Would you fuck young Victoria?

Would you fuck young Victoria?

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besides, she's not going to fuck you if you don't have a BTC (Big Teutonic Cock)

Historic fucklist:
1. Anne Frank
2. Queen Victoria
3. Cleopatra
4. Young Queen Elizabeth II
5. Old Queen Elizabeth II
None other comes close.

Elizabeth II

Sorry anglos, my heart belongs to Isabella

Attached: Isabella_(Civ_5).jpg (1920x1080, 1.15M)

>A jew
>A cunt
>A slut
>Another cunt
Shit taste

She seems like she had nice, thicc, childbirthing hips

>criticises my list
>doesn't give his list
C'mon lad.

Margot Frank >>> Anne Frank

She never bathed though.

There is only one right answer.

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Young Magda Ritschel, when she was a young woman without a heart poisoned by Joseph Goebbels

Attached: Magda Ritschel.jpg (469x357, 9K)

Here's mine (in no order).

1. Theodora
2. Maria Romanov
3. Zenobia
4. Nefertari
5. Joan of Arc
6. Mata Hari
7. Pauline Bonaparte.


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May she rest in pieces

too fat

25 year old Elizabeth though

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No, but I'd loyally serve her.
I wouldn't fuck her even if she asked, since then she'd be an immoral woman not worthy of being queen.
I'd fuck a girl who looked like her, though.

what if she dressed as a commoner and tricked you into fucking her?

I'd feel really bad. Both for fucking her, and for her being a slut.

Fuck yeah, but I'd cheat on her with Ellen Terry.

Attached: Ellen Terry.jpg (3367x3392, 2.19M)

I just want to be loved

You'll find someone, fren

Yes, but I would immediately insist she start exercising and eating healthy. The traditional english diet of mountains of fattening food, sugar and a fucking ocean's worth of beer does very bad things to the human body over the years. I would insist upon this because if I did fuck her should probably try and rope me into marrying her and that shit is going to have come with certain preconditions.

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At this point I'd fuck anything with a pulse thats also human

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Victoria is indeed my historical waifu.

I once told a girl she looked like Queen Victoria meaning OP pic related and as a compliment but she googled her and saw the Wikipedia portrait and got mad at me.

>those milkers

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Yes, young and old

>The whore CleĆ³patra
>No Simonetta Vespucci


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Fucking Bongs is bestiality user.

Young Maria Theresa on the other hand.

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She had hermaphroditism so no thanks.

unless her clothes are off her busted face actually ruins it for me.

Man, I would fuck just anybody
younger than 50

good taste friend

why they all were becoming fat later in life in 18 century

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>not the superior victorian royal qts

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I am ashamed no one has mentioned Louise of Prussia

>even tried to stand up to napoleon for "her Prussia"
>basically the perfect woman

shame on Veeky Forums, shame

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Thats a pretty false myth

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If only she actually looked like this.
God damn, I love this depiction.

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>it was her fault in the first place

Can we get more vintage gothic looking chicks?