What is it with the anti-British sentiment on this board lately?
What is it with the anti-British sentiment on this board lately?
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Britain sucks.
Here's an example of a retard.
/pol/ flooding I think. Wehraboos.
Here's an example of the Anglo in it's natural state. Look at him. Have you ever seen a purer expression of hatred?
He must have missed his daily feast on children's soul's that day.
literally russian shills
>Muh /pol/ boogeyman
>It's the Nazis who don't like us!
Typical vile lies made by the perfiduous Albion. HAVE YOU NO SHAME?
That's actually in Russia.
besides those two everyone looks fine
I'm not English, not even British.
It's Russian picture of a British """""man""""" you moron. Typical racism from the anglo
No, it is actually Russia. A simple reverse image search will tell you this. You just prefer your autistic memes though.
>Buuuuuhh waid is dad a typo
It's a Russian picture of British """""man"""", but I know your sick twisted and egocentric view of the world simply can't handle this, Anglo. It's alright.
One day we will be rid of you
>on this board
>Confusing a typo with a grammatical error commonly made by retards
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates.
You people are turning this board into complete shit with your childish trolling. Spew your autistic memes on Veeky Forums you fucking virgin.
>Confusing a grammatical error commonly made by retards with a typo
The Anglo has no other route to avoid criticism. Look at him squirm, look at him deflect.
None at all. I just hate how bongs are pompous assholes who routinely make shit up outright or employ fallacy and sophism in attempting to make themselves far better than they were. They fight harder to "defend" their history than their present.
>Talk about deflecting when you do it yourself
>Still pretending it was just a typo when in actuality you are in fact a retard
>Muh /pol/ boogeyman
Memes aside it's insane how much cognitive bias it takes to assume that anyone who disagreez with you or has different mannersisms from is you is Hitler 99% of the time.
Like no really, is the /int/ shitposting also /pol/? What about all the reddit screen caps and praising of /r/AskHistorians, is that /pol/ too?
>Someone starts posting about how they think biological determinism is a credible means of understanding human behavior and history
>Gb2 /pol/
Everytime with you morons.
>Blatant projection
>Is this mad about being called out on his evil history and disgusting pig tier genetics
Whatever, keep getting mad about a typo my man. Makes it even more delicious
>kek, the poor bongs will never get over their assblastedness
I never said you were Hitler, I just said you are clearly a /pol/tard, hence why you use characteristic /pol/ memes like this: >"durr don't project /pol/ onto me just because I disagree with you!"
Meanwhile: >"Yeah, I support biological determinism. BTW that means that blacks are subhuman, but biological determinism is just a better term to use than racism, so I'll use that."
>Insulting the most attractive people on the planet
Pssh, typical jealousy.
Yeah, screw /pol/ and the Nazis! Invading other nations and mass murdering people is OUR job.
I'm pol actually fuck off back to leftypol
Heh noyce
You retards do realize it’s is correct as it shows possession of something by the subject of the sentence.
Please learn the language you are arguing, this is elementary bullshit.
It’s, as in the Anglo’s, not it is
>You are clearly a /pol/yard because you used a recharacyerized le happy merchant meme with a monocle and tophat
>You are also /pol/ for not thinking that biological determinism means hang blacks
I mean way to out yourself as being insufferably biased by strawmanning anyone who isn't an environmental determinist and who thinks genetics l heritage matters.
Yeah because anyone to the right of center is clearly a Nazi, take that /pol/!
Incorrect. "Its" is the possessive, not "it's". An apostrophe is appropriate in other cases, but not when you're referring to "it".
I'm not even a native English speaker and I understand this. The state of the American "education" "system".
>BTW that means that blacks are subhuman, but biological determinism is just a better term to use than racism, so I'll use that."
>This is what egalitarians actually believe
Jesus , how will geneticists ever recover?
>Boer republics
Nice strawman.
Admit that you browse on /pol/ regularly.
Ah, you're one of those nig nogs who are still to this day triggered by the fact that your ancestors got BTFO by us
>Nice strawman
Oh wait, so you didn't this say that all of biological determining is 20th century Nazi racialism when you said
>BTW that means that blacks are subhuman, but biological determinism is just a better term to use than racism, so I'll use that."
Well I don't know about you, but I'm going to need to an explanation for that.
>Just admit you browse /pol/
I don't. Pretty sure you browse /int/ and Reddit thought. Even if I did, it doesn't matter if either /pol/ or /leftypol/ or anyone starts posting because dehumanizing your opposition is just a way for you to not confront their ideas. If you actually want to be competent, screaming at people to go away is not a proper way to rebutt stupid ideas.
Because of Lindy and all the smug limey bastards like him
Literally the only people who use terms like "racial realism" and "biological determinism" use it to justify racism. I have never heard a non-racist or non-autistic person use both terms.
Also, I never mentioned Nazis in reference to race, not in one post. Nice strawman.
>Enslaves tens of millions less than the Arabs
>Frees them in your colonies after global European campaign to end slavery
>Now they just run around making shitty music and murdering each other in your cities
>You do nothing about it except invite them to more cities
Truly, the Anglo has no shame
Yep, /pol/.
>Literally the only people who use terms like "racial realism" and "biological determinism" use it to justify racism
The archaic for the /pol/ meme is "race naturalism" and biological determinism goes beyond "dude fuck niggers, wypipo are superior to everyone"
Biological determinists assert that humans have a high enough FST score to have racial divisions , but it's just a synonym for the "nature" in the grand old "nature vs nurture" debate.
>I never mentioned Nazis once, nice strawman
No you just said that biological determinism is codeword for white supremacy , which is just about the same thing you biased asshole lol
>The third school of thought regarding the ontology of race is racial population naturalism. This camp suggests that, although racial naturalism falsely attributed cultural, mental, and physical characters to discrete racial groups, it is possible that genetically significant biological groupings could exist that would merit the term races
>Everyone who is right leaning is /pol/
Just fucking kill yourself already holy shit
>Oh no he believes that race exists
>He must really want to gas Jews and exterminate everyone who isn't like him
Angl*s and G*rmanics are both evil
Meant for
T. Absolute moron who just got BTFO
: > )