How serious were the Jewish Roman Wars?

How serious were the Jewish Roman Wars?

I've heard them described as very serious, but Judea was a tiny part of the Empire with a tiny population.

Are they really tying down 200,000 Romans with rocks, or is this the Jewish academy making up revisionist again. Judea was small as fuck and nowhere near the dentist populated.

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jews rose up, Romans crushed them and burned the temple, casualties on both sides. that's the most basic version told to jews

the Jewish rebels in Cyprus and Rhodes killed so many people that it took 200 years of recolonization efforts to restore the population to pre-war levels

A lot more Germans than Jews, and much closer to Italy.

Germans are also the more warlike race.

Titus wouldn't have a gaint victory arch for beating the Jews if it was totally irrelevant. Could have been built up for proaganda but the first and third Jewish wars seemed like major uprisings. I don't know of another revolt (not invasion or war) as serious as the Third Jewish War.

The number of legions and amount of coverage would suggest it's a major threat. The Jews were pretty insane in their determination, plus they could appeal to the East for support if they softened Rome enough.

Jews punched outside their weight class in the ancient era. They also won their independence before Rome by beating the Persians in a pretty destructive war.

Then they're weak as shit and get pogromed until Israel and then start being strong again. Maybe they were rope-a-doping for 2,000 years or maybe wars have a lot more to do with circumstance than national character.

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Very serious; the Jews were numerous and spread over a great area. They were violent zealots who genocided non-believers, some parts of the empire became depopulated and had to be resettled. So long as people are forced to hear about jewish history and the holocaust, they should learn this part of their heritage, too.


>be jews
>get made fun of because nobody likes your one god
>mass revolt
>literally genocide entire provinces of the empire
>get banned from homeland
The jews have a hustory of undeserved suffering, the but the romano-jewish war was literally their fault

Not at all, here's how it went.

>Jews chimp out
>Romans ignore
>Jews chimp out
>Romans ignore
>Jews chimp out
>Romans tell them to pipe down
>Romans offer concessions just because they really dont feel like fooling with them
>Jews still chimp out
>Romans crush

It's really pretty much the opposite of what jews and the bible tell. I think the Romans only put down like 4 rebellions in the whole time they were there. And they basically let the jews do whatever they want.

Serious for the jews? I guess
Serious for the romans? not really

why were jews so uppity? usually all the other conquered subjects stayed in line.

I can't remember why honestly, other than being conquered. But they were not treated bad. And only had to pay a tax like the other conquered peoples.

I just read about this awhile back and the part that stuck out to me was the Romans only putting down 4 rebellions.

It's in their nature, that wouldn't be the last time they stabbed in the back their benevolent hosts.

The Jewish Wars aren't in the Bible. The all take place after the birth of the Savior.

The major wars of the Bible are the Jewish conquest of the Levant, the, war against the Assyrians, the war against the Babylonians, the war against the Persians.

The Jewish Roman Wars are after the Bible so of course don't appear.

Wtf l love hitler now

>The jews have a hustory of undeserved suffering,
Good goyim

Read the Bible. It's pretty clear on their duty to resist foreigners. Leads to fanatacism.

Also, the Jews miraculously btfoing the Persians was still in the cultural memory and not that far removed when they first rebelled.

The Jews weren't conqured by the Romans, they became vassals to guard against the Parthians. They fought mostly to retain religious rights and Jewish supremecy in their titular lands (hence a statue of the Emperor anywhere in the temple of Yahweh causing a massive revolt).

The Romans won, easily, although outside of how hard it should have been maybe. Irony is they convert to a Jewish offshoot a few centuries later and are now being slowly turned to another Jewish offshoot. kek, the world is a strange place.

Man for man the Jews may actually have the best long term K/D ratio against the Romans, but Picts seen worse.

You fuckers aren't even funny anymore. Seriously, stay at your containment board.

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I mean, I think you underestimate how important revolts actually are.

But to put it into a modern perspective. Imagine if the entire American state of Montana rose up in armed revolt, every citizen.
That would be 1.05 million people.

It'd be a curb-stomp for USA to put down the revolt, but it'd still be very very important in history. Probably the most important historical event in North American history, on NA soil, since the ACW


Don't you mean the Greeks, in Maccabees

Is this the alt-history thread?

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They had to pay taxes

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The Selucids.

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>why were jews so uppity? usually all the other conquered subjects stayed in line.
Strategic border location meant that all the prospective rebels, pretenders, usurpers, warlords were amply financed by this and that eastern kingling or the persians.
Same reason why Armenia flip flopped every third year or so too.

How did the Nazis view the Roman-Jewish wars, considering that these were the biggest blows dealt to the Jews before them?

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