Aboriginals human or not?

>Considered phauna until 1960s

>Built nothing out side of grass piles worse than mud huts
> literally never progressed passed the early stone age

>Southern Africans and north Amerindians out developed them

>Didn't even create the bow and arrow

>Forgot how make fire?

Attached: 1468487444553.jpg (590x344, 26K)

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If they can interbreed and make children with other humans, then they are humans.

Back to /pol/.

>Considered phauna until 1960s

That's a myth though. The myth originated from activist in the past that Saud that the government basically treated aboriginals like animals.

>Were considered phauna until the 1960s dam that's fucked up my nigga

>Considered phauna until 1960s
that's false. they are definitely a step behind in evolution that's for sure

Tigers and lions can make offspring, therefore tigers are lions
Horses and zebra can make offspring, therefore horses are zebra

>I have no idea how evolution works

>considered phauna until 1960s

Attached: 1521680546764.gif (203x200, 32K)

>populations separated for thousands of years by vast stretches of water
>completely the same

>I have no actual understanding of what an species is.