Was he a "good" fascist?

Attached: OswaldM.jpg (270x367, 16K)

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He was too good for us

He is dead, so yes.

looking at his manifesto, and his attitudes towards the Jews, Blacks, National Socialists and Democracy. Its safe to say Mosleyite Fascism is the best fascism.

Attached: mosley.jpg (1280x800, 695K)

He was a proud patriot who wish to establish a true democracy where the will of the people is carried out.

He wished no harm upon Jews or any of the sort, unlike Hitler.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_British_Union_of_Fascists.svg.png (1200x600, 25K)

He was definitely the most moral fascist. If I had to pick a fascism, it would be Mosley's fascism definitely.

>good fascist


Since he never got into power, yes.

When you will retards stop desperately trying to find something positive in the failed ideology of fascism just so you can fit into the latest /pol/ fad? We really don't need a dozen of fascism threads a day.

His speech on international finance is great

If anything fascism should be analysed and understood more than most other ideologies since the word gets thrown around and misapplied so often.
If you don't like the thread, go into a different one.

The best

Fascist and communists both need to fuck off.

The civilized world is no place for your antics.

Codreanu > Mosley

Mosley was busy banging three different chicks and was more of a conservative than a fascist.

Attached: 646x404.jpg (646x404, 49K)

If anything Islam should be analysed and understood more than most other religious since the word gets thrown around and misapplied so often.

>thrown around and misapplied so often
But I agree, Islam should be understood more. The people who should spend the most time analysing it are the ones who are under the delusion that Islam and feminism are compatible.

It only failed because he got in a war he couldn't win. Franco was a sucess. Ba'athism works.

most fascists were "nice" compared to hitler

Worthless post

The hero we need, but not the one we disserve


I don't know much about Fascists and their personal philosophies, but how does he measure up to Salazar?

Fascism is very interesting

>was more of a conservative than a fascist.

Attached: Division of Europe.png (987x1024, 948K)