I think we can all agree Hitler was pretty bad, but the second spot has to go to either Mussolini or Franco, I'm just not sure which of the two.
I think we can all agree Hitler was pretty bad, but the second spot has to go to either Mussolini or Franco...
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Mussolini was a chad. gtfo
t. /pol/tard
/pol/tards love hitler more though
Hitler was worst, Japan in general was the 2nd worst, Stalin comes third, and then Mussolini and Franco and way behind a bunch of other dictators like Pol Pot and other guys.
OP might be referring to only WW2 though.
If not, then it goes Hitler Stalin Mao and then maybe Lenin or something.
Mussolini and Lenin don't deserve to be grouped with Hitler and Stalin.
/pol/tards worship the beta hitler though.
Mussolini was a chad. Get over it.
whos ready?
Mussolini's only flaw was trusting autistic germans
lol, how the fuck are Mussolini and Franco worse than Pol Pot
He said they were way BEHIND Pol Pot in evilness
/pol/tard's hate Mussolini because he wasn't a racist autismo
Pol Pot was fucked. I learned about that shit in high school and I'm still in shock over how the fuck that ever happened.
There really wasn't even a pretense of communism. They just went straight to the killing everyone.
pretty sure he meant the opposite
Franco is the second least bad "dictator", right behind Salazar.
Wrong, he literally had Moroccan rape gangs for Spanish women during the civil war.
The ""Republicans"" massacred churches and burned towns that wouldn't support them, neither side of the Civil War was good.
I'm pretty sure he didn't, given that he didn't say that and that I'm him.
How is this a bad thing?
Fuck off reddit.
The spanish deserve it though
>Stalin comes third, and then Mussolini and Franco and way behind a bunch of other dictators like Pol Pot and other guys.
everything about this sentence implies you're saying Mussolini and Franco come right after Stalin, and afterwards way behind comes Pol Pot
maybe you need to relearn English
>I think we can all agree Hitler was pretty bad
from least bad to worse :
Hitler < Mussolini < Salazar < Dollfuss < Franco
hello stormfaggot
He even realized it was a bad idea. He just kinda shrugged and went along with it.
Was the only choice he had, and even then he had the foresight to know they would fuck it up
It pissed me off when people call white nationalists fascist.
Fascism didn't have a race component to it, other than Italization I guess.
Na but Salazar was kino
at least republican atrocities were never authorized by the state (with a minor exception of Madrid prisoner execution). Nationalists on the other hand had executions as a part of their policy. Also Nationalists committed more atrocities
If only he let the king reign as a figure head like Mussolini or Franco
well it's not like any of the Fascist would have allowed this mass migration to Europe and would probably be asking for their deportations
they just didn't believe in the autistic pseudo-science race stuff Hitler and Himmler believed in
Or the stupid idea that only fascists or nazis can be nationalist.
Communist Nationalism is an oxymoron
The worst kind of Communist
No it isn't.
Communism is inter-nationalist, not anti-nationalist.
By design
In reality, Stalin made communism more nationalistic than capitalism
>he doesn't realize FDR was worse than Hitler could ever dream to be
You are a brainlet.
Churchill is about on par with Mussolini in terms of evil desu.
The real tragedy however is that d’Annunzio never became Duce
Ironically, the fascist project actually got carried to completion in Argentina, and it turned out basically how you’d expect.
Why do you retards keep posting WWII threads? At any given time half the threads on Veeky Forums are WWII and each thread is exactly the same. Godless Communists screech autistically at Stormweenies who screech back just as autistically. Post something else for Christ's sake, let WWII die already.
Is this the exact same premise and execution of Ist Weider das? or whatever the Hitler one is called, where Hitler in 1945 gets transported to modern Germany, and people turn him into a comedian then he starts commenting on social issues and begins a rise to power again?
Hitler was the true chad in relation to Mussolini, especially given the context of the two nations' militaries, with Germany being the dominant one by far. Mussolini was influenced by Hitler's ideologies, because early on he stated that race was basically meaningless but later adapted to hitler's racial theories apart from jews, who he helped
>Corrupt as fuck
>Socialist his entire life, changed sides because he was pissed the socialists kicked him out
>Had to use toxic gas to beat Ethiopia
>Could not do anything on his own, had to beg Hitler to save him everywhere
>Shitty, cowardly general
>After he got overthrown, he was a reclusive, depressing fuck.
>Once the war was lost, tried to run away to Switzerland. Got noticed because he put his fucking face on all the money
Not defending Franco, but Mussolini was an autist that couldn't survive long term, even if the Axis won.
funny how people who criticize him only mention muh bad war performance, even though he himself told hitler italy wasnt ready for war yet.
Such a chad that the soldiers didn't give a fuck about properly protecting him while he was imprisoned. He didn't try to flee even though them guards didn't care less.
What a puss lol
Mussolini was just patheic. He got slapped while giving his racist speech in Pula theatre and cried like a bitch after
mussolini was equally as bad
mussolini was more racist than hitler though
>but the second spot has to go to either Mussolini or Franco
By what scale are you measuring this? Either of them don't even approach Hitler-tier.
What did he mean by this?
Agreed with this. Fascism was bad in that it was a totalitarian regime, but it was nowhere near as bad as national socialism.
i dont recall mussolini wanting to exterminate all undesirables within italy's borders, and i also dont recall him declaring war on every country imaginable while also breaking every treaty imaginable
I think Pol Pot's gotta be up there. His family didn't even know he was the leader while they were slaving on collective farms. At least Hitler loved his family, his niece a little too much.
>and i also dont recall him declaring war on every country imaginable while also breaking every treaty imaginable
Albania, Greece, Ethiopia, France
vs czechoslovakia, poland, denmark, norway, netherlands, belgium, yugoslavia, USSR, USA...
Italy declared war on most of those too.
duh, italy was allied with the germs
>not Stalin
>not Mao
>not Genghis
>not Attila
>Corporal Retard and the Train Meme man
Not to diminish what the Nazis and fascists did, but I think their "accomplishments" are seriously overshadowed by even greater barbarians.
yeah. It even has some exact same scenes, like him on the internet and finding out edge lords already took his name for an email address.
I really wouldnt mind if this became a franchise with each country having their own version of this. Imagine a british one with Mosley goofing around
Lenin was clearly anti-nationalist and Marx leaned that way too
>by design communism was x
>but in reality communism was y
starting to think communism wasn't designed properly then
>I really wouldnt mind if this became a franchise with each country having their own version of this.
Same. There's bound to be one popular demagogue for every major country. If they did someone for the US, I would unironically say Huey Long would be a good choice (inb4 Kaiserreich memes)
>Imagine a british one with Mosley goofing around
Mosley wouldn't be a good fit. The entire point of these movies is to say, "You say we've moved beyond an era where we all blindly follow demagogues, but have we really gone as far as we thought?" Mosley and the BUF were hardly more than a fringe movement. Maybe someone in British history who was widely loved at the time, but nevertheless was in favor of Anglo supremacy and imperialism. Cecil Rhodes, maybe?
the one with Salazar would be boring as hell
So? They still declared war on them.