How soon until he leads a congregation of reformed neo-fascists...

How soon until he leads a congregation of reformed neo-fascists, incels and asbergers to mass suicide inside of a burning compound in Northern Alberta?

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I wish we had a /phil/.

Nah he's changed the game. He may have also prevented the coming political wave from getting too dark

Watching people try to trash Peterson and fail is one of my favorite things.

If anything, Peterson is the man holding back the right for telling them Revolt Against The Modern World isn't the answer.

If it weren't for him, It would be 1488 quite faster.

>go back to the past is revolting against the modern world

Even though he's a dumb huckster preying on vulnerable white men in their 20's with daddy issues at least he's swinging proto-nazi's to the center.

he's a fucking nobody

Why? Peterson is ubercomformist. His whole idea boils down to rejecting any activity apart from petty individual welfare and buying his merch.

Why does he have to deny anthropogenic global warming or at least be "just asking questions" about it?

>Doctor published in 100 scientific papers
>Harvard Professor
>decades of experience as a clinical psychologist

Yeah but the metrosexual with a messy room doesn't like his ideas so he's dumb. Absolutely fucking hilarious.

I still have literally no idea why this guy is important... I just gather what I know from Veeky Forums comments. Can someone please summarize?

He offers self-help, that is mostly Christian and stoic influenced without being tied down with any of the dogma and metaphysics. However, he's mostly famous for critiquing the Post-modernist left.

Lots of Millenials don't have a good father figure or guidance by religion and he gives a secular alternative to religion (though his content is becoming increasingly Christian) and father figure via Jungian psychology and the idea that adopting responsibility and getting your shit together is the purpose of life.

Oh yeah, and he succinctly and accurately addresses the problems with post-modernist philosophy, identity politics and intersectionality.

Yet He's vocally pro-(((Israel))) for literally no reason

why does reddit lose their shit over this zog kike shill? is it just because he hates trannies?

protip: 99% of the population hates you abominations. 99% of the population is literally Hitler by your metric. kill yourselves, abominations.

there is nothing wrong with his ideas, his fanboys are just terrible, there is a reason he felt the need to tell them to clean their rooms

I wonder why a clinical psychologist with a deep understanding of how society thinks wants to distance himself from /pol/ memelords

Anything useful he has to say is obvious to anyone who had a father. The rest of his stuff sometimes approaches profundity, but usually ends up being quasi-mystic babble.

He's the definition of a gatekeeper.

>protip: 99% of the population hates you abominations. 99% of the population is literally Hitler by your metric. kill yourselves, abominations.
this is the average peterson fan incoherent and delusionally obsessive

I don’t really think his theories on ‘post-modernist neo-marxists’ hold much merit. But whatever, that’s not so bad. What I dislike about his deal is the chest pumping of his acolytes online, amongst other dumb crap that they pull.

He's a reactionary, liberal cuck.

You seem to be losing your shit here as well lmao

This, his ideas are honestly good and I aint gonna hate on them as they're legitimately helping some people. Its that he tries to back them up and excuse his antagonisms with SJWs by falling into conspiracy theorist tier shit about cultural marxists and post modernists, which is ironic considering how much he likes Nietzche.

Then his fanbase, who ONLY GETS THEIR INFO FROM HIM. GO around and parade him as a messiah. When Zizek did a piece on him half of the people dragging him didn't even know who Zizek was and honestly thought mr sniffly was calling him a Nazi despite pointing him out as a conservative.

Honestly, the fact that Peterson and Zizek are beefing on twitter at all makes me sad, a talk between the two of them would be pretty rad. Zizek's critique of political correctness from the standpoint that its not obscene enough and actually causes othering is pretty good.

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>reactionary, liberal
Those are mutual exclusives

On the contrary. The political establishment is liberal.

Reactionary =/= preserving status quo. That's conservative.

Reactionary = counter-revolutionary

>Zizek's critique of political correctness from the standpoint that its not obscene enough and actually causes othering is pretty good.

Zizek does not believe in dinosaurs.

Not really, reaction is about reverting the course to status quo ante.

>the /pol/tard says, on the nihilistic and worthless Veeky Forums, on his laptop, as he looks out to his room and sees piles of clothes on his floor
I don't mind Peterson but his fans are insufferable hypocrites. If you unironically screech "CLEAN YOUR ROOM" on fucking Veeky Forums you completely missed the point.

And that perfectly describes Jordan Peterson given that he buys into all the liberal memes and warns people about totalitarianism all the time.

So he's a liberal conservative, not a reactionary.

He embodies the political establishment and acts as an agent to bring people who bought into revolutionary ideas "back on track" that makes calling him a reactionary perfectly fitting.

But reactionaries by definition hate the current pollitical establishment. They want to destroy the current establishment and recreate the past, often go back to before the French revolution. Joseph de Maistre was a reactionary, Peterson is just a generic conservative.

He supports the white supremacist ideals, so he's /pol/'s hero.

The opposition to the revolution is the reaction, he is the embodiment of that. The revolution need not yet to have succeeded for there to be a reaction.

peterson is a classical liberal, and thats why ancoms and pomos hate him so much. its hilarious to watch them lie and spout bullshit to try to shut him down. but their bebased, irrational attacks just reaffirm everything that peterson says about them.

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Not soon enough tbqh

If we ignore that half of /pol/ hates him.

>peterson is a classical liberal, and thats why ancoms and pomos hate him so much. its hilarious to watch them lie and spout bullshit to try to shut him down. but their bebased, irrational attacks just reaffirm everything that peterson says about them.
for example, this asshole

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Reaction is about going back. It's not just being opposed to revolution. Reactionaries hate the conservatives and the revolutionaries equally.

>He supports the white supremacist ideals, so he's /pol/'s hero.
Can you name some of these ideas because you cultural marxist think that everything that isn't communism is white supremacy?

Shitting on trannies and using the word Marxism is enoufh to make you a fascist nowadays. The word has truly lost its meaning.

>Can you name some of these ideas because you cultural marxist think that everything that isn't communism is white supremacy?
no he cannot. you have to realize that postmodernists do not use language as a tool to communicate knowledge, because they do not believe in knowledge. they use language as a weapon to dominate their racial, sexual, class, and political eneimes. that means they will lie, cheat, and resort to violence.

everything they say is designed to suppress their enemies, by any means nessesary. it not designed to find the best way to live based on truth about the world.

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Ok can you back that claim up? And not just for some “post-modernists” but for everyone you have grouped under that label.


>Ok can you back that claim up? And not just for some “post-modernists” but for everyone you have grouped under that label.

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I am asking for you to back it up, just posting a video means you might not have made the argument within it your own ,makes one have to consider whether you actually know what you’re talking about. You have to be able to formulate it yourself.

Their idea of privilege for example is not logical. It’s objective fact that your sex and race are not the only significant factors that determine your success.

It’s ironically a deeply racist and sexist ideology.

I’ve never heard the claim that your sex and race are the only significant factors that determine your success.

im not going to write a a comprehesive explaination of postmodernism on Veeky Forums. i am going to post a link to someone else that has.
>you dont understand postmodernism!
and there is the classic non argument that a postmodernist puts forward. and of course, they never offer their own explanation.

>It’s ironically a deeply racist and sexist ideology.
thats because postmodernism is directly derived from literal nazi philosophers like martin heideggar, paul de man, maurice blanchot, george bataille. communists took those counter enlightenment philosophies, which used to be the exclusive prerogative of the reactionary right, and they started to use it for leftist purposes.
pic related.

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Can you paraphrase what Peterson names are these problems?

>you don’t understand post-modernism!
I didn’t make that claim, I said that if you didn’t master the argument that you yourself put forward against post-modernism that you don’t know what you are talking about.

Primarily the dividing up of people into identity groups and viewing equality of outcome as favorable to equality of opportunity.

There are many types of privilege, but those are essentially the only ones they teach you in sociology courses.

>there are infinate interpretations of the world, but NOT infinate viable interpretations of the world.
>postmodernists unfairly privilege race, class, and sex above other identity groups, of which there are an infinate number. thus, the post modernists fail to see that the indivdual is the ultimate oppressed group.
>postmodernists say that everything is force so that they can justify the use of force, just like the nazis that their philosophy is derived from

>I didn’t make that claim,
>whether you actually know what you’re talking about

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It’s a long leap from saying that sex and race privilege is all they teach in sociology courses to the claim that the concept of privilege from post-modernists in general is non sensical. ‘That’s what they teach in sociology courses therefore that is the only concept of privilege that ‘post-modernists have’.
Do you lack reading comprehension? I literally reiterated what I said.

It was an example, but post-modernists absolutely focus on race and gender privilege above all else and nearly never bring anything else up except maybe sexual orientation.

I've never seen post-modernists acknowledge attraction privilege, not being abused privilege, genetic disease privilege, wealth privilege, (separated from race) or anything else that you don't control which affects your advantages in life.

Which ‘post modernists’ again? I’m confused by this term because it is incredibly vague, there are people concerned about genetic diseases(healthcare reform), there are people concerned with abuse(feminism is definitely concerned with domestic abuse and not only against women), there are people concerned about the power of the rich(obv socialists and many left wing figures). Attraction seems like a very subjective thing but I’m sure you’ll get a gf someday user. I really want you to narrow it down.

We can only hope, though that would only filter some garbage, we'd just become 80% hitler threads