Could this be possible

Could it have ever happened that some "slaves" brought to America could have purposely interned themselves just to get out of africa. It sounds crazy because of the narrative we are used to, until you really think about it.

>Be african
>Constantly deal with disease and tribal warfare
>Here if a new place that is much more forgiving.
>Get "caught".

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>get "caught"
You make it sound like Europeans were running around the jungle with nets. We bought the Africans from Africans.

No, now go back to your containment board:

They picked the best of the supply pool, so there was definitely eugenic choices involved.

And then be stuck in a dark hull of the slave ship for months, bound to stationary positions for most of their journey.

I'd rather beat Mr. Ooga Booga with my spear and ravish his wife than be stuck in a slave ship hull for months.

Yeah meant get caught by your enemy Africans.

I would much rather be brought to America.

I don't think an African would even know America existed.

>slavery in civilization is better than freedom with all its uncomfortable aspects
Guess the Arabs were completely justified in enslaving millions of whites. Better than living in the festering shithole that was Europe.

They probably heard about it through word of mouth.


ITT: OP is a brainlet and doesn't remember what a slave ship voyage was like

>get in on the 5 start slave cruise
>enjoy the prestigious auction block

now that you put it that way OP

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>You make it sound like Europeans were running around the jungle with nets.

They did though in several areas (the coast) alongside slave trips. Not the only way they got slaves but one of them.


Today, I'd rather be a Black American outside of America then in it 100% and I think everyone would agree with me here.

To get away from the mosquitoes

The Portuguese tried that and was destroyed by the Malian empire

Cry more :^)

And other areas they succeeded quite well.

He doesn't know how horrifically slaves were treated

As opposed to growing up in one of the countless shithole countries in modern day Africa...

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It wasn't until like around the late 19th to 20th. Century that the scramble happened

You seem to think that these africans could see into the future somehow?

I'd rather live in modern Ghana than have been a slave in the Americas at the time

Being born in Ghana is itself a form of slavery and punishment

Not really. It's poor but not like the Congo at all.

>having your balls cut off is bad but it's not like burning alive

The two countries aren't even comparable lol. What's with your hyperbole and hysteria.

>Not really. It's poor but not like the Congo at all.
>I'd rather live in modern Ghana than have been a slave in the Americas at the time
>even bothering comparing Ghana to a country 300 years ago

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That's this whole thread faggot who think they would've survived slavery

I swear I saw something like "Botswana today is more developed than England 500 years ago" shit the other day. It's downright pathetic.