>100 word research paper on ww2 due in a week
>Haven't started yet
Anybody else as fucked as I am?
>100 word research paper on ww2 due in a week
>Haven't started yet
Anybody else as fucked as I am?
Whether this is bait or not, you should be fine.
Hang in there user.
Help me. I know nothing of history or ww2. That's why I'm here. Was ww2 the US vs England?
yes and Ireland won
Daily reminder: this is what Greeo boys looked like during WW2
Pic-related is all you need to know about WW1
Make sure to include a section about each one of these American territories newly acquired during World War 2.
simply epic :)
>doesnt help until the end
literally what
>100 word
What? That is way too short. They need to hand out bigger assignments to you guys.
i need help with a 100 word research, help me my private army
>100 word
I always knew American educashyn was special but I didn't know it was that special
OP is either baiting or underage. us burgers have better education than that
Dude, it's a joke...
In high school I had a 150 word essay on ww2, so maybe OP's in high school
People have been posting this on /b/ for 10 years now, this thread is full of newfags
Been here 8 years, went to /b/ once, maybe twice.
Do people still really not know about this bait? "tfw X word essay due in Y and haven't even started" has been around for years now
>100 words
>research paper
Nice bait.
If only..
You need to go back.
that's some yummy degeneracy right there
>100 word
>research paper
Wh*Te scholarship