If we all descended from Africans doesn't that mean Africans created every civilization ever and we should all...

If we all descended from Africans doesn't that mean Africans created every civilization ever and we should all celebrate being part of one African brother and sisterhood?

Attached: Nigerian.jpg (539x568, 137K)

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nonono we all came from serbs

Attached: Lepenski_Vir_Head.jpg (1536x2048, 649K)

In a sense.

You'll need to finish your thought, mememeister P

A very real sense.

Yes but it depends on where you draw the line on who is considered African. Obviously.

Using that line of logic we are all pool slime and should celebrate pool slime in a link of asexualslimetherhood


Not necessarily so. Homo Sapiens Sapiens has existed for a couple of hundred thousand years, max estimate.

It's hundreds of millions to billions of years since we were pool slime.

Out of Africa theory was debunked.

Not at all unless you don't believe in evolution because for soem reason everyone evolved EXCEPT the ones that stayed in Africa even though Africa itself changed significantly.

So you have the start of a point but you do not finish it. As modern sub Saharan Africans are not necessarily the same as the original humans despite finding themselves in (more or less) the same geographic area.

[citation needed]

Not in the real world, user. Maybe in your fantasy world where pixies and fairies dance around on a Moon made of green cheese.


>Not at all unless you don't believe in evolution because for soem reason everyone evolved EXCEPT the ones that stayed in Africa even though Africa itself changed significantly.

I think you grossly underestimate the timescales involved in evolution.

Niggers didn't exist back then and neither did Serbs, how can you be so brain dead to think that they were of the same stock as the ancient inhabitants of whatever continent or country. They might've migrated out of "modern day" Africa, they might've migrated out of modern day Bulgaria, but it does not make any of our ancestors 100% we wuz barbarians n shieeet or bulgar bolghar though.

You'll need to write this in English rather than meme language for me to make sense of your thought train.

Out of Africa has been long debunked.

We all came from Pakistan.

This desu

>Out of Africa has been long debunked.
Maybe in your fantasy reality where we are all leprechauns dancing on a rainbow made of pink chickens.

Back in the real world, no.

that settles it, we must import 50,000,000 Africans immediately

Attached: Non Non Biyori Repeat - 12 - Large 07.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

>tfw the original homeland of mankind has been overrun by Sunnis and Pajeets

Who is "we" and why would you "import" people?

we crackers who will accommodate the African bull for everything we did to his people by supplying him with white pussies

I have no idea what you are talking about. It sounds like nonsense, frankly.

No user that's not how it works

My mom and my dad birthed me and my sister.

They eventually die, my sister choose to live in their house, called "Africa", she live her life.

I move to "Europe", and I've 5 sons.

Me and my sister eventually die, but we both have a descendance.

Now an idiot named OP come and say to my descendants "Hey! we all come from Africa, therefore your sister and her descendants created every civilizations!".

every family*

The ultimate wewuzing

Attached: WEWUZDAWORLD.jpg (1134x708, 227K)

Mike111 is insane.

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>source: my feelings
The white boi asspain in this thread is reaching arousing levels.

Your people is comedy material, this thread was a meme since its conception.

Attached: we wuz leprechauns.jpg (1496x803, 815K)

>We all wuz kangz

Attached: W2.jpg (1033x679, 168K)

>african posters trying to steal culture and innovations again

heh, what's new?

I'm from Israel.

>jew posters making out that culture and innovations all belongs to Africans

heh, what's new?

Thats the best rebuttal you can mash into your keys cleetus?

You don't seems to know Israelians.


We also sterilize Ethiopian "Jewish" women. Ah and I hate Haile Selassie.

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why are you doing this
please stop

no u


Doesn't God forbid blind hatred?

What's even the point of a Jewish state if you won't even follow the Jewish law?

>humanity started in africa
>were all decended from africans
Why are you assuming that the first humans were niggers?

Its only okay in israel, everywhere else racism is bad


>It's a "Niggers try to steal credit for the accomplishments of people who had nothing to do with them" episode

Oh I have an ancestral claim to Europe? Great I'll hop on the next train with my 6 wives. You pay for train ticket and my apartment okay?

If its been long enough for all the different races to evolve why would you assume those in Africa would remain the same?

>It's a "Racial supremacists all take credit for other peoples accomplishments based on how similar they look to them" episode

It's definitely Africa. Stop being retarded. Dumb sensationalist title.