Who was in the wrong here?
Umayyad conquest of Hispania
They had no claim other than
>me moon tribe
>moon tribe no like two stick tribe
>me krump two stick tribe and take rocks
>They had no claim
B-but brits can stomp around wherever they please
lol Umayyad bro?
The Arians and jews that invited the invasors and betrayed their king
Now you need a claim to conquer land in 711.
Oh boy Paradox kids spamming
They were Visigoths so they were germanic, so what do you expect of a race of cucks. If when the muslims invade hispania were still the romans it would have been very different.
>Needing a claim to conquer infidels' lands
What shitty mod are you using?
The hispano romans organized resistance with the aid of the Asturian,Cantabrian and Basque tribes.Arians just gave away their women to sandpeople and converted to islam
Visigoth were retarded people that thought because the sacked Rome they were the new romans.
>be Count Julian of Ceuta
>governor of the last Byzantine territory in Africa
>send daughter to court of king Rodrigo of the Visigoths for safety
>Rodrigo fucking rapes her
>make a deal with the Muslims to let them pass through your territory to conquer Spain because fuck Visigoths
Seriously, fuck Visigoths
>Muslims using the crescent in the 8th century
Are you retarded?
Might makes right, cuck
>pillage Rome
>get assraped and conquered by Muslims
Nothing wrong here
Seeing as Spain owes much of its good things in its culture from the Moors...I'd say no one was wrong. I still mourn the fall of the emirate of Granada. The last free kingdom.
The Visgothic Kingdom was really pathetic and needed to end. It was centuries of civil war and regicide. It did nothing good.
Did that really happen
>andalusian beacon of civilization maymay
How much of a faggot are you seriously git gud everyone knows that as a muslim you get the holy invasion casus belli which lets you conquer whole kingdoms with one war. You only need claims when conquering stuff from people of your own religion.
Spain owes a lot of its culture to the moors though you nigger.
But don't you need a ton of religion mana for that? Like 1000? I don't know if the Umayyads were that pious.
>literally a vassal of the king of Castile
>Spain owes a lot of its culture to the moors
Like? Literally the Jews and Gypsies have had more influence
>Spain owes it's culture to niggers
>Has nigger-tier culture
Checks out.
made me kek
Visigoths were truly scum even among the other g*rmanics
Please. You can just see the impact in the language. Spanish has over 4000 words imported from Arabic, among them:
Almohada (Pillow)
Aduana (Customs)
Guitarra (Guitar)
Noria (Water mill)
Algoritmo (Algorithm)
Azulejo (Ceramic Tile)
Gaban (Overcoat)
A lot of these concepts and words would also end up incorporated into English via Spanish.
Maybe Arabs today are backwards third world fanatics, but during the Islamic Golden Age they did help spread civilization into Europe.
>inb4 most if not all of Eurocentric Veeky Forums spergs at the term "islamic golden age" as they hide from the light emitted by the term, hiding behind the stakes where they burned their last "witch".
Face it, it's a well documented period where the middle-east was pioneering everything from astronomy to medicine, and there is nothing wrong with building on older civilizations work, or else the same "jus copyin gleekz" can be applied to the renaissance.
It only lasted for a couple hundred years, Ahmed. At least when we're talking about spain anyway. Later generations of muslims did everything they could to stamp all that tolerance, sophistication, and generally urbane, witty culture out of existence.
lol read the myth of the andalusian paradise, ya goatfucker
>recommending sci-fi books on a history board
>durr it go against me beliefs it sci-fi
>4000 words imported from Arabic,
Most are not in use. Celtic has a bigger impact in modern Spanish than Arab. And you said they had a big impact in Spanosh culture,and I am asking how. Spanish culture is the antithesis of goatfucker culture
No, it isn't. But it's a writer with a well known reputation as being biased.
>ad hominem
How about you read the book? Every quote and claim is cited.
I also love how everybody who shits on the book always attacks the author, not the content. Possibly because they haven't read it?
>Celtic language has a bigger impact in modern Spanish than Arab
Objectively wrong, you pulled this claim out of your ass.
>no longer used
Another claim pulled out of your ass. Most of the arabismos are still widely used, you don't even realize their origin because of how ingrained they are in the language.
>And you said they had a big impact in Spanosh culture,and I am asking how.
Cuisine: Arabs introduced saffron and rice to Spain (the basics of paella), spread the custom of eating olives, oranges, escabeche. They also introduced to Europe the idea of eating several dishes (appetizer, main dish and dessert) which was a concept brought by Ziryab into Andalucia.
The Arabs also introduced concepts of advanced mathematics (like algorithms), improved agriculture and fishing techniques, influenced architecture all across Southern Spain (azulejos, ornate window sills, cupulas, arabesque motifs, etc.)
It is believed that the zajal gave rise to the villancico, a type of Spanish Christmas carol and from the zajal and muwashshahat the Spanish cantigas developed. In the cantigas de Santa María compiled by Alfonso the Wise, the musical form of the zajal is clearly evident. It is said that the majority of Alfonso’s cantigas were direct translations of Arab zajal verses. In later centuries these cantigas were to have a great impact on all European music.
The romerias, celebrations held near Christian shrines and still seen in modern Spain, were originally visits to the shrines of Muslim holy men that were passed from the Moorish to the Christian communities.
The poetry and music of the zajal and muwashshahat also gave rise to the troubadours, from the Arabic tariba – to sing. From the very beginning, these entertainers, not only sung Arabic poetry in its authentic and sentimental state but also, in its method and construction. Later Arabic was abandoned for the languages of southern Europe, but the Arabic format remained.
moor rape babbies btfo
>/pol/ so hard in denial that they refuse to believe 700 years of occupation, close contact and trade had any kind of effect on Spanish culture
Most arabic words are not in used at all. They are anachronic for the most part. Celtic influence in Spanish is mostly phonetical which is a legacy that has not changed since it's inception
>Most of the arabismos are still widely used
Nope. See the list of words. Not even 1/20 of the words are comprehensible to a native speaker
>Arabs introduced saffron and rice to Spain (the basics of paella)
Most Spanish dishes don't use either rice or saphron. Literally jewish dishes are more widespread like fried fish,fish pies or meatballs
> spread the custom of eating olives, oranges, escabeche.
Yeah eating oranges doesn't constitute anything to a culture
> They also introduced to Europe the idea of eating several dishes (appetizer, main dish and dessert) which was a concept brought by Ziryab into Andalucia.
Romans literally did this
>The Arabs also introduced concepts of advanced mathematics (like algorithms), improved agriculture and fishing techniques, influenced architecture all across Southern Spain (azulejos, ornate window sills, cupulas, arabesque motifs, etc.)
Arabs introduced jackshit. They just controlled trade. Most of those things come from the Byzantines,Indians or Chinese and have nothing to do with Arabs. Controlling the silk road doesn't make you the creator of it.
>The Arabs also introduced concepts of advanced mathematics (like algorithms), improved agriculture and fishing techniques, influenced architecture all across Southern Spain (azulejos, ornate window sills, cupulas, arabesque motifs, etc.)
The first villancico comes from the VI century and the practice of singing it was spread by French monks.
>The romerias
Literally a hebrew tradition. Islam is an abrahamic religion afterall.
You literally don't have a clue. Gypsies and jews have had a deeper influence in Spanish culture by far and it is very easy to prove
Religion isn't race, the Muslims were natives snd the kingdoms of native people, Mooslims didnt fight the native Iberisn people only their feudal masters to become the nobility.
I am Iberian and Moors have 0% to do with me, and there is no culture in relation whatsoever not even food or otherwise, 0% genetics in common.
There was no Muslim golden age., 90% of population were feudal slaves to Jews the same elsewhere in christian kingdoms.
The muslims were notnin any way more technologically advanced.
For the last fucking time, they were NOT Arabs, only the royal family during the first 2 centuries was Arab, the rest of the peninsule was just Muslim, the word "moor" was just a a synonim of "muslim", they even called Moors to the Asian muslims in Philipines.
Pic related is how Moors looked like
What has that to do with what I wrote fucktard? I'm talking about language and culture not ethnicity.
The "Moors" were mostly berbers during the original invasion and later on, converted Spaniards as well. But they spoke Arabic.
All this butthurt. All those centuries and you deny any cultural influence. This is akin to Mexicans saying theres no Spanish in their culture. Actually worst since Spaniards were only there for 300 years vs 700 in Spain.
you said it was the Arab golden age, but it wasn't Arab, they didn't do shit for the Iberian Penisule but creating an 800 years war. And of course they didn't help spread civilization into Europe, the only good thing they did was finding the ancient Greek texts and not burning them.
>But they spoke Arabic.
True for the most part of them, but Berbers from rural mountainous areas may have kept their language for a long time.
Not him but seriously fuck off.
>But they spoke Arabic.
The only kingdom that ever spoke arabic fully was the emirate of Granada. The rest of Spain just spoke a plethora of weird romance language
Wasn't arabic the language of the elite regarding politic, science, etc ?
The only immigrants to Spain were 10,000 berber soldiers who due to civil war, treason (never trust a jew) and political disintegration and fragmantation into village nations, city nations none with connection to the other, the berbers were able to overwhelm non existent defenses in the civil war of goths, then came the reinforcements.
Spain only had Arab royal family fir a couple of generations supposedly never Arabic speaking, and 10,000 berber soldiers can not impact the genetics of 5 million or so people.
And no, I am not Muslim nor have any ancestors who were Arabs.
I meet Arabs and they are wholly foreign.
Sudan is Muslim, Malaysia is Muslim, Somalia is Muslim, Nigerians are Muslim, Bosnians are Muslims.
None are Arabs abd worshipping a Jew religion Christianitynis not any worse tgan worshipping an Arab religion all of them.are false barbarian religions, I worship Zeus.
>Arabs brought civilizeshun to Spen n they wuz tolerant
>Al-Andalus gastronomy is much reflected in the mediterranean diet, with some variations of course, such as the consumption of pork. This inheritance is specially marked in Andalusia, where gazpachos and other cold soups are originally from, but this influence is also reflected in other areas such as Alicante (Valencia) where a typical nougat is made, Murcia, Almeria and many more regions.
>Just like in any other gastronomy, different food was consumed according to social class, cities and rural areas. The preparation methods varied as well. The tradition of Al-Andalus gastromomy is very rich and varied. They had less prohibitions than Jews, in fact mainly pork and fermented drinks were forbidden, however this precept was not always respected or followed 100% in Muslim Spain.
>The Arab tradition in Spain also contributed to the Spanish vocabulary. If you study Spanish in Spain you will learn all about this. Many of the Moorish dishes and ingredients that made it into the Spanish language begin with the letter 'a' such as the culinary words like albóndiga (meatballs), aceite (oil), aceituna (olives), arroz (rice), etc.
>The higher classes consumed little or no fish and shellfish. There was no religious prohibition related to products from the sea, but rather it was the doctors that discouraged them from the kitchens, arguing that it's pestilent odour and strong taste was not healthy. Nowadays fried fish is very common in the gastronomy of the southern Spanish region of Andalusia.
>However the Al-andalus gastronomy of the more humble classes, specially those who lived near the coasts ate plenty of fish; raw, fried or salted, the most common were sardines and tuna. In fact, one of the main cookery techniques that the Arabs brought to Spain was pickling, especially fish in vinegar solutions. Today, you will find that pickled anchovies and sardines are commonly eaten as a tapa when served on a piece of bread.
>There are many products that the Arabs introduced in the Iberian peninsula: eggplant, spinach, sugar cane, rice, apricots and citrics among others. It's true that olives have been cultivated in Spain from pre historic times, but the olive culture increased considerably under the Al-Andalus empire. The introduction of irrigation ditches, cisterns and draining systems contributed largely to it. But it wasn't only the olive production that increased with these improvements, but all kinds of crops.
>The meats that the arabs prefered were lamb and poultry; basically with little grease. They would be marinated overnight in milk or vinegar, seasoned with vegetables such as onion, garlic, fennel and olives and spiced with cinnamon and coriander. Overall, the Al-Andalus diet was very healthy, especially compared to those typical from other regions of Spain with little or no Arab influence.
>The Moors brought heaps of technology to the Iberian peninsular, but not all of them were for food. It is thanks to the Moors that the Spanish learnt how to use stills for distilling alcohol. The Moors didn't drink alcohol for religious purposes so they have developed these stills to create alcohols for medicinal purposes instead, as well as to produce perfumes. However, the Spanish used them to make alcohols that were able to be drunk such as licor de orujo, which is made from grape must.
>Other areas of the Spanish gastronomy that were affected by the Moors include desserts. The Moors brought sugarcane to Spain and taught the Spanish how to refine it. This helped to revolutionise Spanish cakes and other sweets which has generally been made in a similar fashion to bread and then sweetened with honey. Other desserts influenced by the Moorish culture include arrope, a syrup which is used in a similar way to marmalade.
>Arab golden age
I literally wrote "Islamic Golden Age".
I won't even bother with the rest of your bullshit. The Muslim contact literally reintroduced modern mathematics back into Europe, including algebra, algorithms, the Arabic-Hindu numerals, their influence is undeniable.
Algebra has been found prior to Muslim colonialists and invaders, Europe had mathematics, cities, and no Muslim area was more advanced than any European one.
>The only immigrants to Spain were 10,000 berber soldiers
Not true, an important number of Berbers
(sometimes whole tribes) came to al-Andalus, especially in the 10th century, under the Umayyad caliphate and the Amirid military dictatorship.
Sooo byzantines were on the moor side while most visigoths fought them? Also that never happened
>and no Muslim area was more advanced than any European one.
This has to bait.