Life under Franco

What was life under Francisco Franco's Spain like? Was it awful? Pleasant? "Meh"?

Unbiased answers mostly, pls

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Very much like in Belarus, Kazakstan, China or even Russia nowadays.... you lived ok if you stayed out of politics and never criticized the regime.

You had basically all individual freedoms, you could travel, get rich and have a decent fulfilling life... as long as you respected (or pretended doing it) the rules... if you were a fag or a commie and lived like one, then probably you were not so positive. You also had all this people who were part of the system and you wouldn't want to mess with them.


>You had basically all individual freedoms
>you lived ok if you stayed out of politics and never criticized the regime.

Yes, any problem with the true?

What about freedom of ideology???

Truth*, and i don't, you seem to have a problem with reality though.

Sounds like communist Yugoslavia. Are you Spanish?

>freedom of ideology
thats not a real thing

this basically russia/china today

Frankly no dictatorship in the west past the early 20th century has ever been truly a dictatorship. The rest of the European nations just wouldn't allow that.

Spain initially was recovering slowly from the civil war which left many people poverty stricken and the nation in a poor state. An economic boom brought a somewhat swift recovery and employed many and made Spain a reasonably large economy. Communist and dissidents were punished and strongly disliked by the regime, I believe the regime also emphasised the importance of Catholicism so religion was probably an important part of Franco's Spain.

Are you even a spanish to talk about spain?

Not him but freedom of association is though

If Franco was such a bad guy, why wasn't he killed or overthrown?

They tried, there was a whole civil war and shit

the civil war was franco and the nationalists overthrowing the govt not the other way around

It was far better than Spain today. Say what you will about Franco, but he gives jobs to those who needed them and got shit done. Today Spain's unemployment rate is out the roof and the government lolygags everyday never getting anything done.

t. dumb fuck americans who think their "freedoms" are universal standards
Asianmoot needs to ban all of you dumb fucks. You don't understand history, politics, economics, science or anything. You've all proven yourselves to be no smarter than SubSaharan niggers.

it's pretty easy to give people jobs when you're rebuilding the country from the civil war you started.

>from the civil war you started
American go away

>waah why didn't Franco just accept the priest killing, nun raping, Soviet-backed "Republicans"

>but he gives jobs to those who needed them and got shit done.
1940s spain was a shithole caused by retarded corporatist policies and a civil war war that killed and exiled hundreds of thousands and wrecked the economy.

Franco ruled until '75. Focusing on a small part of that rule and saying "BUT IN THE 40S EVERYTHING WAS SHIT" reflects on your own autism. Of course Spain was a shithole, it was recovering from a major civil war. You don't recover overnight. My point was that for the majority of Franco's rule he brought more prosperity and stability that today's government gives.

Industrial production didn't recover until early 1950s, agriculture didn't recover till the late 50s. Even then the Spanish "miracle" didn't happen until the late 50s and until then life was still very precarious over the whole decade, with high inflation, low exports, and poor foreign trade imbalance. The 40s were just more shit but 50s wasn't great either. So in other words, you have a 15 TO 20 year economic gap all because you have a butthurt military, landowners and church about social democrats. That's half of Franco's reign. This is all without mentioning $1 billion dollar in aid from the Eisenhower administration in the 1950s.

And also compare this to WWI, where Spain's production boomed on account of supplying Entente in WWI. On the contrary Spain missed out on profiting from WWII (assuming Nazis didn't invade, probably ending the war earlier anyway due to overextension).

>You had basically all individual freedoms

Except freedom of expression, which is a fairly big deal.

First of all, in 40's, Spain was devastated from the war. This was the most authoritarian part of the regime, and also when people leved the worse. When he won the war, mainly by Italian volunteers and German support, he started a brutal repression against everyone that could even been linked by any way to the Republic, or anyone who was a labour union leader, anarchist, liberal or communist. Araound 350000 people died in the first years of the new dictatorial regime. In cuestion of personal liberties it was also terrible: people from Galicia, Catalonia and the Vasque Country were banned from using their own language, and the censorship was brutal.
In social rights there was also a great leap backwards: The education was handed over again to the church, and thousands of the new schools built by the Republic were demolished. As it was private and most of the Spaniards were in extreme poverty, they had to work to their landlord and they couldn't afford their children to study, so they were to work in factories who were reconstructing the country, thus losing entire generations of potential intelectuals.
Only since the 60's Spain started to get somewhat better. The Opus Dei, an influential Catholic organitation got a great level of influence inside the regime, overthrowing tehir fascist partners from the government. They kind of liberalised the economy, got funds from the US to be in their sphere of influence and the economy entered in a boom. Thousands of hotel resorts were built to atract the now appearing tourism and it was created a public universal heath care institution, the "Seguridad Social", to silence the exploited workers. Although it seems that everything was okay from now on, the problems that Spain is facing now come from this: Spain has no industry of its own at all, and there is no more jobs in making buildings, so we have now a third of emplyees that are under the line of poverty, a lot of the workers have a temporal job and we only work as bartenders.

Unless you were a woman.

Some people seem to confuse individual freedoms with political, social and economical rights...

At some point Europe and the West in general will have to start accepting that there are other kinds of governments more suitable for other cultures...

Quite limited economic analysis. The only industry Spain was disassembled by the EU, very much like in the rest of Europe because it was i) not competitive or/and ii) it needed to favour German economy. You see, they've turned Europe into one big consumer market...

"""""""""""""""Social democrats"""""""""""""""""""""
Tell that to my family members killed by your democrats just for being catholic, retard.

Boo hoo you don't get to have gay rights parades.

>Banned from using their language
>Commemorative plaque for Franco written in catalan
No one banned nothing, simply it wasn't thought on the schools. Don't tell lies.

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That's basically every European dictatorship, Commie or Fascist.

If you respect the government you where mostly left alone to live a shitty or non shitty (depending on the country) life.

Actually this. Women couldn't travel alone to other countries without authorization of their husbands or fathers, and needed to go to a school of housewives

Let's be honest here: every faction that wasn't the king was in the wrong during the civil war

>muh anecdotes trump facts

He wasn't that bad a guy and Spain was in the best place it had been in the past 200 years with Franco.

Yeah that's what commie fucks tell every single Cuban who's ever lived. Seriously, fuck off.

Why does reddit post like this?

You seem to forget that Spain was a backwater shithole before Franco and all of Europe was suffering after WW2.

Nice try commie.

I'm a Capitalist and what he's saying is true though, Spain fucked itself with muh Autarky (just like all the other fascists lmao). In the end it had to open up markets and it even fucked up in doing that so now Spain is shit.

Fascists can't into economics. Franco should of stepped down and handed back power sooner and not been so stupid with his nationalism and autarky economics.

>strong economy, low debt
>low unemployment
>little illegal immigration
>strong military
>state catholicism
>no degeneracy (homosexuality, abortion, divorce, feminism, etc.)
>practically no taxes
>higher wages and productivity

It was a right-wing hell-hole, thank goodness we have a modern, democratic, and progressive Spain today :^)

>You seem to forget that Spain was a backwater shithole
I just told you that the economy didn't reach pre-civil war levels until the 1950s you stupid fuck. That means that Spain was even MORE of a shithole than it was Pre-Civil War for the first half of Franco's reign- the miracle starting in 1958.

>all of Europe was suffering after WW2.
Most had recovered by the early 50s, Spain did not get into full swing until the late 1950s. Also, by the same token Europe's economic recovery was essential to Spain's recovery and subsequent economic growth just as Europe's post-war slump was also bad for its own economy. In other words, Spain's fortunes were tied to the economic fortunes of the major Western European economies. It was WE (and American) capital that fueled the Miracle, 300k or so Spanish economic immigrants in WE sent back remissions which further bolstered the Spanish economy and it the huge boom in WE tourism to Spain that added further to the boom. None of this was in Franco's hands, faggot.

Well, from 1939 to 55, even simple things like speaking catalan/basque/galician, you could get beaten up by the police. If you were communist, homosexual, you were in BIG trouble. If you tried to incorporate studies/books that spoke of left-wing things or even from left-wing writers, you could get in trouble so university was shitty.

From 1955 until 76 it was pretty much what you said because of USA forcing Europe to accept the dictatorship to take advantage of how "close" spain was with the USSR, but the first years of the dictatorship were dark as fuck.

Source: spanish history student

There is a board for this. Why don't you understand it? Bronies stay on their board. /b/tards stay on their board. vidya retards stay in their own thread. You, sad motherfucker, have to answer the SAME LAME ANSWER ON EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THREAD.

I don't care if you're wrong, or right. Just, please use a tripcode, accept that people would want to filter you out.

>reddit spacing
>talking shit about crossboarders

Where is you tripcode?

Also, fuck off and eat shit.

There is a site for this. Why don't you understand it? Bronies stay on their board. /b/tards stay on their board. vidya retards stay in their own thread. You, sad motherfucker, have to answer the SAME LAME ANSWER ON EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THREAD.

I don't care if you're wrong, or right. Just, please use a tripcode, accept that people would want to filter you out.

Attached: leftypol.png (200x120, 14K)

Why would you think a country can just recuperate itself from getting absolutely BTFO for 30 years in just a couple of years? It's natural that it would of taken a long time, the fact that it managed to recuperate within Franco's time is amazing in on itself.


> If you tried to incorporate studies/books that spoke of left-wing things or even from left-wing writers, you could get in trouble so university was shitty.

That sounds pretty good to me desu.

I still can't see the tripcode.

Why must threads like these always end up in mere shitflinging?
>GO BACK TO /leftypol/
>GO BACK TO /pol/
Hell why do ALL threads on this board end up like this?

Because for some reason /pol/ is not working properly as a containment board.

Because jerkoffs keep posting nazi bullshit and other jerkoffs keep getting triggered by it.

In history and archaeology you would learn how "iberians and celts found and ally with the romans because of their authoritarian policies " and some other bullshit (everyone knows it was an invasion) or some other nice things like "civilization started in the iberian peninsula" read Julio Martínez Santa-Olalla for some more historical bullshit.

Up to what level of education did that apply? Did people actually believe it?

Fuck off leftist.

Suck my dick.

You want to apologize for Franco? Do it properly.
You want to copypaste alt-right memes? Tripcode.

College. I would say no, specially if you got to travel. But you were thaught that.

This isn't /leftypol/ retard, nobody gives a shit about your autistic rules. You're a nobody.

Spain didnt recovered the GDP of 1936 until 1963.

Basically, the autarchy promoted by Franco was a shit. But there were modern economists backed by CIA who reformed the country and got the shit done.

Doesn’t Francisco Franco sound like a redundant name to y’all? I’m not going against Franco Spain, I’m just pointing it out. Like what Hitler was Adolf Adolfo or Benito Benedictus.

Crawl back to your mom's asshole then.

Iberians were getting BTFO by the naval jews way before the Romans took over. Either way nationalistic autism and historic revisionism is incredibly common everywhere even to this day.

Are you implying that were retarded or something?

The II Republic kicked asses on some european "democracies". Spaniards were enough civilized, maybe too much for the stablishment.

It's /leftypol/ that starts most of the garbage threads.

Francisco and Franco are completely different names tho.

Nobody is saying that Spaniards are retarded (tho they are) but it's clear that democracy and republicanism isn't an end-all be-all form of goverment that works for everybody.


Alliteration is a wonderful thing.

Franco's rule = Spain's inbred feudal landlords assraping Spaniards 24/7 for decades.

Yeah, i understand. But those names are not redundant.

Maybe Fran de Francisco is redundant.

I think it's obvious whom you should ask this.

I think Franco was still alive when you made this thread for the very first time.

You also could not give evidence in court and if you were beaten by your husband and fled the home, there was a chance you would be imprisoned for 'abandoning the home'.

They had to settle with killing Luis Carrero Blanco.

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There was no 'priest killing' until after the military uprising broke out. The rape of nuns was vanishingly rare, as in single or MAYBE double digit recorded instances, if it happened at all. Contrast the mass rapes perpetrated by the """""nationalist""""" Army of Africa, which were sanctioned and encouraged by the rebel command. And the Republican government actually tried to reign in and stop the atrocities on their side unlike the rebels who organized and streamlined their repression.
The Soviets 'backed' the Republicans because no other country in the world was too busy sucking Hitler and Mussolini's dicks to piss them off by assisting the legitimately elected government of Spain (inb4 le popular front rigged the elections maymay)

>Why would you think a country can just recuperate itself
How about this, brainlet. Imagine if the Civil War didn't happen, with all the death and displacement it caused. If Franco and his ilk didn't destroy the country in a war to overthrow the government, there would have been zero need to have a recovery in the first place. The "problems" he was fixing were 100% self-inflicted by a destructive war followed by retarded economic policies.
>the fact that it managed to recuperate within Franco's time is amazing in on itself.
HAHAHA. Japanese economy recovered in under 10 years from 1945. Russia after its Civil War recovered by the late 1920s. 30 YEARS is extremely slow, especially in modern economic history where 5 or 10 years of economic growth can utterly change a country.
> from getting absolutely BTFO for 30 years in just a couple of years?
this is your mind on brainlet damage control. Maybe it couldnt unBTFO itself because Franco pursued retarded autarkic policies for two decades?

20 years* sorry

>Imagine if the Civil War didn't happen

Blame the commies.

>Japanese economy recovered in under 10 years from 1945

They were producing stuff for the US like China today, big advantage.

>Russia after its Civil War recovered by the late 1920s.

Yeah because the major production centers were never affected by the russian civil war.

>30 YEARS is extremely slow, especially in modern economic history where 5 or 10 years of economic growth can utterly change a country.

Sure, that's why countries in South America are still suffering the consequences of weak decisions made during the 20th century.

>Maybe it couldnt unBTFO itself because Franco pursued retarded autarkic policies for two decades?

But it DID recuperate itself, Franco wasn't the only leader at the time scared of opening up the market, this was right after the great depression, he decided to stay on the safe side, which tho not the best decision with 20/20 hindsight, was a wise enough move for the time..

So what if you were a monarchist

>vasque country
Says it all

Should be a Phrygian cap

> Blame the commies

This is where i stopped reading.

>up to 18
What’s wrong with that
Well they almost did create cities as they already had very fortified towns and excellent mines

>Blame the commies

At the time of the military rising the Communist Party had about 30,000 members in all of Spain, no representatives in government, and negligible influence

Japan and other western economies recieved Plan Marshall wich accounted for about 10-20% of their GDP during decades. Spain didn0t get a dime and only opened slightly after the 1953 agreement with the US, but remained mostly a closed economy till the late 60's

>won't somebody think of the homosexuals :'(

Even in Spain, the Sexual Revolution happened. Gays and trannies and such were quietly tolerated as long as they sucked each other's dicks in private.

Very much like in most of the states in the US

At the time of the military rising the Communist Party had about 30,000 members in all of Spain, no representatives in government, and negligible influence
So what? They still caused the war. If there were no commies, Franco would never have rebelled

>Serious answer?
>Veeky Forumsl likes answer?
da cool

He just told you they had no influence and had miniscule numbers. Just their existence alone didn't mean jackshit and if Franco really did launch a coup with the army on that premise it was a shitty pretext that doesn't justify the war deaths, economic disruption and hundreds of thousands of displacements it caused. Your no better than a Nazi who thinks that Hitler would save the white race when in fact killed millions of them. So too did Franco destroy Spain on the premise of saving the nation.