>ywn live to see a glorious sub-sovereign Mormon theocracy spanning the entirety of the American South-West existing comfortable within the union
Why even live?
Ywn live to see a glorious sub-sovereign Mormon theocracy spanning the entirety of the American South-West existing...
Other urls found in this thread:
>I wanna live in a weird cult society in the middle of the fucking desert
Is like you wanna be Charles Manson or Israel or some shit.
>my cult will never be in charge of some fucked up theocracy
Oh no so sad
>mormons travel out into the wilderness to escape the USA
>USA immediately goes to war with mexico and annexes the wilderness they fled into into the union
>mormons discover gold in california the same day the territory is signed over causing the gold rush through their land
>deserts are bad
If the compromise of 1850 had gone in favour of the Mormans and they got their stupid Deseret would coexistence with the rest of the US even be possible?
They were already so mistrusted and hated that I find it hard to believe that the Church of LDS holding almost a fucking fourth of the continental United States would go over well with non-Mormans, especially after the settlement of the west begins to pick up
Deseret would've never been able to be independent and Brigham Young knew it. Why he basically just did the bare minimum to keep the US happy.
make it so
This is the real anthem, user
I know (well its the official state song, not the anthem), but that song sucks. "California Anthem" is a much better anthem for the glorious Greater California Empire and Pacific Protectorates
What's with all this treason?
Don't worry user, the ultimate goal of the New California Republic is the rebirth the United States of America
>be descended from Mormons but not one because it's a book of gibberish
>visiting Zion National Park makes me feel a primordial sense of place and purpose
It's an abstract kind of depression.
>mwf Storm's flag pre-date's Todds
learn something new everyday
The first official Bear Flag, credited to Pio Pico, affixed to the bottom of California's Declaration of Independence of 1846.
Storm's was the original and superior
Sorry buddy, but Mormons are fucking nuts. If they had it their way, my state would become a unprofitable shitheap in a matter of weeks. They're doctrine is insanely strict and the ways they restrict the lives of their members is ridiculous. Their doctrine doesn't even make sense, all you need to do is skim the Bible and you'll see contradictions begin to emerge. Unironically the worst religion, especially when you've spent your entire life around them.
No Argument here, but still interesting.
If New California does break away from California I hope we use one of those historical ones and not the current option.
>If New California does break away from California
It won't
If you ever think it will, just remember that they think San Jose will come with them
That would actually be impossible because of article 4 section 4 of the constitution
Deseret wouldn't have been a part of the US, or at least not a state, maybe something like a vassal or protectorate.
This doesn't sound like the red hot chili peppers
Californian soldiers will be singing Californication as we invade Oregon
what are you talking about? Utah exists bro.
Utah is a US state
Deseret was a planned theocratic Mormon country.
>as we invade Oregon
That already happened a long time ago. Why do you think Portland is a soyboy central now?
Portland soyboys are the ones complaining about Californians driving up their housing prices.
>If they had it their way, my state would become a unprofitable shitheap in a matter of weeks.
Aren't Mormons by and large the most successful subgroup of your baseline average White American though? Like right up there in the upper upper middle class tax bracket with Jews and East Asians?
Portland soyboys ARE the Californians who drove up those house prices. Remember Oregon used to be a conservative, racist, blue collar state before those Californian leftist faggots began their exodus there.
Another good examples of this are Denver and Austin.
>Remember Oregon used to be a conservative, racist, blue collar state
Yeah no
Oregon became a blue state before California
>Californian Empire
>Owning Baja, Sonora and Sianola
>Invading Cascadia
Not a big fan. At this point I'm tired of the idea of living in a giant hegemony. California should just be a comfy nation state. Maybe at most Tijuana and Nevada could join up if they wanted to but that's up to them. Then maybe a little tweaking to make natural borders instead of straight lines but not much else.
It's a nice song but it leans too much into the generic "I love [insert country here]! It's [insert land form] and [weather]! Ohhhhh [insert country here], [insert country here], my beautiful native land!"
>Portland soyboys are the ones complaining about Californians driving up their housing prices.
You need to realize, Americans in general lack self accountability but Cascadians even more so. Case in point, despite being the origination of Starbucks, Nike, Amazon, Valve, and the hipsters as well as hosting Microsoft, they swear up and down that they were totally earthy woodsmen until those evil transplants showed up and forced them into consumerist nonsense. It's like if Hollywood and Las Vegas suddenly decided that they were always down to earth and wholesome until [those people we don't like] started showing up in the fucking 2010's.
>Doesn't realize Austins been blue since the 1960's and Denver has always been blue with a couple off years. Portland's been blue since the 80's
>conservative is about being red or blue
Literal retard. Most people who voted for FDR (like in Oregon and Appalachia) were pretty damn racist.
>When the state entered the union in 1859, Oregon explicitly forbade black people from living in its borders, the only state to do so.
>>When the state entered the union in 1859, Oregon explicitly forbade black people from living in its borders, the only state to do so.
Yet this was not enforced at all and the Oregonian government apologized for it when someone found it in the constitution. Oregon has always been more liberal than California. YOU are the soyboys. The soyboy hipster stereotype came from Portland. You have always been thought of as being hipsters. The ones ranting about Californians are hipsters. You are pathetic.
>The soyboy hipster stereotype came from Portland.
Actually Seattle.
Yeah no
Ask literally anybody about if they think Portland or Seattle is more hipster
Google "Portland hipster"
You are a joke of a city
It is now. But the stereotype originated in Seattle.
>You are a joke of a city
I'm not from Oregon FYI
>But the stereotype originated in Seattle.
Baja and Baja Sur are empty about as much people as San Diego county. + Best way to secure its border with Mexico is just having that little corridor between Baja and Sonora.
Cascadia is too much though.
>It's a nice song but it leans too much into the generic "I love [insert country here]!
kek fair enough, but its the best we have so far.
In southern Oregon at least there’s still a lot of racists. Some real backwoods places especially towards the coats.
wow aren't you a good baptist
read the book boi
what the fuck are you talking about
their mormons not african-americans
>kek fair enough, but its the best we have so far.
We might just have to write a new one.
For me, between all the religious references in cities, our Mission history, individual trees older than most countries, and shit like John Muir describing Yosemite as “a great solemn cathedral, far vaster and more beautiful than any built by the hand of man.”. I have always liked the idea of having one with a sort of catholic choir vibe.
All jokes aside. I will be able to die a happy man if we ever got a war song written by the Death Grips (they are actually from Sacramento).
I would say that Mormons are fine when in small numbers. They are generally polite and friendly. Its only when they become the majority that the craziness starts. For some reason once Mormon population reaches 51% of total then they drop all pretexts of being nice and start with the theocratic bullshit.
>Most people who voted for FDR (like in Oregon and Appalachia) were pretty damn racist.
Democrats were the conservatives of that time you retard, or are you that stupid you think the South was liberal and NY was conservative? The parties switched lots of platforms, but the voting bases remained the same you brainlet.
Israel is secular. Also Mormons are much, much nicer than Israelis.
I live in Nevada. Nevada makes a huge portion of money through sin taxes and tourism. Mormons aren't too fond of things like gaming, alcohol, marijuana, etc. If those things were outlawed or heavily restricted, the state would lose much of it's money. Gambling centers like Reno or Las Vegas would lose those businesses along with most of the appeal they have for tourists. Gambling companies are simply fucked. Not to mention casinos employ large numbers of people here, shutting them down would cause unemployment to rise considerably. It would take a monumental effort to reorient the state to make it profitable again no matter how rich Mormons may be.
Maybe other states should have these laws, but I'm sure the people of Nevada would rather them stay the fuck out for our sake.
What do you think Nevada would do if it didn't have the casino industry? I heard mining is fairly big.
Can antisemites just leave my board please?
>Democrats were the conservatives
>During the time of FDR
kek, typical pleb understanding of politics.
People in south just voted Democrat because they didn't make getting minority votes their central platform, and because the Republicans were seen as Yankees.
Most of the south is/was poor. They voted for handouts. But as you can see especially these days, identity politics is often a bigger voter issue than left-right ideologies.