The Muslim invasions of Indian killed 200,000,000 people.
The Muslim invasions of Indian killed 200,000,000 people
>killing polythiests
you say that like it's a bad thing desu
Gas the Abrahamics.
They were more Turko-Mongol or Afghan invasions, killing Muslim Indians as well as non-Muslims, and 200 million is a questionable number.
Fuck off with this Hindutva meme.
>Turko-Mongol or Afghan invasions
We usually call it Turco-Afghans because they were Turkic dynasties originating from modern day Afghanistan. And it depends on the context, for example Timur told his soldiers not to ransack Muslim quarters in Delhi (although it was probably for the Ummah holywar propaganda he spat out)
How could the muslims kill 200 million indians if there were only 100 million indians in the first place ?
Based Timur.
fuck off with your trillion nonsensical gods you Ganges polluting shitskin
Good riddance, maybe they can finally poo in loo for once
It occurred over a period of several centuries
Because they didn't. It's a meme fabricated by ultra-nationalists to stem anger in the same line of that Serbian claim of them walking with their shoes around their house.
These were non-caucasoid so it does not matters.
Literally everything suggests the opposite since the Delhi Sultanate (and yes only the Delhi Sultanate as there was no large scale massacre under the Mughals) would have had to been killing people non-stop.
Also the 'source' you're posting from also says the population of India was 600 million by the 11th century.
t. brainlet who doesnt understand subtle religions
get guillotined, nigger
Is this one of the few good things Muslims have ever done?
Over few hundred years.
To save billions (from shitting on the streets)
what's the difference between 1 and 200000000?
to save 200 hundreds of billions
Open vagene