How accurate is Ancestry's testing kit? Because I heard they will intentionally link you to black ancestors if you're a suspected racist. Is this true?
Truth or one big scam?
23andMe,, and the others just make guesses for anything beyond your 5th ancestor. And anything past your 6th you're only going to get from one ancestor anyway.
Almost everyone I know who used 23andMe had 1 - 0.1 % West African. Its a joke. They are basically saying "I dunno, but don't be racist here's some black DNA." As if 17th century Germany was full of blacks like BBC drama.
Also there's several videos on Youtube where people compare the results they got from 2 or 3 different ancestry companies. They usually only line up broadly, with like 10 - 30% margin of error. Funniest one was a guy getting Amerindian DNA showing up on only one of the company's results. Despite not knowing of any Indians in his family tree.
So take anything less than 10% with a grain of salt, and disregard anything below 1%
It's almost certainly untrustworthy.
>Almost everyone I know who used 23andMe had 1 - 0.1 % West African. Its a joke. They are basically saying "I dunno, but don't be racist here's some black DNA." As if 17th century Germany was full of blacks like BBC drama.
You can't actually be this retarded.
How could they suspect you to be a racist? Genuinely curious. Also I know a few people who grew up believing they have some distant Native American/black ancestor and the test didn't show anything like that.
23andme is far more shady and they actually admitted inventing black ancestry.
>paying 100$ to give a company your genetic information
Can't believe people are this stupid.
Retort, less you be crowned king Autismo.
Some people really are that dumb. Then again that's natural selection in action I guess.
Look up Craig Cobb
And most people believe they have some native american in them because of some bullshit their grandparents told them. Its a very common wives tale
Thank you good sir, may you be rewarded in the afterlife.
I always laugh at retarded /pol/acks who fall for these kike scams, like holy shit.
La Creatura brain
Giant ploy to collect DNA for government and "law" enforcement
1% is only 7 generations back. .1% is 10 generations. 10 generations is like 250 - 300 years ago.
How retarded are you?
Seriously, I bet you thought, hur dur muh out of Africa so everyone is 1% black. But that's because you're at least pretty fucking retarded. But I'm guessing more so.
I got 99.9% British/Scandinavian/German -- literally 0% Southern European -- and then .01% North African (from my Vandals' roots).
And I'm definitely a racist. So this is fake news. Sorry that you have some sub-saharan in you, tho. That sux
That's only a part of the picture, the other part are corporate Jews. There's already been cases of insurance companies denying coverage or raising premiums just because you were genetically predisposed to something bad even if you were otherwise healthy.
It's baffling that some people will go lengths to prevent government agencies from finding out they watch tranny porn but will PAY people to get access to their DNA.
It's like with Google/Faceberg, you aren't their customer, you are their product.
>t. (((Google))) shill
None of them are accurate. I'm English and traced my family back via paper trail and got 14 generations back. Almost pure English with the exception of a Scot here and there. Wanted to see if DNA tests would back this. Ancestry said I'm 60% English, 30% Finnish, and 10% Syrian. 23andMe said I'm 75% British, 10% Iberian and 15% Italian.
I used about 3 orther companies and they all had wildly different results. It's a scam desu.
Just a way to scam racists and "muh 1/20th German" Americans. Both of these groups are not known to be possesing adequant intelligence.
this is my point.
I don't even know how you can say he has 60% English genes or w/e since every ethnicity has varying degrees of halpgroups and such.
Please stop using words without learning what they represent first.
Mine was a bit iffy, but I didn't get any nigger or other non-Euro. For my Ancestry DNA, that is.
But it was iffy. For example, I literally know I'm 12.5%~ Scandi, since a direct ancestor came from there, but they've got me a 2%. And the parent it comes through has only 1%!
And I know I have no Spaniard in me.
As long as it's consensual.
Well it involves more than one person, it also involves his relatives but he's too much of a brainlet to realize that. Look up how they indentified the BTK killer for example.
Amerindian DNA is basically the same as Asian.
Why is the Syrian so hard to believe?
There wasn't some Romans way back?
It's all a big scam, go to an actual doctor or something that isn't like this.
One of them also is a front for the Mormons to steal your information.
Modern Syrians aren't the same as the Syrians 1600 plus years ago.
10% Syrian would imply that one of my great grandfather's was Syrian, both were very much English. If the Syrian was from back in Roman times, it would be 0.0000000000000001%.
I was wrong, they're all fronts for the Mormons if they use the ancestry-tracing software that they developed, which they all do.
What do you mean fronts for mormons with their software? Could you elaborate more on that
Well after 6 generations back you only inherent genes from one parent. It would be pretty unlikely you preserved that Syrian gene for 2000 years.
Mormons love tracing their ancestry, so many of them developed the technology that does that.
I understand that part, but do you have any proof for that claim?
Why is everyone on this board this fucking stupid
You can click post numbers to 'quick reply' to them.
The software they use was developed by the Mormons and the company initially worked with them.
Fucking filthy newfag.
so what is the software they use?
They seem accurate to me. I actually ended up getting one earlier this year and I compared the results of it with my grandmother's family tree. It all seems to check out for the most part, dunno where people are saying that they deliberately alter the results by putting in african heritage or something because I'm not getting that with my results. Everything in mine is all European except for the Iberian Penisula and that's only less than 1% of my result.
>all European except for the Iberian Peninsula
user, the Iberian peninsula is European.
Basically this, different companies return wildly different results so clearly they're not particularly accurate
What are you saving your DNA for? What are you really afraid of? I'm honestly trying to understand.
Also how is publishing your DNA going to cause you to die by natural selection?
>ITT: people are butthurt because they got some bad news about their ancestry they weren't expecting
It has flaws, sure, but for the most part it's pretty accurate. Use it as a tool to better understand what you already know from what you know about your family. It seems helpful for those that know nothing about it. I don't see anything wrong with doing it for the health reports.
Okay you fucking retard. Read:
I'm not butthurt for having ancestry I didn't expect, but because I'm sure they're making shit up. For example I got a lot of Germanic which would mean I have a Germanic great-grandfather but none of my ancestors were from central Europe.