Why do a lot of southern Germans have darker, almost Arab, features...

Why do a lot of southern Germans have darker, almost Arab, features? Southern Germany was never dominated by any Middle Easterners, the Hapsburgs saw to that, and the climate certainly isn't hot enough to cause those kinds of features. What did cause it Veeky Forums? Was there some pre-Roman era invasion I've never heard of?

Attached: 220px-Efgani_Dönmez_Wahlkampfauftakt_Grüne_Nationalratswahl_2013_Österreich.jpg (220x293, 19K)

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Celts were pretty swarthy. The only "white" Germans and Eastern and Northern ones aka Scandinavian and Slavic people.

This. Lots of Welsh and Irish people look like proper Spaniards and Italians.

Because genetics don’t work like fucking LEGO and Nazi propaganda pictures were just that

they dont

I'm Irish and the most common traits for people to have are brown or black hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Spaniards stick out like a sore thumb here because they're so tanned compared to us

>Efgani Dönmez
ah yes this is definitely a german name

This guy was born in Turkey. He is not Southern German

Attached: Colin_Farrell_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (1200x1831, 259K)

I genuinely used to think this guy is a Turk.

Attached: 40152_14_201681516461169.jpg (500x588, 97K)

This. The nucleotides that determine phenotypic coloring are a few hundred out of the billions in a person's genome. Some people in even genetically homogenous populations just happen to have darker skin in the same way they have darker hair. It's less common in some regions than others but outliers exist everywhere. There a handful of swarthy Swedes even.

Europe was once settled by Anatolian farmers. Then they were replaced by Eastern barbarians who mixed with white-skinned Northerners.

More South = more farmer-like DNA
More North = more steppe/northern DNA

It has nothing or very little to do with any recent Middle Easterners.

Swedes in general are swarthy people, despite being blonde. Their skin is pretty dark and tans in a weird way compared to other Europeans, even their neighbours.

this guy is a mixed turk

Fins are probably the whitest.

Has no one on this forum seen literal brother sister pairs where one has noticeably darker skin than the other despite similar facial features and levels of sun exposure? You'd think "this person has darker/lighter skin than the average person in his region, what gives?" threads would stop being made after a while.

this is a brainlet-friendly board, we have no standards here whatsoever.

Swedish skin is more like orange, British is pink, Finnish is white, Russian is yellow/grey and German is some shit bronze or olive.

>this one picture proves you wrong

>this forum

Attached: 1404905478870.gif (312x322, 208K)

Because Alpine Germans are heavily mixed with Celts.

Because you have a meme understanding of genetics

Why would you post a picture of a literal Turk?

Thats a turk you dumbass
>But Dönmez is a Turk, originally, and he's fearless. He really lets her have it.

Attached: r3wX2iX.png (1166x849, 984K)

The women were raped by Amerimutts.

Celt isn't a race or an ethnic group.
this isn't true at all.
Spaniards look different than the Irish and the Welsh.
I've been to both Ireland and Wales and very very few of them have swarthy features, they look like your average Anglo.
Italians and Spaniards aren't even alike.
>pic rel
Irish are not related to meds
Anglos have more Med blood from the Neolithic times than the Irish.

Attached: airian.jpg (978x1280, 398K)

The Celts of central Europe are descended from Bell Beakers and Corded Ware peoples mixing, they were Nordic.

Celts of Europe descended from Beaker people mixing with swarthy natives of Europe.

OP's pic is of a Turkish-German, and there could have been pre-Gaulish Etruscans living in Alps which could explain any swarthy features.

Where the hell does this come from? Celtic people were always referred to by Greeks and Romans as having light features.
