Military units made up of criminals

>be Nazi Germany in 1940
>create combat outfit composed of thugs and criminals "convicted of major crimes such as premeditated murder, rape, arson and burglary"
>"terrifying rabble" of "cut-throats, renegades, sadistic morons, and cashiered rejects from other units"
>unit turns out to be an almost comical band of fuckups who were kicked out of every major field command they were assigned to and whose most noteworthy achievement was sadism and brutality that appalled even the most notorious architects of the Holocaust

>be Louisiana in 1861
>create combat outfit composed of “the lowest scum of the lower Mississippi...adventurous wharf rats, thieves, and outcasts...and bad characters generally”
> the worst men I ever saw…. I understand that they are mostly wharf rats from New Orleans, and Major Wheat is the only man who can do anything with them. They were constantly fighting with each other. They were always ready to fight, and it made little difference to them who they fought.”
>unit turns out to be one of the best in the Confederate Army, earning a legendary reputation for being utterly fearless and hard-fighting, becoming the Army of Northern Virginia's premiere shock troops alongside the Texas and Stonewall Brigades

Where did we get it so right where the Krauts got it so wrong?

Did they fear the Southern Warrior?

Bonus question: What would happen if a nine month pregnant Anne Frank mysteriously teleported into the middle of a Confederate Army camp of Louisiana Tigers?

Would they be courtly Southern gentlemen and take her to meet General Lee? Sing Bonnie Blue flag and Rose of Alabamy by the campfire with her? Share their sweet tea and hardtacks with her? Teach her to do the Rebel Yell?

Attached: meme.png (1623x1115, 2.71M)

Other urls found in this thread:

36th was not a front line unit. It was designed for behind the lines anti-partisan activity whereas the confederates kept their unit on the frontlines.

Bonus question: What would happen if a nine month pregnant Anne Frank mysteriously teleported into the middle of a Confederate Army camp of Louisiana Tigers?

Would they be courtly Southern gentlemen and take her to meet General Lee? Sing Bonnie Blue flag and Rose of Alabamy by the campfire with her? Share their sweet tea and hardtacks with her? Teach her to do the Rebel Yell?

As for this question. She would tell them them their tale of survival and they would be so moved that they would win the war for her. Then in 1889 Dane Ann Frank goes to Austria to murder baby Hitler.

Attached: 1510731537557.jpg (2500x2077, 730K)

>Where did we get it so right where the Krauts got it so wrong?

Well the Confederates didn't appoint a convicted rapist to command of the battalion for starters.

>Did they fear the Southern Warrior?

You're goddamn right they do.

>What would happen if a nine month pregnant Anne Frank mysteriously teleported into the middle of a Confederate Army camp of Louisiana Tigers?
>Would they be courtly Southern gentlemen and take her to meet General Lee? Sing Bonnie Blue flag and Rose of Alabamy by the campfire with her? Share their sweet tea and hardtacks with her? Teach her to do the Rebel Yell?

They would probably give her a tent to stay in and a doctor to make sure she was okay.

Attached: oskar dirlewanger.jpg (240x240, 14K)

Who was that writerfag that wrote a paragraph or two of a Nazi Germany take over of a America with a pregnant Anne Frank about to raped by African SS officers before the KKK comes to save her and saws off the SS's nuts?

You can stop posting this thread now.

How the fuck do you even know about that?

Attached: nathan bedford forrest kkk computer reaction.jpg (600x1200, 124K)

It was posted on Veeky Forums a few months ago genius? That's how I know about it. I read it on here.

I only posted it on /pol/ and /v/ though...

Attached: nvgs.jpg (427x427, 21K)

I fucking swore that I read some green text short story on Veeky Forums that dealt with a story where Nazi Germany took over America and pregnant Anne Frank was about to be raped by an African SS officer only to be saved by the KKK.

It wasn't Nazi Germany taking over America, it was just parody I wrote to make fun of Call of Duty WWII's letting you play as Black Nazis

Attached: average german soldier.jpg (720x404, 21K)

Did you save that post by any chance?

Yep. Got it right here.

>Anne Frank is 9 months pregnant writing her diary about how she fears for her child being born into a world ruled by Nazis
>Negroid SS soldier bursts into her attic
>"muh dik, Jewish bitches, sheeeeiiiittt"
>"No please! I'm pregnant. Don't hurt my baby."
>"That baby gonna come out carmel colored by the time I'm through with yah."
>music from the Mad Max Fury Road trailer begins playing in the background
>"Da fuck?"
>50 men clad in white hoods carrying torches ride over the nearby hill on horseback
>"What's this cracka shit?"
>cries of "yee haw" become increasingly audible
>SS soldier's eyes widen
>"Oh fuck"
>SS soldier turns to run but the all-American Klansmen catch him with a lasso around his neck
>Anne watches in half-horror, half-amazement as the Klan drag the hapless SS soldier to a nearby tree and begin stringing him up
>once he's fully secured to the tree, the hooded men take turns whipping the SS trooper repeatedly
>they finally finish him off by taking a red hot Bowie knife to his farm parts
>"say goodnight to them nuts blackie"
>they strip and clip him and he bleeds out
>SS soldier's last words before the life force drains from his shitskinned body are "we wuz Nazis and sheeiiittt"
>Anne protectively holding her belly approaches them as the Klan as they finish their deadly work
>"Thank you kind sirs for saving me and my child."
>one of the Klansman takes his hood off
>it's Jared Taylor
>"No need for thanks ma'am. We always look out for our white women, be they Christian or Jewish."

Attached: anne frank confirmed 4 kkk.png (468x348, 310K)

It's basically a mix of Birth of a Nation, Django Unchained and Inglorious Bastards references.

Attached: WE'RE COMING FOR YAH NIGGER.jpg (1500x742, 701K)

Cool thx

doesn't that support his point?

un-ironically all of this would happen...

btw the Yankees had their equivalent unit composed of the scum of New York, they still fought with honor and courage the SS wouldn't recognize.

Attached: 8795_9_51-new-york-zouaves.jpg (627x742, 46K)

to be fair they'd do that to the SS solider even if he had blue eyes and blonde hair.

Attached: 1520953569316.jpg (1124x1504, 364K)

Holy shit, I didn't know I managed to make the screencap.

Attached: popcorn pepe.gif (500x500, 2.51M)

>Military units made up of criminals

The United States Marine Corps

Attached: Marine Automatic Rifleman stands guard in Saipan.jpg (964x929, 191K)

That was my own autism about writing about how a German invasion of the US would realistically pan out and, in true Veeky Forums fashion, it somehow spiraled into a story about a pregnant Anne Frank some how being in the South and being saved by Nathan Bedford Forrest's grandkid saving her in full KKK regalia

Good times

Attached: Fuck.png (640x634, 453K)

>The United States Marine Corps
>what is a Moral Character Screening Of Credit and Criminal Background
>what is Title 32, Chapter V, Section 571.3(c)(2)(i) of the Code of Federal Regulations

Attached: Smug Seabee.png (1108x827, 1.29M)

It's comparing apples to oranges. units with entirely different functions cannot be compared without bias.

It's like comparing MP's to front line troops

I want to fuck a baby into Anne Frank

Attached: Anne.jpg (632x638, 111K)

Are you the guy writing that Man In the High Castle rip-off?

How's it going?

Why do people bring up the Dirlewanger like the actions they done are supposed to phase people to hate Nazis? (It doesn’t)
And hell, even the board’s anti-kraut negative opinion of them is split between being the worst thing to walk the face of the earth or a ragtag band of misfits and faggot. If you’re gonna pursue a campaign of antikraut shit, have it be coherent.

And another thing, if you think bringing up “atrocities” and “war crimes” that the Nazis “committed” is gonna fuel any hate or reaction from them then you are gonna be disappointed, not just /pol/ but the general population of Veeky Forums have wished death or worse on many group of people, seen shit worst than anything Adolf can come up with and jacked off to worse. They only reaction would be from normies and redditors
Hell. people would be proud of these mass killing because they’re a national representation of successes made over another lesser race. If someone brings up a genocide or mass killing my homeland caused I would own it up because it’s my home land and my people and I’m not gonna suddenly hate it because liberals from another land want me to hate my own nation by trying to appeal to my emotions with muh genocides muh feelings and muh babies

>implying the CSA had enough money to pay for uniforms

Krautniggers have been curbstomped by superior Slavs in WW2.

*tips fedora


Attached: 1521865030998.jpg (980x725, 166K)

>the bad guys, the worst of the worst
>the suicide squad

The intent of the non-Holocaust atrocity threads is to show stormfags that even with the Holocaust removed, the Nazi ideology is irredeemable in today's politics.
It's also an attempt to show white supremacists that the Nazis didn't give a fuck about 'the white race', and were pan-German nationalists.

You a traitor, boy?

I would really like to know the pic related on this image.

Attached: sauce.jpg (275x183, 6K)

1. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is not
Germany. The Federal Republic of Germany leads till
today the Nazi colony and the „III. Third Reich“of
Adolf Hitler with the agreement of the “state”.
2. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) lost its
legitimacy under international law because of the
statelessness of the Germans and illegal privatization
of the State. All national and international contracts
are now broken and therefore invalid. (Reprimand
international company register
3. World War II. continues till today. The restore of the
world-peace necessary peace treaties with more than
54 nations are to this day denied by the Federal
Republic of Germany (FRG).
4. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is now the
financial, political and economic engine of Fascism
and Nazism in Europe and the world.
5. A sovereign Germany is impossible without Russia,
because Russia * SHAEF - SMAD is responsible for
the liberation of Germany from the FRG Nazi-colony.
(Liberation article 139 „Basic Law“ or „GG Grundgesetz“
for the Nazi colony Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
continued validity of *SHAEF and SMAD)
Everlasting german russian and amerika brother alliance =
home and world peace - the future for all nations

What are you blithering on about?

>Where did we get it so right where the Krauts got it so wrong?

The enlisted may have been ruffians and petty criminals, but the battalion commander was a man of upstanding physique and character, Chatham Roberdeau Wheat. He commanded the Tigers' respect and loyalty.

>Did they fear the Southern Warrior?

If Yankees feared us, you bet your ass the Dirly Whirlies would've feared us.

>Would they be courtly Southern gentlemen and take her to meet General Lee? Sing Bonnie Blue flag and Rose of Alabamy by the campfire with her? Share their sweet tea and hardtacks with her? Teach her to do the Rebel Yell?

We'd be fist-fighting each other over who gets to fuck her first.

t. Louisianan

Attached: louisana tigers to the rescue.jpg (1317x882, 502K)

>louisiana tigers uniforms
Not even a larper or reenactor, but those pantaloons look comfy as hell. Anyone know where I can get some?

Attached: ACW confed.jpg (497x666, 70K)


I thought felons couldn’t join the military?

Nazis were highly organized (other than the bit of killing thousands of people at a time in a chamber when you only have 9 ovens so they rot for weeks, how could they be so silly) and professional.

Civil war troops were quickly trained men at arms. Random criminals wouldn't stand out as much.


The NSDAP pretty much gutted the Weimar civil service and military and staffed them with party lackeys and sympathizers.

pic related, one of the worst

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H30220__Wilhelm_Keitel.jpg (342x500, 24K)

a work of art

Post link.

I want to read it.

You should read the book, ignorant faggot.

Attached: 1504602405040.jpg (221x346, 23K)

>conscript POWs from European colonial holdings
>transfer them to Waffen-SS control to circumvent German laws prohibiting the enlistment of non-citizens (defined as non-Aryans) into the Wehrmacht
>keep them in brigades and divisions segregated from the premiere Waffen-SS divisions (LSSAH, Das Reich, Totenkopf, etc.)
>put them under the command of German officers >no room for career advancement beyond NCO ranks
>no chance of transfer to the more elite units like LSSAH even if they prove themselves to be excellent soldiers and loyal to the Reich

Boy you sure showed me.

Attached: Henry_O._Flipper.jpg (498x553, 40K)

There's big differences between those units. Thinking they should be the same because they both recruited criminals is oversimplification.

>adventurous wharf rats, thieves, and outcasts...and bad characters generally
>criminals convicted of major crimes such as premeditated murder, rape, arson and burglary

One is lower class tough guys, the other is complete psychopaths.

Germans are fucking autistic, of course they fucked up everything they did up, they even went to war with the whole world and got surprised when they lost
They even made Nationalism, formally the default a fringe belief

>Google image search pic
>Start reading about Nazi Free Arabian Legion
>mfw there were black Nazis

Attached: 4irjb8dsu3qkl.jpg (750x1090, 55K)

this tbqh

Attached: 1486806085188.png (1606x1109, 1.06M)

Uhhhh... Okay.

I want to read it.

Came back from a bender and this puppy won a full redraw. What art style should it get remade in?

Attached: 1520979929731.jpg (575x901, 151K)

The Confederacy actively worked towards whipping the men into proper soldiers without damping their rebellious spirits. Having professional officers also helped.

The Dirlewanger Brigade was just a mob of undisciplined criminals and psychopaths meant to terrorize civilians and hunt partisans. They always reminded me of the Black Dogs from Berserk.

Attached: AFD19699-D0DA-47AC-A206-D4042BA4FC74.jpg (629x494, 255K)

surrealism style


And the style similar to the original drawings would be cool. Or alternatively try and make it realistic (well, as realistic as we can imagine a Hapsburg Jaw).

Attached: Anne Frank x University Greys.jpg (2147x2997, 1.04M)

Make it look like the "I think it's goose stepping!" pic

Attached: spanish warrior.jpg (840x560, 91K)

You should commission pregnant Anne Frank holding her belly protectively, looking on half-terrified, half-aroused as a Louisiana Tiger punches a Dirlewanger Brigade trooper square in the face.

Attached: punch a nazi.png (807x440, 336K)

Absolutely embarassing.
Also, PTSD is one hell of a ride, so having a unit composed of disposable trash who will willingly and gleefully do the dirty work for you isn't a terrible idea

We know it's fucking you Jeff...

Attached: (((OP))).png (558x956, 759K)

Pulp like how Mort Kunstler used to do it.

Speaking of which, we should try and get in contact with him and talk him into illustrating a pregnant Anne Frank getting saved by Confederate soldiers novella before he dies as one last middle finger to liberals and the world.

Attached: mort.kunstler-075.jpg (1600x1347, 394K)

pregnant anne frank is pedo/loli and should be banned

Anne is legal though

>Confederate and Union Zouaves will never fight side-by-side against the Waffen-SS


Attached: The Red Devils.jpg (1137x900, 486K)

I need the full pic that says "Rebel-kun, save my baby" with the confederate army in the background.

Attached: pintura.png (960x638, 663K)

Is that George Bush?

Attached: wtf sniper.png (622x469, 717K)

Hey CommisionAnon

Attached: Greetings from down South!.jpg (2736x3648, 1.54M)

Would Anne have liked him?

Attached: gen-pgt-beauregard-harry-west.jpg (900x771, 118K)

Attached: life is a fuck.png (338x351, 144K)

anyone else think he looks like Jimmy Fallon?

Which one is it gonna be?

After some thought I decided to go with anime style again or ask the artist to mimic the art style of the original but emphasize charles the seconds face like his paintings. also just for future reference I wont commision nuwds only
what was that pic again?
We did a poll brotachimundo.
I am proud son. What would be awsome if someone glued this on a synogague or wwII museum.
I will let fate decide

Attached: me commisioning indonesians to draw anne frank fanart.jpg (720x774, 13K)

>be USSR
>be penal division
>lose 2/3rds of men in a couple of days
>USSR greenlights program because it's apparently good enough
>countless waves with equal standards drafted this way

>what was that pic again?


Attached: anne_frank.png (511x850, 751K)

Attached: ijob.jpg (284x353, 38K)

>I am proud son. What would be awsome if someone glued this on a synogague or wwII museum.

I knew you'd like it.

Attached: 40172111875_fdd03d8aea_o.jpg (3648x2736, 2.88M)

>what was that pic again?

>tfw I'm the artist that sketched this.
I never finished it since I went on vacation.

Finish it boy.


Post it

Y*nkee here and even I love this


She would be given a mule that she would ride trough the oposing armies, and the comotion would be such they would stop fighting perpetually

Attached: rainhaisabel[1].jpg (709x589, 129K)

Meant this pic

Attached: A_Rainha_Santa_em_Alvalade_(Roque_Gameiro,_Quadros_da_História_de_Portugal,_1917).png (1024x637, 1.48M)

Based Nathan strikes again

Attached: nathan bedford forrest at computer lensflare.jpg (600x600, 37K)

I wish I had the free time and lack of self awareness to hang out with old autists and attend kekistani/Richard Spencer rallies

>old autists

I'm only 25 nigga

>kekistani/Richard Spencer rallies

Closest I've been to one of those was some Based Stickman events (in uniform too)

Attached: 40172107455_1d9e2e2dfe_o.jpg (3648x2736, 2.84M)

Fetuses don't count as pedo on account of still being inside the womb.

Old Power Rangers villain or some shit