How do you go from this?

How do you go from this?

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-2006-0315-500,_Berlin,_Reichstagssitzung.jpg (798x576, 300K)

Other urls found in this thread:


To this?

Attached: Bundestag.jpg (1280x720, 199K)

postmodernism, globalisation

Look at how non-threatening, inoffensive, and devoid of all character it is.

Jews (pic sorta related)

Attached: jewish bolshevism.jpg (2236x2372, 2.01M)

Fuck i suck at editiing

This. But globalism, not just globalisation.

Fuck you, this is now a Parlaments thread

Attached: sin-transparencia-ni-control-externo-asi-gastan-los-diputados-3-m-al-ano-en-viajes.jpg (996x560, 155K)

>Implying the Nazi Reichstag isnt tacky as fucking fuck.

Pic related, the German Empire's reichstag.

Attached: Reichstag_int_1906.jpg (1600x1145, 743K)

They actually went from that, to this.

Attached: Fotothek_df_ps_0000010_Blick_vom_Rathausturm.jpg (220x220, 17K)

Hitler and Nazism

You suck at History more though.

How long has the congress had the the fascist littorios in pic related btw?

Attached: SotU2018(4).png (1366x768, 1.01M)

The Reichstag wasn't in Dresden (which never happened anyway) you silly goose.

>the joooos are not only able to infiltrate the german society and take them over to opress the poor german worker
>but they also manage to trigger a wordwide revolution (which they mostly lead)

Even according to your own propaganda the jews are the master race.

Attached: 1500847084471.jpg (716x644, 130K)

Only the untermench believed they were untermensch

Do you think modern Germans are annoyed about how pussified their government has become since the war? Like I'm sorry about the holocaust or whatever, but we still have a country to run here

That bird is THICC

Why did they replace the eagle with a hen?

Easy to do when the old interior of the building is gutted in battle.

T. Superficial retard

Because the nazi party was dissolved and it’s 73 years later? That would look absolutely ridiculous nowadays and no one would take it seriously. It’s actually amazing that they did less than 100 years ago.

both are meh

> not black and white
> eagle is different
> people are allowed to wear the clothes they want because it isnt a dictatorship anymore
> seats are not as narrow

Muh postmodernism, muh decline off the west, muh islamisation

/pol/ should just fuck off

This looks like ass. It almost looks like an unfinished construction or something.

Displays of the Fasces has been around in the US since the beginning, really, though those particular ones in the chambers came around 1950.

The symbolism of the Fasces before it's association with Italian Fascism is a pretty parallel representative of the initial experiment of the US, as a collection of small states united in a bundle to be unbreakable, so displays of the Fasces was adopted pretty early and are still around.


It's exactly the same, just more subtle. Germany is still Nazi. Especially the BND.

>read this book
>literal nazi propaganda
yeah i bet göbbels employees have some enlightening things to say about the jews lol

Seriously though the EU is a shit institution, it should be divided into smaller blocs.


Colorized photo of when Hitler declared war on America, pretty cool photo in my opinion desu

Attached: The speech where Adolf Hitler declared war on the USA, 1941.jpg (1500x1088, 293K)

Daily reminder that neo-liberal capitalism is just multicultural fascism

>Everyone in the room looks uncomfortable

It's like Hitler was the only one in the room who wasn't aware of how fucked they all were.

Dude that bird looks like foghorn leghorn

>an internationalist ideology promoting no borders, no patriotism, free movement of workforce and goods and state being just a figurehead for big business
>it's the same thing as an ideology promoting autarky, protectionism and national sovereignty
Holy fucking brainlet

Very modernist design, but it's a modernism done well. Nazi architecture however is not that good.

You're the fuckin' retard here bud. Same tactics by the status quo are used to keep power. It's just racially all inclusive as long as you support global capitalism. It's probably more accurate to say that it's fascistic rather than purely fascist. Just a different flavor of the same bullshit. What we are seeing now is lite neo-liberalism. As the end of history continues the leaders will have to become more totalitarian to keep power. Dissenters will be violently pacified, business will march on so long as we let it.

Fascism is about destroying the status quo, not about preserving it. You're probably a Marxist retard who thinks every movement that isn't communist is just a stooge for capitalists.

Every time fascism has rose to power it's been supported by capitalists in reaction to communists. The Nazis purged their socialists in favor of rich industrialists. Mussolini just told people what they wanted to hear no matter their class.

>You're probably a Marxist retard who thinks every movement that isn't communist is just a stooge for capitalists

I'm not even a fan of most communist movements. Capitalism and fascism in my opinion are just shittier.

>Every time fascism has rose to power it's been supported by capitalists in reaction to communists.
... Um... No?
>Nazis purged the socialists and not the industrialists
Fascist economics is not socialistic or capitalistic inherently , its meant to be a combination of the two. You are still allowed to have private property, and yes ultra liberal capitalists were purged as well. Anyone who opposed the needs of the state was discarded.

>if you're not a socialist you're a capitalist!
>The Nazis purged their socialists
That's not the only people they purged. I'll give you a task for homework, educate yourself about who Kurt von Schleicher, Erich Klausener, Gustav von Karr and Herbert von Bose were. Until then fuck off.

It went from Nazi Art Deco Hilton Banquet hall to 90's Ergonomic Airport Terminal. Pretty much a lateral move. The new eagle IS shit though.

that guy on the third row down on the left side is even trying to hide his face!

>It's like Hitler was the only one in the room who wasn't aware of how fucked they all were
>A rare look into the mind of an Amerimutt

Did anywhere I claim that they purged only socialists? The Night of The Long Knives and other killings were just removals of people unreliable to the Nazis.

What retards designed and aproved that fat chicken excuse for an eagle?

Actual best german parliament aesthetics coming thru

Attached: volkskammer-pa-9872540.jpg (500x452, 264K)

Just as shit as the current version.

Einmal affenhaus, immer affenhaus

The modern political elite in Germany uses spreading its ass as currency. They know their careers will be seriously crippled if some jewish lobby group calls them antisemites. So they appologize all the time and tend to think that being a pussy means running the country.

>The Nazis purged their socialists in favor of rich industrialists.
No Röhm-Putsch happened in order to appease the Wehrmacht in the first place.

>a parliament should be threatening

Lmao, it's not even a chicken. It's some gayass parrot or shit.
Modern g*rmans are fucking joke.

Attached: topkek.png (1737x645, 323K)

italy parliament looks nice

Attached: italy_cn_june_2016.jpg (1218x685, 202K)

Yeah, nah, that coin is fucking boss.

god that eagle must of been a massive eye sore