What do you think of them? Are you one? Why?
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I am an early 20th century (1914-1945) reenactor.
AMA, I guess.
Range from insufferable know it all loser faggots to really cool and helpful. It's really polarized, especially given the type of reenactments you see.
From my experience, the ones doing Medieval, Roman and US Civil War reenactments are generally really cool people, and often old men looking to spend their free time doing things they love. When you get to WWII, shit gets ridiculous since you get commie and nazi larping faggots who weigh 250 pounds complaining that you have an incorrect button.
I'm looking to get into Roman reenactment, either a Roman Triariius around the Punic Wars or a Legionarie around the time of the Dacian Wars (with full arm guard)
I got roped into it as a way to expand my interest in military history and specialized units of the nations I portray. However as said, WW2 is filled with fatasses who will go apeshit over the type of button you use and how the litzen are sewn on.
once I get enough money and friends, I'm thinking about doing late 19th century re-enacting (1860s-1900s)
How does one start a reenacting group?
How do you find one not full of button bros?
I was into civil war reenacting when I was younger, and I learned a lot, now I'd like to do early midieval/dark ages living history like pic related once I have the money saved up.
Revolutionary War/Napoleonic reenactors are top tier. Really cool guys who show care and detail for what they do without the autism
For me, I was lumped with some former guys who came from a museum who we were attached, once they kicked us out (long story, but TLDR: politics) we offically started our group.
but basically you get a bunch of guys together, pick what nation you want to do, research the crap out of the uniforms, and when you think you're done, research some more and get more people who are genuinely interested in learning about history and the nitty gritty as opposed to the broad generalizations. It takes a while. I've been re-enacting for about 5 years now.
>tfw black and cant justify particiapting in reenactments simply because
Image didnt work for some reason
Honestly, no one really gives a shit about skin color in those groups. I've seen Werhmacht contingents made of poo-in-loos and koreans. The US
Civil War is an easy option if you want to go full Glory mode.
Politics/drama is one thing I worry about when considering joining a group.
I think its a bit autistic but its not hurting anyone, to each their own I guess
I'd love to reenact as a French knight.
Buffalo soldier
This. At least they're channelling their autism into something creative they're having fun with.
>( feel for you
A lot of reenacting groups don't care what race you are. Even the SCV around here has black reenactors depicting black Union and Confederate figures of the war.
Night events with alcohol are the best.
Why are all American reenactors fat and attempting to portray military personnel? It's embarrassing to see. I highly doubt whilst living history you should be 40 stone and on a steady diet of McDonald's.
Where do you find these groups? I'd love Punic War reenactment.
tfw posting in this thread from a Confederate encampment
Tell us some funny "That guy" stories.
How careful are you stepping when depicting history?
What army or nations uniform/equipment do you enjoy useing the most and what sort of refrence do you use for your gear and or character if neccesary?
>be me taekwondo instructor
>my teacher, former champion of korean army, teaches a class at a private boys high school
>these kids have all the gear for all these activities
>open day at a sports field to let primary school kids see all the activities for 40m each
>basically running 5hrs of fundamentals for 5th graders in the sun on grass
>actually pretty cool
>kids always try to punch you in the ass
>break time
>mediaeval re-enactor group, four guys in Ye Olde Mediaevalle Gette-Uppe
>leader of the group is a booming voiced autist who knows everything there is to know about everything in the universe
>instantly regret showing any interest or starting conversation
>my teacher is a quietly spoken guy who lost two brothers in the snow when he was a kid on the run from his ruined village
>this fat vagina talks over him
>the perils of life in civilization i guess
Guess it's like said, it's true of anything, when you do a niche activity you might be someone's only ever view of it.
Autist slobs and failures skewed my opinion, i've since seen cool guys n gals in their 20s getting into this stuff at their universities.
Being a fatty shouldn't rule you out of stuff if you have the love for it tho
It should. If you're attempting to portray a soldier from [insert year] then you should actually portray that soldier not him and his five mates.
A few civil war guys go hard-core and starve themselves to look authentic.
oh deal with it you bleeding vagina.
the best re-enactors are ones that are specific people. i met a guy who was thoreau at walden pond, and he was extremely knowledgeable. he said that he, a guy who does emerson, and a lady who does emily dickinson all meet up for a beer each week to talk history/literature—think they're probably all phds or at least take it as a very serious hobby
There's a guy from Ohio who does events for our local battlefield a lot who depicts General Grant. He looks almost exactly like Grant and does a really good job depicting Grant's views throughout his life.
yeah, with some re-enactors of particular people, like the grant guy, i wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the knowledgeable people on grant in the world
Tell me more
Why aren't you slaying Yankees, user?
How do you do, fellow user. My name is Bill Shoreman and I am interested in joining your re-enactment. All I need is the location of your confederate camp, as precisely as possible, please.
It was this autumn in Milovice (old military area) are in Czechia, outcome of Warsaw uprising when some Ak units retreated into the forests.
Well, we were AK and a few "event commanders" in Soviet uniforms in our camps, we got drunk, then we went on patrol, we have lost 2 guys out of the 6, then we almost attacked herd of sheep because we thought its German camp, shortly after our squad commander got captured by Germans when we met their patrol, afterwards we accidentaly ambushed Russian camp, then our friend that stayed behind started shooting at us with DP-28 because he thought that we are Germans. Last thing was that we told German commander where the Russian camp is to let us go and guide us to our own camp.
One of the Poles got alcohol poisoned.
Battles for the day are already over
612 Wharf Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey
>watch youtube
>documentary about reeanactors
>host asks why they play dress up
>50 year old oaf talks about how valiant and good soldiers the Das Reich was with a wide fart grin
>comments bitch about the host representing their hobby poorly
Speaking as an occasional reenactor
Black powder guns are cool as all hell
And they don’t take long to reload like everyone memes about, you can typically get off 4-5 shots a minute with practice
Half the fun is that for a weekend you're greasy, smelly and half fed but no one else that weekend is warmer/happier/better fed than you.
T.60th Rifles Shitposter
...Do it again Uncle Billy?
One of the funniest and most underrated posts in the history of Veeky Forums.
How much money do you suggest someone save up before joining an already existing group?
That says more about the quality of Veeky Forums than the quality of his post
Depends if the unit you're joining has loaner stuff, what impression you're doing, etc. It can get expensive quick just for the decent basics, so I'd say somewhere around 1K or more for WW1/WW2/etc. Outside of that, expect similar or higher numbers.
Aside from playing dress up, which actually sounds fun, what do you do?
Reenact battles? Is it decided one side is going to lose?
If you join how is your rank decided? Like if I show up with a general's uniform am I the general now? Or do you need to ask the group what roles are open?
Blacks have been in basically every war fought by the US, maybe not majorly.
Also if I was a nig and I was super into Rome, I'd just rationalize it as some Kushite auxiliary who was granted citizenship.
Reenacting battles and the daily life of whatever you're portraying as best as possible.
If it's a public event, it's usually decided who is going to win or lose, especially if it's reenacted on the original site. Private events can go either way.
You have some leeway in rank, but you're generally not gonna just join as an officer if you're new. You would be best off asking the unit you're joining.
now watch this
>full Glory mode
I laughed so fucking hard at the end of that movie when it was revealed that the fort was never taken
How do you decide who dies in a battle?
>irregular revolutionary units
>Union's Coloured infantry in ACW
>Buffallo soldiers
>Harlem Hellfighters
>Tuskegee airmen
>92nd and 93rd infantry division in ww2
Since then you're pretty normal in standard units, and that's only US forces
They either tell you like when you portray a unit that is going to be massacred or you use common sense and die when they shoot at you and you ran out of ammo
One problem with those is they are all black regiments, whereas he is probably going to be with mostly middle-aged white men.
Aniki is sleeping.
Viking reenactor here, with live steel combat (blunted of course). Fun as fuck, drink mead in the moonlight and sing songs when the village is closed
Just go to a Vietnam war re-enactment
Are you in Europe or America?
Depends on what impression, how much gear he wants /needs and event expenses (blanks, rifle, event and unit dues, etc)
I'd say start with $2500 just to have some breathing room. Most units allow newcomers to get their basics which is just under $1000.
For instance, I have 4 impressions, 2 are complete, 1 is still a work in progress (need more gear) 1 is in need of updating.
I told my my class "At least they got the flag right" and the one redhead in my class looked in dismay
The reason I say this is that America has segregated the military until iirc the Vietnam war, plus these reenactments depict very specific battles where as Black combat units would probably not participate. I might be speaking out of my ass though
Actually the first war without segregated units was the Korean war. Segregation within the military ended in 1948.
>how careful are you stepping when depicting history
I tell from the military perspective, and try to avoid politics when doing public displays.
>what nation's uniform do I enjoy using the most
I love my Red Fleet (RKKF) impression, I went all out getting myself a trade badge, obscure tally (submarine fleet-- we're going into some autism)
>what sort of reference do I use for gear and character
I use pictures, go onto forums where we discuss uniform usage throughout the early days, wartime and postwar days. I also use memoirs for a frame of mind and operations books for a general feeling how a unit served. I have a book written by Baltic submariner and one on Soviet Naval Operations and another on combat divers, all 3 books are in depth into the subject matter
>tell us some funny 'that guy' stories
I have a few, most involve my dumbass
>at a display
>get voluntold to do German for a public battle
>get loaner gear and rifle + blanks
>old guy says to me "user would you like to shoot my MG42? it's full auto."
>Eyes open up wide and say yes
>get to machine-gun
>both sides are waiting
>guy portraying Gen Pershing is giving a speech that would make Hitler blush
>it's long winded
>get twitchy and bored, this isn't death by powerpoint, it's death by monotone speech
>mutter loudly "Fucking Hitler, shut up and let us fight the Americans!" loudly enough that the crowd, some 50 yards away hear me
back story: I used to take anti-anxiety meds, and not taking them would screw with my perception and vision, causing me to 'see' into the future but forget things in the process with that said
>packing for large tactical
>it's on a national guard camp
>pack everything I can
>have everything lined up and packed up
>go to national guard barracks and open up my kit bag only to discover I brought no pants
If anyone whinges about it to you there complete faggots
>at some museum in MO
>friend slips while coming to the museum to call it quits, and slips on the only patch of cactus in the whole of Missouri
that's all I can think of. I did hear reports of one dumbass bringing in a live cartridge into a tactical and was reprimanded for it.
Friend, if this is something you are interested in I think you should do it. If there isn't a black regiment for you to join I'm sure you could come up with some reason to be in a white one ex: you got separated from your own or they all died... in a marching accident.
At private events it shouldn't matter, le At public events you would want to explain that it isn't 100% accurate, but even then you would still be providing a very valuable educational experience for people. History isn't just about white straight dudes. People of color have helped to shape it too and have stories that deserve to be told. If anything, I'm sure it would make at least one little kid's day to see a living historian with the same skin color as him/her.
but what do I know, desu.
Live in the PNW so no civil war or revolutionary re-enactment. I’d do zoave or revolutionary/1812 line
the pants one made me lul
Yeah oath. One dude with a different skin colour in one historical reenactment wont ruin someones perception of historty.
You anons are good people
Hey now, this is Veeky Forums, miss me with that gay shit
no u
How bout Revolutionary War?
How common are civilian impressions/would that be part of a different group?
only civilian impressions i've seen are where some older guys take their wives and get them dressed in period clothing. Otherwise, it's mostly military and rear-line.
>tfw dark skinned Mexican and cant justify participating in reenactments other than Mex-Ameri war or Tex rev. but dont even live in southwest
feel the same due to gender
boom, you now belong in every battle reenactment
camp follower.
This was my round about way of asking about impressions people with two X chromosomes could do.
I unfortunately (...or fortunately?) don't think I could pass as a man to be a soldier, so I have considered nurse as suggested but am looking into other options.
Sometimes same.
Still lore friendly
Wear a fake beard. No, seriously. If a black guy can RP as an SS kommando then you can RP As a dude.
He's indian
This is true.
You could always do Soviet, some units will allow female soldiers.
The Confederates had some Mexican volunteers.
they also had native americans
>People of color
I agree, but commit sudoku
more stories like these please
Way ahead of you friendo :,^)
Bretty comfy thread desu
here's another one
>be ordering German gear
>check waist size and go from there
>order from this chinese place
>get the pants
>they are way to small for me and I ended up wasting money on a thing I have to get rid of.
other than that, I really don't have an event story, except the one time we overloaded a Dodge Weapons Carrier.
Couldnt you just resell them?
that what I was going for. Just no events has come up to sell locally.
>tfw there will never be a reenactment as big as the 135th Gettysburg anniversary.
Sure you can buddy