...As a matter of fact...

>...As a matter of fact, most of the psychological race-differences which strike us so prominently are cultural rather than biological. If one could take a Japanese infant, alter his features to the Anglo-Saxon type through plastic surgery, & place him with an American family in Boston for rearing—without telling him that he is not an American—the chances are that in 20 years the result would be a typical American youth with very few instincts to distinguish him from his pure Nordic college-mates.

Was Lovecraft /ourguy/?

Attached: LovecraftHD.jpg (1400x1400, 176K)

Nah, he was still hyper racist and retarded, just a bit more logical than most racists

I wouldn't call him retarded, but much like Evola, he was into pseudo-science.

He just lived before the time of twin and adoption studies. Not his fault.

he's wrong desu, the Jap would still be a Jap, they have different brains and hormone profiles. people aren't blank slates.

Did he actually say that?
I love his writings, the concept of cosmic horror is brilliant and i also like his anglophilic views

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>They have different brains and hormone profiles
Every individual have different brain and hormone profiles, what Lovecraft is referring to is people being absorbed into a certain culture albeit being racially/ethnically alien to them.

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>As a matter of fact
Where do people get off talking such trash and acting like it ought to be dogma? Was Lovecraft a SJW?

He looked weird and inbred.

He had dental problems; his case is a bit advanced but his face is still somewhat common among some people of Anglo-saxon descent.

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On the Creation of Niggers (1912)
by H. P. Lovecraft

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

The man was a genius far ahead of his time. Jorge Luis Borges was a fan of his works.

Evola wasn't into pseudoscience or any kind of science, he rejected materialism.

Well you could do that with a Jap, but never with a nigger.

The Einsatzgruppen was an anti terrorist organization.

Okay and?


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Pro-tip: Veeky Forums is race-realist.

That's what they were.

Whether the means of fighting were perhaps a tiny bit extreme could be debated but that doesn't change their purpose.

Topics like this belong on pol or sci. Anyways the impact of genes depends on which trait we are talking about, but for example in regards to alcohol or aggression genes are far more important than environment.

this tbqh

Only SJW lunatics unironically think race is not real.