How do we save western civilization?

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Get off Veeky Forums

By being more western and less middle eastern

fuck strength, manliness, religion, and other medieval values

emphasize progress, liberty, law, equality (at least within your borders), secularism, and pragmatism

sure you can still have the medieval shit but they're only secondary to the true values.

Literally the opposite of what we need to do but ok.

The way we "save" Western Civilization as you proposed is quite literally what the West is now and those "medieval" values are how we save it. Don't you have a latex suit to be smacked around in?

We regressed from those values because people like you want to act less like westerners and more like African tribesmen.

They take over our politics, fuck everything up, use the fact they fucked everything up as an excuse that they are needed, and then fuck everything up some more. Repeat until we're basically Syria.

So, according to your logic, everyone could be a godless libertarian tranny and we'd have saved Western Civilization? Sounds like a dream.

By genociding g*rmin

>say that the west is superior because of it's values
>turn around as say those values turns us to trannies

and that's why the west is doomed


This is the only way. Those values are unironically what made the west different and a good place to live in.

Not how but why? Western civilization has became synonymous with cuckoldry, racemixing and soy.

only a small number of people will see this post and we will all disagree. "we" can't save western civilization.

what we can do is mourn what has been lost, and keep the fire going. watch old films. read old books. listen to old people, and remember that the pendulum often swings back, if it is given time

Western civilization already died in the World Wars. US is just keeping it alive through it's own will.

Once the US falls the rest of Europe will probably die with it.

You literally cannot. Demographics have already changed enough that "western civilisation" won't exist in 20 years. Unless you want to go full 1488 there's no putting the genie back in the bottle. You either have to ride it out and see what happens, or move to China

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[soygape intensifies]

>when western civilized values are associated with an Asian plant because of yellow journalists

you're a shame to your ancestors

>tfw ethnicity matters more than values, morals, and institutions

>tfw ethnicity doesn't influence values, morals, or institutions

>dude just make the Somalis drink Guinness and they'll be just as Irish

If the country is prosperous, peaceful, well-educated, and technologically advanced, but everyone there is brown would that matter in the end?

Go back. You know where


Hitler was literally a soyboy though

Bro, you can't start the thread off with muh toxic masculinity and pretend you belong anywhere near here.

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>tfw pic related are soyboys now

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It doesn't. Cultures do but there's nothing in someone's DNA that causes them to have a certain ideology. It's proven that Muslim immigrants to European countries integrate just as well as any other group as generations go by.

>It's proven
I would like to see that proof

>Veeky Forums is a reactionary site meme

Fuck off back to t_d.

muslim are incapable ,they are a bunch of retard only a little bit better than blacks in hat regard

>tfw not acting like a nigger makes you a godless libertarian tranny

>fuck manliness, strength, and religion
-George Washington

it was clearly Jefferson who said that

>muh safe space
Yep, thanks for playing, Tumblr.

I wanna be a soy boy too

>Uses the term "reactionary" unironically
Uh why do redditors do this?

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People who use "soyboy" unironically have no right to complain about cringe words.

Solving the JQ.

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Where did I use the term soyboy?

You may not like it, but it's the true answer. Take it or leave it. You either act like westerners or act like ISIS.

Yes because the outcome is the dying """"""""culture"""""" we have now that's defined by what fucking products you consume.

At what point did western culture renounce strength when it conquered the world?

When the jews took the power.

most of the ways they conquered it was through economic fuckery

India was taken over by Britain's company before they took it over in earnest. They're conquest was a side effect of them trying to get rich and not a pursuit to be strong.

It's not worth saving, hopefully the mad influx of foreign nations won't just create shitty bastardized consumer horde regions full of lumpen prole while destroying the nations of the West and Europe, but will completely and irrevocably take with it all ideas of Western civilization here into the abyss with them. Everything useful's been exported and the Chinese will rule the world with their dog eating National Communism anyway.

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By letting it destroy itself.

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French revolution was the end of western civilization.
>you're a shame to your ancestors
They were monarchists not bound to whims of jacobin kikes and republican soy creatures.

monarchies were backwards neanderthals until the revolutionaries civilized them.

only then did they take over the world and make western civilization mean something.

I don't think you understand what the word civilization means.

Fighting back the kikes.

>being western means being tolerant to the point of self destruction
If your definition of western is one of weakness and suicide, then it’s opposite deserves another chance

It means being intelligent and pragmatic

sometimes the "bravest" and the "strongest" thing to do is not the most intelligent. People that actually built the west to what it is knows that it's best to sacrifice the former for the latter because the latter often loses to the former.

There are people in this thread who unironically believe western civilization started in the 18th century or even after WW2. Like everything between Homer and Robespierre never happened.

>at least within your own borders
That's the important tidbit, liberalism is certainly admirable within our own borders, it becomes a noose when we extend it foreign religious authoritarians intent on destroying the liberal values we cherish.

I mean it was there it just wasn't as world dominating.

When we talk about how superior the west is to the rest of the world in we use post-enlightenment west as an example. Maybe Rome as well but Rome risen due to the same "soyboy values" (diplomacy, integration, democracy, progress, etc.) and fell when they all wanted to be a bunch of murderhobos.

>emphasize progress, liberty, law, equality (at least within your borders), secularism, and pragmatism
Muslims are diametrically opposed to all of the things you listed.

Reading comprehension

Problem is when you start confusing your own citizens as foreign agents. Then you don't know who to trust and will only get a bunch of civil wars.


Stop listening to western Jews, and start acting like Israeli Jews.

>implying Israel doesn't have it just as bad

>To save Rome Late Romans needed to act like Late Romans

But they did.

You're seriously claiming that Rome got its dominions through "soyboy values" and later lost it due to the Late Empire being a murderous engine of conquest?

Most Delusional Post 2018, congratulations.

not murderous engine of conquest, murderhobos

too busy killing each other to conquer other people

I've never seen conquest of others referred to as "soyboy values", interesting.

Rome was Toxic Masculinity: The Civilization, most of all during their rise, they were just pragmatic about it.

>emphasize progress, liberty, law, equality (at least within your borders), secularism, and pragmatism
fucking this

I'm so tired of stormtards saying the west needs to be saved, or needs to return to it's values, when in reality the modern west is a culmination of all Western values

>emphasize progress, liberty, law, equality (at least within your borders), secularism, and pragmatism
and all of them were called soyboy values. If not by you, by the people who got butthurt that I didn't think "muh masculinity" was the end all be all.

It all comes down to an ultimatum

either save it by giving up your romantic dreams of being like a badass in your hollywood movies
Let it die and let the good times roll

>emphasize progress, liberty, law, equality (at least within your borders), secularism, and pragmati
Yeah, because the quality of our civilization has really been on the rise for the past hundred years.

>when in reality the modern west is a culmination of all Western values
Imagine being this retarded

>It's proven that Muslim immigrants to European countries integrate just as well as any other group as generations go by.
Wow, Muslims who make up 3% of the population in most countries only take a few generations to integrate. Truly the West is blessed

The Romans were soyboys though. A milk and meat fed Gallic warrior could defeat a grain fed Roman Legionary manlet in single combat.

The Romans conquered by being nerdy cunts and drilling their soldiers to march in blocky formations and build tons of forts and roads everywhere so they could supply more troops at the front. Some pasty twink aristocrat who never did an ounce of work in his life would be assigned the position of legate with authority over grizzled veterans and they would grit their teeth and grudgingly obey everything he said because if they did not he would have them flogged.

That was the Roman way, and it worked. The Roman Empire was literally the soyboy empire.

The. Soy. Boy. Empire. Get that drilled into your head.

It is like a game of chess. Chad might be physically impressive, inspiring and charismatic, but some Korean kid can still defeat him if that is the game they're playing. It doesn't matter. The real world doesn't care about your feelings.

That is the strength of western civilization, not being le tough guy, being the sneaky little shit who finds every cheat and hack to get ahead and deceives and lies and has an autistic devotion to his craft, who knows every trick and leaves no stone unturned, more like the conspiring jew than the proud aryan swelling his chest with pride.

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None of which excuses using Rome as an example of "soyboy" anything, even if you're going by some special personal definition.

As for pragmatism, as a concept it is completely absent from any public discourse on this topic. When asking for a definition of Western values, you'll get a minute of silence before someone bleats out "openness". If anything, pragmatism would seem too close to realpolitik for the modern Late Roman (law, liberty and secularism come with asterisks of their own).

Can't say it wasn't part of the discussion when it was the topic starter. Not my fault people sprouted a bunch of hyperbole the second I voiced my answer.

>Some pasty twink aristocrat who never did an ounce of work in his life would be assigned the position of legate with authority over grizzled veterans and they would grit their teeth and grudgingly obey everything he said because if they did not he would have them flogged.

But that's wrong. The Roman aristocracy was extremely militaristic and men who came of age were expected to get out there and go balls deep in the front lines. 10 years' military service was mandatory for the cursus honorum and young Roman aristocrats had something like 20-25% casualty rates because they were so fucking gung-ho about proving themselves in battle. Also, to be a legate you needed to be or have been a praetor or a consul. They didn't give out positions with imperium to fucking kids.

Literally the opposite, muslims are actually the only immigrant group that gets shittier and more violent with each generation, it's the literal opposite direction of integration.

>the soyboy empire
funny how those were the most powerful empires of all time

It's lost, user. Build a bunker. The best we can hope for is a cataclysmic event which will bring about a resetting. In the mean time, don't worry about it, play along and enjoy the decadence.

>kill/deport/force into slavery all neoliberals, neoconservatives, ultra feminists, trannies and numales
>replaces them with old liberals and conservatives of old
>unironically and very seriously start deporting all non-european third worlders out of Europe, especially those who migrated here for cheap labour
>start propagating traditionalism, masculinity and natalism in europe while giving each european nation a dose of slight nationalism
>antagonise ideas of national tolerance, hyper consumerism, multiculturalism, neo/cultural marxism(whatever you want to call it), ultranationalism(nazism), neo-nazism, islamism, neo-americanism and racial guilt of the past
This would've saved western civilization, but you know damn well it will never happen.
Let it crash and burn.

>the_cuckold is reactionary
>implying we don't make fun of them for being boomers and civic nationalists
Hi /leftypol/

Sounds like a great recipe for another world war, which would certainly bury western civilization

Europe belongs to europeans the same as America belongs to Amerindians.

Time to get replaced, chimps.

>t_d is reactionary
The very state of /leftypol/

Muslims are not a homogeneous community which has the same view of every issue

Sure, I'm not an Amerimutt so why would I care.

But america does belong to amerindians, mongrels occupying it have nothing to do with europe.

>emphasize progress, liberty, law, equality
Unfortunatly these are now buzzwords for pandering degenerates. Dont get me wrong, these are fine ideals, but they lost their original meaning now.
Also, begin strong is not only about physical strength, but also about begin mentally strong.

I think what you actually want to say is 'How do we save my specific interpretation of what I consider to be 'Western' civilisation".

He literally said that in the first line.

>kill literally everyone
>replace them with people who agree with me
>unironically deport everyone who can't trace their lineage back to cavemen
>introduce sharia law
>antagonize ideas i disagree with

>muslims are actually the only immigrant group that gets shittier and more violent with each generation
Your sample size for that is literally a single generation.

>Yeah, because the quality of our civilization has really been on the rise for the past hundred years.
Are you saying it hasn't? Imagine being this retarded.

>Yes because the outcome is the dying """"""""culture"""""" we have now that's defined by what fucking products you consume.
That's caused by Anglos, not muslims you dipshit.

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By making people understand the importance of family and nation. But the thing is that everything that comes with those two concepts is limiting hedonism on which modern civilization is resting.

You don't. It abandoned God and now it's going to die.

>technological advancement is what defines a civilization
Get off of Veeky Forums, brainlet.

You don't. The demographic collapse and moral degradation was inevitable with a focus on material goods, atheism, and more meaningless spooks. The last chance for Europe to survive was under fascism, but that's been blown up. The USA is already non-white and will only continue to become more diverse. Places like Australia are surrounded by a continent of Asians and will not last.

This is why Middle Easterners are taking over Europe, they understand on an instinctual level what makes a real society and what strength is, they do not believe in fake spooks like equality or "rights", they are concerned with the reality that concerns them. It is the degeneracy of this post that highlights why westerners deserve what they're getting.

>start propagating traditionalism, masculinity and natalism in europe while giving each european nation a dose of slight nationalism
>antagonize nazism

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If what was has civilisation worsened instead of improved? Try forming an argument without saying "muh roasties".

in what way has*