excuse me for not believing 100% in the propaganda that Stalin hated jews. He even married a jewish woman. how come an anti-semite can have sex and a child with a jewish girl?

> He even married a jewish woman.
no he didnt

>Stalin hated je...

Attached: whew.jpg (438x861, 240K)

>Special concern for the Jewish people has characterized the Soviet Union since its birth in the 1917 Revolution. A week after Tsarism was overthrown, the infant Socialist government, headed by Lenin, legally abolished national ,oppression, making it the first country in the world to declare anti-Semitism a crime .... Every manifestation of anti-Semitism was fought openly and sternly.
Louis Levine, National Chairman of the Jewish Council of Russian Relief, in Soviet Russia Today Nov., 1946. defamationLeagueAndItsUseInTheWorldCommunistOffensive.1947

>The state which previously did not employ any Jews, now employs in White Russia 61 per cent Jewish officials. A Jew is president of the state bank; Jews occupy almost all important ambassadorial positions; universities, professions, judiciary and administration now have a greater percentage than any other nationality. Anti-Semitism has been declared a state offense, and is punished as counter-revolution.
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in Jewish Opinion, Dec., 1933.

Another book in this subject saying Russia pre-Stalin (obviously by the date it was published) treated jews very well can be found here:

and here:
Kulka, Erich. Jews in Svoboda’s Army in the Soviet Union: Czechoslovak Jewry’s Fight Against the Nazis During World War II. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1987.

can all of this be soviet propaganda? obviously. However I'm giving the benefit of doubt,7340,L-3450203,00.html

The first person he apointed as chairman of the NKVD was also a jew, Genrikh Yagoda, during his time ALL of the gulag camp leaders were jews, gradualy as a russian Nikolai Yezhov took over the amount of jews in high positions in the NKVD decreased

>the amount of jews in high positions in the NKVD decreased
The only information on this matter I have is an article saying between 31~34% of high officials under Stalin were jews. However they don't name the officials...
do you have a better source with their names or something ?

why do anti-semitic tards always feel the need to quote jewish newspapers for everything as though to prove a jewish conspiracy?

why should I ignore that piece of information? because a jewish newspaper published an official note from the secret police? is the note fake? was it a fabrication?
is it 100% certain Stalin didn't have sex with a jewish woman?

Assuming you mean in the NKVD Aleksandr solzhenitsyn has an image in the Archilelago showing the officails and they are all jews. (vol 2 p 79)

Attached: Screen-Shot-2014-09-15-at-10.03.49-PM.png (326x549, 179K)

The only people i've ever seen quote jewish newspapers, especially those two sites, are anti-semitic conspiratards
>is it 100% certain Stalin didn't have sex with a jewish woman?
who cares? just go on /gif/ and you'll see plenty of people bragging how they fucked blacks and asians while calling them niggers and gooks and talking about how they degraded them

regardless of your opinion on ''anti-semitic tards'' we should focus if the note is fabricated or not

I'm sure there were more Gulag officials.

NKVD evolved from earlier institutions. Before Yagoda there was OGPU with Menzhinsky and before that GPU and Cheka with Dzerzhinsky.

These were the main ones under Yagoda, another one is Israel Pliner, although he wasn't the cheif during Yagoda but under Yezhov.

>I don't care
>meanwhile browsing a thread dealing with the so called subject he doesn't care
I'll never understand /leftypol/

What does "the main ones" mean? Who were they?

Read my original post, i specificly talked about the officials under Yagoda

I already posted them and the source see

I'm asking about their position in the regime. Who were they? I can't find much about them.

wikipedia lack information on many soviet officials. but to be fair I don't think there are much information in english about them. The archives in Moscow are open... the lists have been published in Russia in 1993 I'm told. No translation that I know of

stop strawmanning retard. I said who cares if stalin fucked a jewish woman. having sex with someone doesn't mean you can't have a theoretical hatred for their race. It's typical for anti-semites or other types of racists to think that minorities they know personally are not "truly" that minority, because they don't follow the stereotypes, but some group out of view that is a true specimen
I couldn't find anything on Yakov tho. Stalins top man was also a jew, Kaganovich

>accuse others of strawmanning
>''typical anti-semite tards"
Leftist brain: I'm doing exactly what I'm accusing you
On a side note I'm not really sure if an anti-semite would have sex with a jew. If the person is anti-semite he wouldn't have sex with a jew in the same logic that a homophobe wouldn't hang out with gays. Since Stalin was always near jews I don't think we should ignore he didn't hate jews at all

>the Soviet Union of 1922 is exactly the same as the Soviet Union of 1952

The quote from pic was published in 1948...

So before 1952 then?

So in 1952 after Stalin died the soviet union became anti-semitic?