>study in uni
>now a socialist
I dont even know how this happened. Either I was brainwashed (no one else seems to have turned socialist though) or im schizoprhrenic and seeing that subtetual message that capitalism is bad in every subject
>study in uni
>now a socialist
I dont even know how this happened. Either I was brainwashed (no one else seems to have turned socialist though) or im schizoprhrenic and seeing that subtetual message that capitalism is bad in every subject
add national before that and you are golden boi
>study economics in college
>small bias towards libertarian capitalism
Feels good
Higher academia has been infiltrated by communism for a while now, user.
Im studying in uni and if anything ive only turned more capitalistic but them im not studying (((social sciences)))
>implying that capitalism isn't bad
Why bother with state control of the economy when you can instead be in favor of state intervention into the economy to protect the average person from the excesses of the "free market"?
T. Reddit
t. reddit
Shit's basically inevitable. Once you read a little bit of contemporary socialist analysis you realize we live in a deeply poisoned, unsustainable society that is slumping toward eventual global collapse because the avarice of a few takes precedence over our general welfare.
Your choices now are become an autistic Antifa larper in hope that your actions can somehow make a difference, deny this unsustainability and go back to being a liberal, or just try to keep your head above water while staying abreast of changes in the wind.
My country didn't exist until 1776, I'm not going to become a fucking nationalist.
now get a job (in the private sector) and see the great switcharoo
This was true in the 50s-80s, not so much today. Boomer/Gen X Postmodernists and neocons and radical liberals edged out the old Marxists and anarchists. Even sociology, a field effectively founded upon the works of Marx, is now almost completely dominated by people who think social class is less worthy of study than race or gender or sexual identity.
You can really only find heavily Marxist universities in France, Latin America, Russia, Japan, and obviously Cuba, Vietnam, and China. Out of the ~40 professors I had at my top-40 university, only two were interested in Marx and neither were true communists.
It's the only logical conclusion once you read enough about history. Everytime the elite become richer and richer while the masses become poorer and poorer it ends in war, destruction and misery for everyone. Forcing the rich to give the money back to fund stuff for the masses like free busses or bullshit like that is the only way to keep the balance.
Opposite happened to me. I thought that shit was hogwash until I realized how much my company's owner was making, just for sitting on his ass. Motherfucker didn't even start the company, he inherited it from his dad and delegated basically all his power to a handful of executives.
>Even sociology, a field effectively founded upon the works of Marx, is now almost completely dominated by people who think social class is less worthy of study than race or gender or sexual identity.
dude what
Honestly the lack of foresight of the American ruling class these days is astounding. Even if a violent communist revolution isn't possible in the US, this much inequality inherently leads to instability. We're going to see billionaires gunned down in the street by unemployed Gen Zers in the 2020s
>Be me studying the """((("""social science""")))""" of Politics and International Relations
(Was gonna do philosophy but wanted to be a tad less unemployable)
>Every lecture starts with the preamble of Trump is shit and Brexit is shit
>Have unironic communists in my lectures who shit on the conservatives/think borders shouldn't exist/believe trade is evil/ect
>Have hard core nationalists who unironically believe the Jew memes
>Have pan Africans who have never even been to Africa as they were born in slough and watch black panther but think its one nation and all Africans are the same, not a diverse peoples with different cultures and ethnicity, and constantly talk about slavery and police brutality when they live in England
>Have students payed for by X middle eastern countries government who shill for said country
>Hot french and Autistic German exchange students who shill for the EU
>Mfw I have become even more of a chill moderate liberal who is all about pragmatism
It's true all the hippie chicks today don't care about fair wages and working conditions. They only talk about unisex bathrooms and religious freedom ("Islam is totally great you guys!"). Somehow lefties became little liberals.
Study Economics and rehabilitate your brain.
I find it hillarious how most Communists (that is, followers of a economic school of thought) have no studies or background in Economics whatsoever. Marxism is the Creationism of Economics.
You won't find any creationists in a biology class, just like you won't find any Marxists in an economics class.
>study (((Economics)))
Rather than go by memes, how about you take a sociology class? Or fuck, just google your university's sociology faculty and look at what they've published.
Marxism is basically verboten in university departments these days, except maybe works of economic & social history.
Broadly speaking there's an assumption that Marxism is "outdated" in social sciences/humanities. Focus has shifted away from structural class analysis and toward individual choice and behavior, as a result of postmodernism. When sociologists do still cite a Marxist influence they have to add two or three full paragraphs explaining that they don't share the identitarian blind spots of "those other Marxists."
/pol/ will tell you this is Marxism lmao
This. Taken sociology classes, not a single lecturer identified themselves as Marxist. Hell, one was straight up hostile. He'd present an author, say he's a marxist and show the author's argument. He would then proceed to explain why it's wrong and there's not enough evidence to back it up. Other than that I seldom hear even the word "marxism" in lectures.
I don't think anybody would deny that liberal capitalism is amazing at rapidly developing newly industrialized areas. Just look at China or 19to century America. But history has proven these strategies to be ineffective any other economy.
But we need to step back from first world GDP growth and look at the global and individual toll of capitalistic practices. This kind of economy is fundamentally incompatible with our finite resources, and the near-complete seizure of developed economies by the most affluent is accelerating our movement toward collapse, especially now that economic development is stalling in post-industrial economies.
It's necessary to understand the broader societal picture within which economy exists, something that economists (especially in the US and Britain) are incredibly reluctant to do.
Completely wrong, look at the economic work in France and Japan and India and South Korea. Half of their significant economies recognize that capitalism, while maybe the best system right now, can't last forever. Many of these dudes (Piketty, Chang, Itoh, Aglietta, Patnaik, Ranciere) are openly Marxist.
Countries more directly involved in economic development tend to produce economists more able to recognize that free market principles aren't a universal doctrine.
The reason I reacted is that I was in a top 30 university and had the opposite experience. Are you using the words teacher and professor interchangeable?
Putting things between brackets is not an argument.
You raise good points, and many economists are trying to grip with the challanges of the future including global warming, automatization, and so on. But it's hard to make predictions without devolving into a sort of futurism, the solution for now is to adapt capitalism to face these challenges, for example with proposals to promote renewable energies or adopt UBI. Here politics gets in the way, however.
>Many of these dudes (Piketty, Chang, Itoh, Aglietta, Patnaik, Ranciere) are openly Marxist.
Itoh is literally the only Marxist of that entire list.
Piketty and Ranciere are neo-Keynesian, Ranciere even worked for the IMF. Chang could be consideted a modern advocate of the institutionalist 19th century "Historical school". Ranciere developed his own regulationist school.
You are clearly clueless, stop namedropping people you clearly haven't even read. While most of these economists are critical of unrestricted laissez faire free trade in its current form, none of them (except Itoh) advocates Marxism as an economic system.
I never said I was a free market fundamentalist either. Typical strawman argument.
Most economists are soc-dems
Of course, Soviet-type state socialism has catastrophically failed. But not all socialists support central planning and state ownership of the means of production.
>You won't find any creationists in a biology class, just like you won't find any Marxists in an economics class.
You can find literal Marxists teaching at economics departments even in the Ivy League. Take, for example, Stephen Marglin (Harvard) or John Roemer (Yale). Does the Ivy League have any creationist professors of biology?
>* Aglietta developed his own regulationist school.
socialism is the ideology of the intelligentsia. they know students respect their knowledge on matters of fact, so they sneak their values in knowing none of the students will notice. they want to be rabble-rousers and use their students for a power grab.
That’s true though. Among American professors of economics, there are 4.5 Democrats for every one Republican. In Europe, left-leaning economists are even more prevalent.
just know capitalism is not bad, but the greed and corruption inherent in all men is EVIL.
Did he beat the market average?
>Comparing Biology and Economics.
>Unironically believing Economics is an actual science.
>your gdp per capita is too low goy. work harder and keep making us money!!!
GDP per capita doesn’t measure how hard you work. Germans spend less time working than anyone on Earth, and yet their GDP per capita is among the highest in the world.
It is true that you are a Faggot.
Your country, was essentially comprised of anglo-Saxons until the the mid 20th century, and until about the 1990s most others were some version of European.
Furthermore, anglo Saxons started populating your land from about the late 15th century. For instance, my family came in 1606.
So I ask you user, when is majic day? When are people allowed to have connection to a peice of land? Hundreds of years, generations of blood sacrificed is not enough. I think you are peraonallt just a deracinated, alienated person. And not because someone has forced your alienation, but you habe chosen it.
Fix yourself
Varg pls leave
In my European university Economic Professors are Right Wing Libertarian, if anything
I would argue that postmodernism and other realpolitik movements like neoconservatism are an outgrowth of marxist and Frankfurt school ideas.
And you're still wrong about that, Jordan. Postmodernism started (in part) as a direct opposition to Marxist thought.
Soviet-type state socialism is a very good development strategy for industrialization, not very good for developing an industrialized economy however.
I don't have any connection to my land, that's autistic and retarded. I've lived in several communities across the US and enjoyed being in all of them. My ancestors are from Ireland, Germany, and Syria but I don't feel a "blood connection" to those places.
You could argue that, but you'd be wrong
La creatura...
That's me baby. I live in America but I'm not gonna pretend I have some inherent connection to the soil. Nationalism is a disease that brings men to ruin.
Or you could argue it was a natural branch of proto-marxism and/or was co-opted by marxists.
No u!
El ogro de las americas
More like "most of economics PROFESSORS are left leaning"
What about the economists outside of the academic departments, those who are in the job market, are they also left-leaning?
>t. lying marxist subverter
>being so dull and having such shit perception you can't notice the blatant collectivist left wing propaganda and indoctrination in every college in america
guys why do i think capitalism is bad now?
American colleges mostly propagate liberalism rather than socialism
to europeans a keynesian economist is considered right wing libertarian lol.
I'm talking Friedman Chicago School, dumblet
>having an education turns you left wing
Well no shit. Congrats on not being ignorant at least.
Actually tho. But Social Democrat is above Socialist.
American blacks are the least educated group in the USA and the most left leaning.
Germany didn't exist until a century later and that didn't stop them, quit being a retarded pussy.
Go away Plebbit
Most minorities are left leaning
Southern States are the poorest in the country despite being right leaning have the worst infrastructure and the highest obesity rates
They also have the most blacks.
You're probably just an idiot
Stupid people are often susceptible to taking up horrible ideologies that make them look/feel good about themselves
What about Asians?
Social democracy is a more sustainable system than communism, as evidenced by the fact that it didn't collapse.
I don't know what university or which subjects you guys studied, but I thought it wasn't marxist but i studied Marx at least 8 times in 3 courses.
>study political science
>become a falangist
Truly I am enlightened
You do realize that the average professor at any western university is a Marxist? You have to have some pretty heavy resolve and conviction to come out of university and not be at least a little bit skeptical of capitalism.
However, you have to be downright brain dead to come out an actual socialist or communist.
>was forced to study Marx 8 times in 3 courses
>didn't realize the intention of the exposure, even though it didn't take
>being so peabrained that you think seeing the faults in capitalism means you must become a commie
Ah yes, I'd much prefer being just an interchangeable commodity for globalist interests.
You done goofed lad
I had to read quite some Marx while studying archaeology, at the time I even considered myself at least partly a Marxist, but man is Marx boring, either he's the worst writer in history, or he got royally fucked by the English translator.
>study economics in college
>becomes more and more pro-communist
Feels meh
I live in fucking Brazil and my teacher made some jabs at Trump
same in italy. but that's because he's a retard (or at the very least senile)
It's because he makes abrasive, off-the-cuff remarks that our homegrown partisan media latches onto, then it gets exported. So, think of a video game montage where it looks like you're watching an ethereal being getting headshots from across the map, but turn it on its head and it's basically the political equivalent of that.
Prove me wrong you credulity bitch
nah he's legit retarded i've read/listened to some of his "speeches". middle schooler level at best
Literally every week the opening line is "what's the deal with dumpf ayyy."
Don't get me wrong I'm not a r/thedonald shill by any means, and I realize that when America sneezes the world catches a cold ect, but it's every day of my fucking life and I live in fucking bongland. I'm even sick of God damn Brexit.
Lecturers just do it as it's a cheap laugh which is 100% safe and will have only positive (even if it's mild) reactions.
I had a lecturer 1st year who made a joke about Obama crying about church shooting whilst simultaneously bombing Pakistani children with drones and the response in the class was just shock. Man was based af though, even if he was a structuralist shill.
You've been conditioned. If you actually stood back and analyzed his persuasive technique, like overstating his position to the untenable in the beginning, then triangulating during the end when engaging with other parties, you would be able to see how this "retard," was able to win.
dude, I was the guy telling my friends and family that trump was going to win since july 2016
but still i can't take him seriously when he talk like he's shitposting on Veeky Forums
>Remember what they said. “He cannot win North Carolina. So we had just won Ohio, Iowa. And we had just won Florida. “Breaking news! Donald Trump has won Florida” They’re saying: “Woah!”
>And we won it big. But then the people back there, the extremely dishonest press aid, right?
>Very dishonest people. How about, how about, I mean how dishonest? How about when a major anchor who hosted a debate started crying? When she realised we won?
>Tears! “No, tell me this isn’t true!” And you know what she doesn’t understand? Things are gonna be much better now! She doesn’t understand.
you clearly didn't study hard enough. i lost almost all that shit when i read a variety of books and essays on the subject and just got interested in the period. also dropped all the socialist analysis of history bullshit, fuck that crap.
Why would i dun goofd? I still have the same opinions i had before studying it.
Students there actually thought it was geniunely smart reading after they studied that shit.
I bet he can't hold a candle to our former president Dilma
German nation has existed for a lot longer brainlet.
Its fine that people dont know though.
We dont get it teached ourselfes anymore and rather would be "worldcitizens".
Sounds like cultural marxism to me.
My professor literally explained to me how modern social justice was just the marxist ideal (total equality) applied to the social sphere, and using the redistribution of social capital (as opposed to real capital) to achieve that end.
It's definitely Marxist in flavor and origin, but its Marxist theory applied to an entirely different field.
In part I think this could be explained by the fact that it became obvious that class revolution wasn't going to succeed, so they changed focus, either consciously or unconsciously. Not in an organized conspiracy way, of course. But think about it. You're a marxist professor in 1970's America. The cold war is still on and every attempt at revolution has ended in oppressive dictatorship. Writing about social issues won't get you under heavy scrutiny like writing about class issues would, and it even stands to reason that if you can win true social egalitarianism, you might be able to condition people to be more accepting of class egalitarianism. I think lots of intelligent individuals could reach that conclusion organically, without any need for conspiracy.
All those retarded liberal boomers were marxist spawns who LARPed as maoists back then and are now liberal shills as the system provides them a pension and money for the worthless shit they spew.
Communist subversion does not need concious tools and its damage can apparently go on autopilot like a deranged zombie.
At least here in western europe I mean.
Hell, my fucking teachers even liked to reminiscence about the times were commi groups asked parents for money to support ho chi ming at kindergarden festivals and students walked around with the little red book to be edgy like the goodest of old times.
These people made me wish we had actually been a police state in the 60s like the left becried and just shot everyone displaying enemy propaganda in public, wasnt so as if the neighboor had bunkered down behind his wall and militarised the whole society waiting for the right moment.
German writers are autismo in general, and bear in mind that most of what he wrote was in no way ready for publication.
He just up and died and engels figured "welp, better see what I can scrape together"
>When we created a ball like this, we transformed into Homo Sapiens. Or Woman Sapiens
>Forcing the rich to give the money back to fund stuff for the masses like free busses or bullshit like that is the only way to keep the balance.
Jesus fucking Christ how fucking petty are you people?
>hurr force the rich to pay for my bus pass
Get a fucking life.
Then your professor is retarded. Karl Marx wasn't concerned with "total equality" or "social capital" but instead with a specific process by which the means of production would be socialized and centralized and capitalism (wage labor, private property, commodity production, monetary exchange) would be abolished.
Advocacy for social equality, whatever that means, existed before Marx and after Marx. These liberals may sometimes use a couple words words borrowed from Marxism. but their doctrine has much less to do with Marx than it does with Foucault, Rousseau, even Bentham and Mill
>start university a racist right winger
>graduate college a socialist with a Mexican girlfriend