Prove me wrong
Germany is the Anakin Skywalker of history
In terms of them trying to prevent Europe falling to communism and multicultural liberalism, but eventually allowing it to happen?
“It was Said you would destroy the Ideologies of Autism, not join them!”
Fucking perfect 10/10 post OP
Both Brandenburg and Prussia were backstabbing no gooders tho
What phase of Anakin are they in right now then?
UK = Anakin
US = Luke
Rome = Yoda
France = Obi-Wan
Yeah, they will eventually save the world by finally dying
Who is the Palpatine of history?
The Jews.
>Tries to teach them the right way
>Pupil spergs out, throws all your teaching away, and blows himself the fuck out
Britain is Obi-Wan
What does this make the
>Bumbling side character eventually excluded from screen time
Jar Jar
You know Jar-Jar is the one who made Palpatine become Emperor right?
So they are also dying?
Actually yes
>Something wonderful has happened. Peter... I’m pregnant.
What do?
You have to establish the characteristics of Anakin beyond "good guy who turns into a bad guy"
>young and inexperienced but full of potential
>discovered and trained by those with more experience, who hope he will succeed them and continue doing good
>fall in love
>tricked by fear of losing what he loves into destroying old mentors, ironically destroying what he loves at the same time
I feel like it's got to be either Japan or the US, maybe Russia.
Peter ratted her out because he didn't want to be caught with a Jewish child.
Anakin Skywalker eventually achieved redemption
When was Germany ever a hero/good guy?
>inb4 le kaiserreich